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Gathering, The
This is the Day of the Lord, the day of the vengeance of God, the day in which He gathers His elect from the four winds. Now is the fulfillment of the last great solemn Feast, the Feast of Tabernacles, which completes God’s work. It is entering the rest and taking up the cross the final time, to the death. The Lord now comes to establish proper order between spirit and soul, husband and wife, and every believer, bringing His Body into perfect unity. This is the gathering.

Read The Gathering
Gay Sex, Our Correspondence with Felice Picano
The Path of Truth Notice Board – The Joy of Gay Sex?: Our Correspondence with Felice Picano

Read Our Correspondence with Felice Picano
Gay Sex, The Joy of - Index
One day this past February, Paul perused the “New” bookshelf at the Lewis & Clark Public Library in Helena, Montana, and he saw The Joy of Gay Sex. Taking a glance at its contents led to a formal request to remove the book from the library and public hearings over, “Does such a book belong in the public library?”

Read The Joy of Gay Sex?
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Correspondence with Robert Bayuk
The Joy of Gay Sex?: Our Correspondence with Robert Bayuk

Read Our Correspondence with Robert Bayuk
Gay Sex, the Joy of, Handout Points
The Joy of Gay Sex: Handout of Points

Read Handout of Points
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Helena Library Conclusion
On October 21 we attended the Lewis and Clark Library board meeting to witness the decision of the board on The Joy of Gay Sex. To no one’s surprise, the board unanimously approved the review committee’s and director’s decision to retain this vile book in the library’s active collection.

Read Helena Library Conclusion
Gay Sex, The Joy of, IR Staff Opinion Page
IR Staff Opinion Page

Read IR Staff Opinion Page
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Letter from Lisa Marshall to the Editor
Lisa Marshall’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Read Lisa Marshall’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Letter from Mark Colton to the Editor
Mark Colton’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Read Mark Colton’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Letter from Robert Bayuk to the Editor
Robert Bayuk’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Read Robert Bayuk’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Letter from Sierra Chambers to the Editor
Sierra Chambers’ Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Read Sierra Chambers’ Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Letter from Will Macbride to the Editor
The Joy of Gay Sex?: Will MacBride’s Letter to the Editor

Read Will MacBride’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Paul Cohen's Letter to the Editor
The Joy of Gay Sex: Paul Cohen’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Read Paul Cohen’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Summary of 8/25/08 Meeting with Commentary
The Joy of Gay Sex: Summary of 8/25/08 Meeting with Commentary

Read Summary of 8/25/08 Meeting with Commentary
Gay Sex, The Joy of, Summary of 9/16/08 Meeting with Commentary
The Path of Truth Notice Board – The Joy of Gay Sex?: Summary of 9/16/08 Public Hearing with Commentary

Read Summary of 9/16/08 Public Hearing with Commentary
Gender Issues, Is War?
The author of the letter responded to in Are We Suggesting You Should Put Your Head in the Sand? (by voting for Jesus Christ) responds, saying that if there were a balance of women and men making decisions we wouldn’t have war.

Read Is War a Gender Issue?
Gershon, Otto
More important than what you do is why you do it. Motive determines the ultimate outcome of all things. That is how we know that good is determined from above, because God, Who alone is good, is in full control of everything that happens. For this He is considered the devil by some, especially when He sends His servants, uninvited by sinners, to call.

Read False Teacher – Otto Gershon
Gifts of Holy Spirit, Are not for Today, Diabolical Doctrine
This is denial by non-experience. Those who never received the Spirit of God, and don’t believe, deny God (the Holy Spirit) and His spiritual gifts.

Read Diabolical Doctrine: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Are Not for Today
Gifts, Tithes, and Offerings to
The subject of offerings often brings immediate conflict with many people we've been in contact with. Touchy subject or not, I, Martin Vanpopta, am wanting to address it for Victor's sake, speaking as someone who has experienced these matters firsthand and as a friend and brother of his.

Read On Gifts, Tithes, and Offerings to
Gifts, Tithes, and Offerings to
The subject of offerings often brings immediate conflict with many people we've been in contact with. Touchy subject or not, I, Martin Vanpopta, am wanting to address it for Victor's sake, speaking as someone who has experienced these matters firsthand and as a friend and brother of his.

Read Instructions for Offerings to
Glory, Giving God the
Kate takes issue with God saying He will save all, in His time. She says to attribute the reconciliation of all things to God, as is His declared intention, robs Him of glory. We show it is exactly the opposite.

Read Giving God the Glory
GMO, Alalfa Should Be Condemned
We sent this letter to the Members of Parliament of the Government of Canada, regarding GMO alfalfa.

Read Genetically-Modified Alfalfa Should Be Condemned
Goats Separation Sheep

Read 分開綿羊與山羊現在發生
God Does Not Think or Behave as Men Do
A reader's response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader's response: Do I know you?

