Lake of Fire, The Great Promise of
Several important questions are raised and answered: What is the purpose of the Lake of Fire? What is the second death? And how does one who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ enter the Kingdom of God?
Read The Great Promise of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death
Read The Great Promise of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death
Lake, Kyle
This pastor of a Baptist Church prayed, “Surprise me, God!” in front of 800 church attendees, and was then electrocuted in the bapistry. Before his death, Kyle wrote a book in which he denied the sovereignty of God, but now he is learning, as we all must and shall, that, just as Jesus said, God is over every detail – to the death of a sparrow or the numbers of hair on your head.
Read What Happened to Kyle Lake
Read What Happened to Kyle Lake
Land, Taking the
“The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalms 24:1 KJV).
Read Taking the Land
Read Taking the Land
Last Days, When?
Many say that we are in the last days, as if this is a new thing. When exactly did the last days begin, and what are they all about?
Read The Last Days – When?
Read The Last Days – When?
Law and Grace, Necessity for Both
Gary Amirault (correspondent in our last series, Public Promoters of Falsehood Confronted Publicly) replied by sending us an article from J. Preston Eby. Quotes from the article appear in Victor’s reply. Gary also gave us this comment with the article: I think you two would have much more success if you took a real long look at how you operate. This article might shed some light on what I’m talking about.
Read The Necessity for Both Law and Grace
Read The Necessity for Both Law and Grace
Law, Grace and
Only because iniquity abounds is there such great confusion about law and grace, and about what is God’s part and what is ours in the scheme of things. What is the truth about these? What is the relationship between the two? Is there any relationship at all, as many deny there is? Deliver yourself from the fruits of iniquity, by the mercies of God; believe Him, pay the price, and obey.
Read Law and Grace
Read Law and Grace
Law, Is Good
David Butterfield, of (This site has since been removed), challenges us: “Can you find a single instance in Scripture where Jesus or even just one of the Apostles commanded Christians to keep the Old Testament law?” We answer.
Read “The Law Is Good”
Read “The Law Is Good”
Laws of God, Are They Outdated
Here we answer a series of questions some scallywags conceived, intending to destroy the validity of the Law of God. By ridiculing the notion of modern-day use of certain laws cited in the Book of Leviticus, the authors try to prove that the Word of God against homosexuality is outdated and silly. Sinners, fools, and liars would like to believe these things, and may have opportunity to do so, to their destruction, but God always has the last Word.
Read Are the Laws of God Outdated?
Read Are the Laws of God Outdated?
Lazarus and Rich Man, Smith, L. Ray
Has anyone heard or known of a Biblical parable, particularly in the Gospels, which has created even nearly as much controversy and confusion as has this one of Lazarus and the rich man? There is good reason for it. The parable is not of God, but of clever, mischievous men. Herein we present the interpretation of yet another writer, who is among millions or perhaps billions of people taken in by the allegation that it is true and, moreover, that Jesus Christ Himself authored it. We identify some of the contradictions L. Ray Smith presents in his interpretation and defense of the story and address them.
Read L. Ray Smith’s Faulty Interpretation of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Read L. Ray Smith’s Faulty Interpretation of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Leckey, Kenneth
Jesus Christ, by living in complete submission to God, which could only come by a pureness of heart in a spirit untainted by sin, served as a conduit of Light that fully illuminated the Being of God. We do not know the great honor of God, until we see Him honored by Christ. We do not know the great glory of God, until we see Him glorified by Christ. We do not know the great power of God, until we see His power in Christ. We do not know Him by faith, until we come into the faith of Christ. Jesus Christ, His life wholly subsumed by God, is the very expression of God, and is the only Way that all men can know Him.
Read Jesus Christ, Almighty God
Read Jesus Christ, Almighty God
Letter to Scott
Letter to the New Life Church
Letter, Bob Cyper's
A letter from Bob Cyper regarding the Joy of Gay Sex event at the Helena library.
Read Bob Cyper’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Read Bob Cyper’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments
Letters to Editor, Queen City News
Paul responds to a column equating the Bible and the Koran. Four respondents argue against him, and, by editorial constraint, Paul answers them in 353 words.
