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Abel's Occupation, Agriculture
Since Cain killed his brother and left the farm, he has come up with many schemes to sabotage farmers while enriching himself. Just as it seems he has finally prevailed once and for all, a reversal unlike anything you have ever seen is barreling down the pike to restore the original order. Will you be steamrolled or leading the parade?

Read Agriculture – Abel’s Occupation
We recently passed along a notice from one of our customers, giving people the opportunity to register their disapproval of the Canadian government’s award of the Order of Canada to a doctor for his work as an abortionist. This time, several complained. Once again, the complaints have served as a backdrop for the wisdom and counsel of God to be heard by many, for which all saints are extremely grateful.

Read Abortion
Abuse, The Answer to All
“If you see the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, do not marvel at the matter. For He who is higher than the highest watches; and there are some higher than they” (Ecclesiastes 5:8 MKJV).

Read The Answer to All Abuse
If there ever was an emancipating truth, it is that when we accept our circumstances involving all things and people, both evil and good, as designed by an all-wise and powerful Creator, we taste victory to the degree that we believe. Acceptance of our lot, no matter what it is, is a life confession and acknowledgment that Jesus Christ is LORD.

Read Acceptance
Accepting Jesus Christ as Personal Savior, Diabolical Doctrine
This is one of the most harmful doctrines preached in evangelical Christendom. It’s a reflection of our impatient, intolerant, self-willed “instant society,” another expression of sinful flesh preserving itself, finding a face-saving way to placate God, survive, and appear righteous before men. It is grossly harmful because it gives a false sense of security. It is a doctrine of devils.

Read Diabolical Doctrine: “Accepting” Jesus Christ as Your Personal Savior
Accepting Jesus Christ, The False and Misleading Gospel of
“Accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior” is unscriptural, and doesn’t require or produce the true works of faith by those who profess to accept Him, without which, there is no salvation. It proclaims man to be in the driver’s seat and puts the onus on him to make the move towards God, which is self-righteousness.

Read The False and Misleading Gospel of “Accepting” Jesus Christ
Accountability, Your Day of
Readers response: Paul, Thank you for your article. How are you feeling? Take care of yourself.

Read Your Day of Accountability
Accuser, The Ways of
We received an anonymous note: I pray the Lord Jesus will forgive your blasphemy, twisting the word of God-Bible and propagation of demonic messages. Amen.

Read The Ways of the Accuser
Adultery, Woman Caught in
Did it really happen? This story is reported to be not included in the “earliest and most reliable ancient manuscripts” and that “other ancient witnesses do not have John 7:53-8:11.” There has been great debate over the centuries as to whether or not the story of the woman caught in adultery and brought before the Lord really happened, and if so, whether or not it should be included in the original gospel of John (or in any other).

Read The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11)
Adversity, Enjoy
Enjoy adversity? Whoever heard of such a thing? What am I, a masochist? While being troubled about some matters that were not going as I would like them to go, I mentioned it to Lois. As always, the answer was, “Give thanks.” I said, “Yes.” I headed to the lawn to do some work and gave thanks, but then I received something more. Not only was it needful and fitting that I should give thanks for this, as with everything, I should enjoy what is happening.

Read Enjoy the Adversity
Aivanhov, Mikhael
One in a long line of teachers of the “god within.” Paul responds to a woman promoting the practice of realizing the inner “Christ” without submission to the One without, the Real One from Whom man is separated by his sins.

Read False Teacher – Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Allah, Ultimate Debate, Who Is God, Jesus Christ or
Hassan challenges us to the “ultimate debate,” and we take him, his various Islamic materials, and the Muslim he proclaims is the world’s “#1 comparative religion scholar,” on, with exciting results.

Read The “Ultimate Debate”: Who Is God – Jesus Christ or Allah?
Amirault, Gary
Gary dismisses out of hand any straightforward declaration in the Name of the Lord, calling such “arrogant.” How can this be? How can one who relies on the Scriptures for truth, which came through men declaring, “Thus says the Lord,” deny that God speaks to humanity through men? Yet multitudes of religious are snared in this trap.

Read False Teacher – Gary Amirault
Amway, Whence Cometh It
An expose of the company and its philosophies and yes, religion expressed in its dealings with all the world. This paper not only exposes the substance of this company and affiliates in social, financial, psychological, spiritual and other terms but offers the victims (failed distributors) of its enterprises explanation and consolation.