Read God Does Not Think or Behave as Men Do
God Does Only Good, Not Evil, Diabolical Doctrine
There are many presumed ministers of Christ who teach that God only wants and does the good things that happen to us, never the evil. This is fanciful, flesh-satisfying, anti-Christ doctrine from Hell. We better believe that God is in full control over both good and evil, or we will faint when evil and tribulation come to try us. We need to understand that God is over all things. Otherwise, why are we told to fear Him? “Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God?” (Romans 11:22).

Read Diabolical Doctrine: God Does Only Good, Not Evil
God Is Not Mocked
Trusting in your diet, doctrines, prayers, and church does not bring you health, SDAs. These substitutes for obedience vex rather than please God. Will you hear the right way and turn to Him Who will heal you or must you perish in your sins?

Read God Is Not Mocked
God Is Trying to Save the Whole World Now, Diabolical Doctrine
Since the days of Jesus in His flesh, God has been seeking out and redeeming only the firstfruits, Jesus being the first of the firstfruits. If God could stop someone from sin so easily and dramatically as He did Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:1-8), why not all others? Because He doesn’t want to; it isn’t time.

Read Diabolical Doctrine: God Is Trying to Save the Whole World Now
God, All Knowing AND All Doing
Are you stuck trying to justify a doctrine that makes God out to be an ogre? Mike is, and cannot let it go. We discuss this matter with him in a series of correspondences that addresses many typical knee-jerk arguments and objections against the sovereign power of God to save not simply a few lucky people, but all of mankind in the ages to come.

Read God: All Knowing AND All Doing
God, Alone Knows The Heart, Unlearned Saying & Objection
There is a common falsehood (among so many others) propagated in nominal Christendom. It goes like this: “We mustn’t ever judge anyone. God alone knows the heart and mind.”

Read Unlearned Saying & Objection – “God alone knows the heart.”
God, Come and See Our, That We Have Made
The Twelve Tribes invite people to visit their communities to be convinced firsthand that they are God’s Kingdom come to men on earth. They believe the only possible correct conclusion you can make after visiting them in person is that surely they are the people of God, and unless you join them, you are missing God’s Kingdom and have no hope of being fulfilled in Him.

Read "Come and See Our God that We Have Made"
God, How Jesus Christ Connects Us to
His sacrifice made it possible for us, as flawed and sinful men, to be reconciled to God. But that is not all; it is just the beginning. Those of us who receive His Spirit are called to much higher, for once reconciled, we are also given to overcome as He overcame. If we endure to the end, we are perfected as Christ was perfected, and is perfect.

Read How Jesus Christ Connects Us to God
God, Jesus Christ is
“Who is Jesus Christ?” This is the most important question that could ever be asked, and the most important answer that will ever be heard.

Read Jesus Christ Is God
God, Man and His Religion Shame
A reader's response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader's response: What a load of pretentious crap! Bringing in religion to justify the defence of…

Read Man and His Religion Shame God
God, Seeing and Living
Interpreting the Bible requires spiritual revelation. A case in point: It is written that no man can see God’s face and live, yet many have done that very thing – it requires spiritual enlightenment, rather than a literal understanding, to know what God means. Then there are the wicked who profess to love and serve Jesus Christ, yet carnally interpret the Scripture to condemn those who have seen Him, not knowing they condemn themselves.

Read Seeing God and Living
God, The Things of
Victor addresses Nate’s well-intentioned but misguided attempt at consoling a woman whose mother died of cancer.

Read The Things of God
God, The Things of Are Foolishness to the Carnal Man
A reader's response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader's response: I have a question…What gives you the right to Spam people with incoherent…

Read The Things of God Are Foolishness to the Carnal Man
God, Time for
Victor replies to a chain letter from an acquaintance who has been receiving our spiritual correspondence emails, that starts out with the statement “Read only if you have time for God”.

Read Time for God
God, What Belongs to
A reader's response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader's response: Render unto Cesar what is Cesar's, render unto God what is God's. Jesus said it…

Read What Belongs to God?
God, Who Represents?
A man tries to find God in community; we tell him the truth that community is in God. The Twelve Tribes puts the cart in front of the horse, though deceitful because of the appearance of going somewhere. It has no traction in the Kingdom of God, however. Allured by an illusion of Heaven and promises of earthly security, many are left shipwrecked.

Read Who Represents God?
God, Worshipping Christ as
If Jesus Christ isn’t God, then why is He worshipped as God in the Scriptures? A man condemns us as false teachers for declaring Christ is God, but we prove his arguments have no foundation in the truth because he lacks the knowledge of God. Indeed, the very thing he needs is to worship Jesus Christ as God in order to receive forgiveness of sins, healing, understanding, and peace with God, as the Lord Jesus has graciously done for us.