Read Letters to the Editor (Queen City News)
Read Letters to the Editor (Queen City News)
Lies, Slander, and Defamation in Politics and the Media
Lies, There Are and There Are Lies
A reader's response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader's response: Hi Victor, Are you referring to this? Prime Minister Stephen Harper's 2004 letter to…
Read There Are Lies and There Are Lies
Read There Are Lies and There Are Lies
Life, God's Word Is
A reader's response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader's response: Who is to say that Stephen Harper is so holy and virtuous to lead us? he only…
Read God’s Word Is Life
Read God’s Word Is Life
Life, Our Place in the Web
A reader's response to “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada”: Reader's response: Who is to say that Stephen Harper is so holy and virtuous to lead us? he only…
Read Our Place in the Web of Life
Read Our Place in the Web of Life
Life, Price Tag
Jesus Christ paid the price, and those who will enter life must pay the price. There is nothing worthwhile gained in this world or the next without paying the price. Those who believe will pay it.
Read Life Has a Price Tag
Read Life Has a Price Tag
Life, The Issues of, Index
In these correspondences, which lasted for about two years – until July 10th, 2006, we shared the questions, objections, and comments of others, with our responses. These letters consisted of debate, discussion and instruction on spiritual, Biblical, personal, business, moral, social and general life issues.
Read The Issues of Life
Read The Issues of Life
Light of the World
When God sends His servants, Christ’s authority is represented and glorified. When men come by their own initiative in the Name of God, Christ is misrepresented and degraded. They may say some similar things, but it is another spirit by which they speak and not by the Spirit of God. The children of truth will hear and see the difference.
Read Light of the World
Read Light of the World
Lindsey, Hal, End of the World
The utterly foolish and counterproductive speculations on macro world history and the doctrine of a pre-tribulation “rapture” are put away, with a sure hope given to every soul with the grace of God to accept his or her circumstances as from His hand.
Read False Teacher – Hal Lindsey
Read False Teacher – Hal Lindsey
Little Mosque on the Prairie, What's Wrong with it?
Some years ago, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation introduced a television sitcom, Little Mosque on the Prairie, produced by Zarqa Nawaz (a Muslim of Pakistani origin born in England, with Canadian citizenship). To unsuspecting spectators, the show could seem playful, humorous, and innocent enough. However, it is evident to those informed of essential Islam that this production serves to persuade an unwitting audience of something quite untrue, that Islam is benign to Western standards and way of life.
Read What’s Wrong with the Little Mosque on the Prairie?
Read What’s Wrong with the Little Mosque on the Prairie?
Lives, For Whom Do We Lay Down Our
Jesus said that if you only love those who love you, you are no different than other sinners. If you lay down your life to get, you are not laying down your life as He did, and as He requires of those who follow Him. A woman from the Twelve Tribes asks us for whom we are laying down our lives. This correspondence gives the answer to this critical question, not only for us, dear reader, but for the questioner, the Twelve Tribes, and even for you.
Read For Whom Do We Lay Down Our Lives?
Read For Whom Do We Lay Down Our Lives?
Long Hair, for Men
There’s been plenty of debate and misconceptions regarding the meaning behind “long hair” in 1 Corinthians 11:14. What is long? What is too long? If Nature is to teach the obvious why is it not clear? We find out.
Read On the Subject of Long Hair for Men
Read On the Subject of Long Hair for Men
Lord, Those Calling Him, Surprised to Find He Is
We reply to the following response to What Happened to Kyle Lake (pastor electrocuted in baptistery). “I am a member of UBC and am very offended by your “advice” and views on what happened to our beloved pastor.”
Read Those Calling Him Lord Surprised to Find He Is
Read Those Calling Him Lord Surprised to Find He Is
Lord's Supper, Diabolical Doctrine
Just as water baptism in and of itself doesn’t wash away man’s sins, neither do we receive the Resurrection Life of the Lord Jesus simply by consuming bread and wine, no matter how many times and ways blessed by a priest or pastor, no matter what faith they put in miraculous intervention, no matter how much they think they please God in their error, while perishing for lack of knowledge.
