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I Am, Who Do Men Say that?
Paul’s reply to a man who argued that God and Jesus Christ cannot be the same.

Read Who Do Men Say that I Am?
Illuminati, What About
A site reader message us, saying, “I’m confused, please explain what it [the Illuminati] is, or who they are? If there really even is anything. I just want to know so I can move on. I thank you for your honesty.

Read What about the “Illuminati”?
Images, Icons and Likenesses, Religious
While God prohibits making or having images in a context of worship, cults, as those who do their own thing outside of Him, often make or have them. Whereas these things are seen by man as godly, and indicative of piety, they are a sure sign of false religion and a continuation of pagan traditions and practices dressed up as “Christian.” These are the very things the children of Israel were told to completely destroy, a command that is indicative of how truly odious to God, and dangerous to man, these things are.

Read Religious Images, Icons, and Likenesses
Imperfection Tries to Argue Against Perfection
Blog War on The Path of Truth – Ryan Sanders: Imperfection Tries to Argue Against Perfection

Read Imperfection Tries to Argue Against Perfection
The spirit of lawlessness, of iniquity, is in everyone. The ringing cry of iniquity is, “You’re not going to tell ME what to do!” The spirit of iniquity is the man of sin, that son of pride who hates the Law of God. People must be addressed and dealt with on a personal, specific basis, and if they are going to walk with God, they must submit to such correction, no longer walking in the spirit of iniquity.

Read Iniquity
Insurance, On the Matter of
I do not wish to put my trust in man’s assurance that he, at a price and to his profit, will grudgingly compensate me for losses should calamity strike. Rather, I wish to put my trust in the One Who, for my sake, freely prevents damage.

Read On Insurance
Islam, Answer to
One of the purposes of this paper is to discover the contents of the Koran to all, and to expose its spirit and essence. Perhaps as importantly, we want those who call themselves moderate Muslims to know what they are calling themselves and to what they are committing themselves when calling themselves “surrendered ones.”

Read The Answer to Islam
Islam, Claims of vs. Word of God
We have been in conversation with a Muslim from overseas about the faith in Christ. He wished to give us “the other point of view,” and wrote accordingly about the Islamic belief that God has no Son, and rather that Jesus is a prophet that will appear with God in the judgment, but Muhammad is the last prophet that speaks to us all today.

Read The Claims of Islam vs. the Word of God
Islam, Index
Islam comes with violence and murder throughout the world, as explicitly required of Muslims in the Koran (as herein proven), declaring itself to be the true representation, and in the true service of God, the Creator of all things, Whom they call “Allah.” Islam comes contradicting the recorded and crucial declarations of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is none other than the Creator and the Truth.

Read Islam
Islam, Lying Mouth of
What happens when Islam is not given respect as a legitimate revelation from God, let alone the preeminent place of influence it demands? All pretense of tolerance is dropped and its true stance of bigoted hatred is made manifest, as here with Ali after we have answered his arguments against the preaching of Biblical truth.

Read The Lying Mouth of Islam
Islam, Neither Good nor Godly
Not all religions have the same God, which proponents of Islam claim as they try to equate ‘Allah’ with the God of the Bible. But how can they be the same God when they say and do such contradictory things? We track where Allah’s story deviates from God’s account in the Bible, and how that negates His work of salvation through the Jews in order to make Muhammad and corrupt flesh preeminent. We also show the falsehood of so-called ‘Christianity,’ which claims to worship God, but abhors walking in the light and serving truth and justice.

Read Islam: Neither Good nor Godly
Islam, Proponent of Muhammad Responds to The Answer to
Ali sends us a number of objections and answers to the questions posed in “The Answer to Islam.” We respond by affirming that the Lord Jesus Christ is indeed the True God, with His Words recorded in the Bible, and Allah is not God, as revealed by his diametrically-opposed words in the Koran. At this last reply, Ali falls silent.