Read Worshipping Christ as God
God's Business is Serious Business
God’s business is serious business. He is serious with us, and He will not permit our being lackadaisical with Him. “Behold both the goodness and severity of God.” How can we not be serious, sober and vigilant in all things?

Read God’s Business Is Serious Business
God's Love, Is Not Mushy
A short letter about the things God, Who is Love, has done to man and to what end.

Read God’s Love Is Not Mushy
God's Promise in His Commandments
Because God’s commandments are promises, it doesn’t mean we don’t have to try to comply with them. It only means we can’t pretend to fulfill His commandments in our own power, which is to deny His promise, His blood, His Person, and Reality.

Read God’s Promise in His Commandments
God's Record
Readers response: How perplexing are the mission of Israel and the tragedy of uneducated Jews to the world! No one, Jews especially.

Read God’s Record
God's Voice, Believers No Longer Hear, Diabolical Doctrine
Those who aren’t the Lord’s haven’t heard the voice of the Lord, for He says, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27). Throughout the Scriptures, in both Old and New Testaments, believers heard the voice of God directly and personally. But unbelievers today, many of whom think themselves to be born-again Christians, say, “Now that Christ is in us, He doesn’t have to speak to us any longer, as God did in the past, because we now have the completed Bible.”

Read Diabolical Doctrine: Believers No Longer Hear God's Voice
Godhood, Destiny of Those Born of God
As children born of men are destined for manhood, so are children born of God destined for Godhood. What could be more natural than that? How else will God be all in all, when His work is done? Yet the very ones professing faith in Him find these truths most offensive, calling them blasphemy.

Read Godhood – The Destiny of Those Born of God
Good and Evil, Exercised to Discern
A reader's response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader's response: Uh, but didn't the curs get the majority of the votes in the election?

Read Exercised to Discern Good and Evil
Goodness, Severity, We Need Both
Man takes any shortcut he can to escape judgment. If believing he is innocent does not suffice because the evidence is too obvious, he may then decide that “Jesus has paid the price; we do not need to worry.” The realities of sin, confession to God, and repentance from sin, as regularly as needed, are repugnant to the flesh, so man likes to think of a god who overlooks or disregards sin, a god who would never hurt a fly.

Read Goodness and Severity; We Need Both
Gospel, False, Man and His Grace Judged
Mr. Green comes poking us regarding the gospel we preach. He says his sole authority is what God says in His Word. Read on and learn from the living, speaking Authority Himself the difference between the false grace and gospel of men and the life-giving truth He intends for you to know and experience.

Read A False Gospel – A Man and His “Grace” Are Judged
Gossip and Slander Will Be Exposed
We hand-delivered a letter to the front desk of Eireann Hafichuk’s place of work on December 27, 2007, in response to rumors we had heard of Eireann’s speaking against us. We are not afraid of the truth (indeed, we are thankful for it) and are ready to stand up to the evil coming our way.

Read Gossip and Slander Will Be Exposed
Government, What Constitutes Godly
Here is a letter we received regarding the Issues on voting. The writer brings up the common and mistaken notion amongst many that democracy is God’s preferred form of government and His blessing is on true democracy. Our comments follow the letter.

Read What Constitutes Godly Government
Grace, Devilish Notion that it's Freedom to Sin
The second commandment forbids images. Many say that while they have the images, they do not bow to them. But making or having images IS bowing to them according to the commandment, whether the bowing is done consciously or not.

Read The Devilish Notion that Grace Is Freedom to Sin
Grace, The Reality
The vast majority of professing Christians don’t have a clue about the true nature and essence of grace, though most use the word. They usually treat it as a concept of one’s reasonable imagination; a fairytale nice to believe; an established theory or doctrine, without conditions, without resultant life changes; or most often, unmerited favor of God that comes regardless of their spiritual state, lifestyle and attitude, except to profess faith in Christ.

Read Grace – The Reality
Graham, Billy, How the Lord Exposed
I (Victor) asked the Lord about Billy Graham because having received the Spirit, and telling others about it, they would immediately use Billy Graham as proof that I was in error, seeing he never attested to all these things, so boldly and clearly spoken of in Scripture, particularly in Acts, and in the gospels and epistles as well. Going to the Lord, He answered.

Read How the Lord Exposed Billy Graham
Green, Harold, Conversation #1
Falsehood Exposed on The Path of Truth – A False Gospel: Corresponding Conversation with Harold Green #1

Read Corresponding Conversation with Harold Green #1
Green, Harold, Conversation #2
Falsehood Exposed on The Path of Truth – A False Gospel: Corresponding Conversation with Harold Green #2

Read Corresponding Conversation with Harold Green #2
Greetings, Season's a No No
Victor warns a Jewish man against choosing the acceptance of man over the praise of God, and the pleasures of this world over the fulfilment of the spirit.

Read Season’s Greetings a No No


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