Read Diabolical Doctrine: The “Lord’s Supper”
Read Diabolical Doctrine: The “Lord’s Supper”
Love of God, Can you Sense
Can you trust your senses, particularly in things spiritual, and how will you recognize the love of God?
Read Can You Sense the Love of God?
Read Can You Sense the Love of God?
Love of God, Looks like Hatred
Those who love their sins hate the Law of God, and the God of Law, which are One and the Same. Here we answer a man that, because we teach the Law of God and His ways that lead to life, accuses us of hatred, ignorance, and intolerance, whereas we show how those descriptions aptly demonstrate his own stance and attitude.
Read The Love of God Looks Like Hatred to His Haters
Read The Love of God Looks Like Hatred to His Haters
Love or Hatred, No Man Knows Either by All That is Before Them
We received the following note from Gregg, with the subject line: “Who do you people think you are!”
Read “No Man Knows Either Love or Hatred by All that Is Before Them” (Ecclesiastes 9:1)
Read “No Man Knows Either Love or Hatred by All that Is Before Them” (Ecclesiastes 9:1)
Love, A Deceitful
Amy, a follower of John Clark, declares that she has come out of men’s works (“Pastor John’s House” – Is that not a man’s name and work?). She proposes to love others out of false religion as well. She is deceived, and her love, therefore, is deceptive.
Read A Deceitful Love
Read A Deceitful Love
Love, Conduct of
We received another veiled, yet blatant, suggestion to be more “loving” by someone of a demonstrably different spirit than Christ’s. Our short reply sorts the fruits labeled “love,” separating the evil ones from the good ones.
Read The Conduct of Love
Read The Conduct of Love
Love, Divine, We Are
Mary Lou, a self-proclaimed “White Dove,” questions whether all we say and do is “really a manifestation of His divine LOVE.” Our reply tests her goal to “flow in love with all beliefs.”
Read We Are Divine Love (That is why the religious seek to kill us)
Read We Are Divine Love (That is why the religious seek to kill us)
Love, False Religious, Spearing Slithering Snake
False love trumpets its own righteousness, coming as the self-declared defender of virtue, tolerance, and all godliness. God, however, does not accept men’s persons or words, but tries the hearts. David Richardson tries to co-opt the Truth under a cover of counterfeit love, but the love of God proves to be an invulnerable stronghold from which the sword of the Spirit slays every enemy of Truth.
Read The Ways of False Religious Love Spearing a Slithering Snake
Read The Ways of False Religious Love Spearing a Slithering Snake
Love, God's Is Not Mushy
A short letter about the things God, Who is Love, has done to man and to what end.
Read God’s Love Is Not Mushy
Read God’s Love Is Not Mushy
Love, The Love of Truth: Only True
Gil, a professor of Christ and defender of the Catholic Church, says that, rather than defend or answer for his ways that are contrary to the teaching and example of Christ and His disciples, he will refrain from debate, and “walk in love as God leads.” How can one be led of God when walking in an oppositional way? What kind of love is it that, in the Name of God, rejects Him, and cuts off communication with His brethren? Read on and see.
Read The Love of Truth: The Only True Love
Read The Love of Truth: The Only True Love
Love, What Kind Do You Have
Who is listening and attending to the needs of others in Truth? The ones who do are the ones that God has empowered to love. The ones who do not do not know Him, nor do they love their neighbor.
Read What Kind of Love Do You Have?
Read What Kind of Love Do You Have?
Loves, Different Truths Different
One who does not like our “truth,” also exhibits a different kind of “love.” The two are directly related.
Read Different Truths, Different Loves
Read Different Truths, Different Loves
Loving Your Neighbor
The Second Commandment is fulfilled because the First Commandment has been fulfilled. After all, doesn’t everything hinge on loving God with all our hearts and having no other gods before Him?
Read Loving Your Neighbor
Read Loving Your Neighbor