Read Amway – Whence Cometh It?
Annihilated, The Wicked are, Diabolical Doctrine
Another theory we now debunk is one that mercifully puts the wicked out of their misery, asserting it’s highly unreasonable to subject any living creature to endless torment. This is a more appealing alternative and reflects more favorably on God, Who is Love by Nature, but it’s still a lie and falls far short of His glory.

Read Diabolical Doctrine: The Wicked Are Annihilated
Answer, What Is it?
“Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me” (John 14:6 MKJV).

Read Yes, Things Are Bad, But What Is the Answer?
Anti-Christ, Birthday Celebration of
Yes, it is perfectly true, and I submit to you the historical facts, as a matter of record, gathered by responsible, educated, and godly men, to prove it. Many men have paid the price to bring forth this knowledge, so that we might be spared His wrath.

Read The Birthday Celebration of the Anti-Christ
Anti-Semitism, Origins of Christian
Jews write a document recording Jews persecuting Jews, and now Jews call this document the origin of anti-Semitism and blame it on the Gentiles. It is called the New Testament. Pieter van der Horst, though not a Jew that we know, only serves to support this irony.

Read Refuting Pieter van der Horst’s Error in “The Origins of Christian Anti-Semitism”
Apostle Test, Condems Christ
We received a letter from Scott Haas in response to our paper exposing Jim Watt. In Scott’s attempt to expose the false, he unkowingly condemns the True.

Read The “Super Apostle” Test Condemns Christ
Argue, I Don't Want to
When someone says, “I don’t want to argue,” they are saying, “I have my beliefs, doctrines, and religion, and I am not interested in having anyone differ with me. Neither am I interested in sharing my beliefs when they are called into question.” Should it not be a characteristic of one in Christ to be open to discussion, and to learning more?

Read “I Don’t Want to Argue”
Arrogance and Cynicism, Deadly Duo
A reader’s response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader’s reponse: Where did you get my address? I don’t know any insane christians. I gather this drivel…

Read Deadly Duo of Arrogance and Cynicism
Assembly, Unity Here and Now in the of the Firstborn
The following letter was sent to Victor, in response to Part 1 of The Arrogance of Darkness,: “it strikes me as interesting that you say unity is not our end goal. Note, I’m not disagreeing or agreeing with you, I’m asking for some clarification.”

Read Unity: Here and Now in the Assembly of the Firstborn
Assumptions, Correcting Wrong
A reader’s response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader’s response: Come on, Victor, Harper decided to become dictatorial by eliminating the financing of.

Read Correcting Wrong Assumptions
Atheism, Revelation of Jesus Christ Ends
While denying Jesus Christ and the God of the Bible, some atheists admit there may be an unknown God. Meet Bruce, who rejects his religious past and its man-made version of God as though it is the Real One. He argues against this false version while we answer by our revelation of the True One through Jesus Christ, showing Bruce the God he has not known.

Read The Revelation of Jesus Christ Ends Atheism
Atheist, Answer from A to Z
Mr. Magee has a problem. He says that God, the Lord Jesus Christ, does not exist, yet insists that he knows Christ’s mind and can explain God’s words. This approach sabotages his credibility from the get-go, but we answer many of his reasonings and objections that are common to atheists. The evidence for God and His goodness to mankind cannot be denied.

Read Answering the Atheist from A to Z
Atheist, Answering the
An atheist is one who says in his heart there is no God. In this section we answer the arguments of atheists who also say with their mouths there is no God. Those who struggle with their unbelief, we encourage to go on to the better things that lie ahead for those who believe.

Read Answering the Atheists
Atheist, Tempts God
The most vocal and rabid God-deniers are often, if not always, victims of men’s religions. But rather than recognizing their own weakness and corruption, they hold others in contempt. With no love of God, there is no love of man. Men have let them down; therefore they say God does not exist. We see how this drives one man to call on God to curse him just to prove that He exists, the spiritual equivalent of self-mutilation.

Read An Atheist Tempts God
Authority and Status, All Believers Have Equal, Diabolical Doctrine
The mindset that all believers have equal authority and status with God is another doctrine of devils. It breeds independence and disrespect for those God has set in His Body as leaders, making their responsibility so much more difficult and robbing those who believe this lie of the things they could have of God. They are damned by their thinking, which is prideful and rebellious.

Read Diabolical Doctrine: All Believers Have Equal Authority and Status
Auto, Introduction


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