Read A Proponent of Muhammad Responds to "The Answer to Islam"
Islam, True Source of Enmity with Israel’s Enemies
Islam, Updated
We have some new correspondence to share with you as a result of responses we received to The Answer to Islam. This writing, or should I say the presence of this writing (as none have directly answered it), has elicited various objections to our characterization of what constitutes a true Muslim according to the Koran. While none has credibly answered the specific content and questions posed in our writing, other spurious lines of reasoning have been tossed out in hopes of drowning out the truth with sufficient noise.

Read UPDATED Islam Section
Israel and Jew, The Key for
Jews, you have tried everything to be at peace by dialoguing with, and appeasing, the world. You have tried everything, and nothing has worked, because you lacked the simple solution. Here is the key for Israel, the Jew, and the whole world. (Also includes resulting letters.)

Read The Key for Israel and the Jew
Israel Back in the Land, as Promised
An outstanding and irrefutable sign of God’s sovereignty and ongoing work with mankind is the resurrection of the nation of Israel. This miracle was promised by God and caps a history at which men have marveled.

Read Israel Back in the Land, as Promised
Israel of God, Son of Man and His Mission in
Who is the Messiah, if not God? Who is this Son of Man that fulfills the Law and the Prophets? What does it mean for those who believe and for those who don’t? What a day it is when the Messiah appears!

Read The Son of Man and His Mission in the Israel of God
Israel, A Demonstration of God's Protection
Only those familiar with warfare can sufficiently appreciate the fact of miraculously low casualties with the Israelis in this particular war in Gaza.

Read A Demonstration of God’s Protection of Israel
Israel, A Word to Their Enemies
Some general and specific people and peoples are warned of God’s purpose for Israel, against which nation, whether subtle or overt, anyone comes at his or her own peril.

Read A Word to the Enemies of Israel
Israel, and the Jew
When over long periods of human history I scrutinized the activity of the Jewish people, suddenly there arose up in me the fearful question whether inscrutable Destiny, perhaps for reasons unknown to us poor mortals, did not, with eternal and immutable resolve, desire the final victory of this little nation. – Adolph Hitler (Mein Kampf, p.64)

Read Behold, Israel and the Jew!
Israel, Are You He that Troubles?
A reader gives her “2 cents worth,” and in return is given that which is of inestimable worth, far beyond the price of rubies or gold, as the Scriptures declare.

Read “Are You He that Troubles Israel?”
Israel, Are You on Your Own Side or Not?
What is the sum and the end of the conflict between Israel and Islam? Will it be YHWH, the God of Israel, or Allah, the god of Islam, that is proven to be the One True Creator God? The line is drawn in the sand for all those standing by and watching. Whose side are YOU on? Are you a supporter of Israel or not? Are you on your own side, or are you against yourself?

Read The Issue of Israel – Are You on Your Own Side or Not?
Israel, Explanations for Contradictions, Suffering
Israel, your God knows and sees what you suffer. He is not remote, unfamiliar, or unaffected by what is happening with you. There is a reason for your predicament, however, a reason that holds the key to the solution for all. There is an answer from God, which you need to hear and know.

Read Israel, the Explanation for the Horrendous Contradictions You Suffer
Israel, Fools Believe Liars Who Malign
An SDA presents us with vicious slander of Israel. With honesty and mediocre intelligence, it will be obvious that the propaganda unleashed on Israel by the world at large is nothing short of wicked deception. The malignancy prevalent today is a mystery – it makes no sense, but it is very real. By God’s grace, we will stand to oppose and expose the libel of Jews in Israel for what it is – Satan’s strategy and machinations to destroy those whom God has chosen for Himself.

Read Fools Believe Liars Who Malign Israel
Israel, Is Your God Unjust
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the hearts (Proverbs 21:2 HNV). Israel, come hear the Word of God, and let your hearts be revealed; know the Truth and be reconciled to Your Father. It is time. Of what value is it to continue in darkness, not knowing Him and His heart towards you, Who has loved you from days of old and draws you with lovingkindness?

Read Israel, Is Your God Unjust?
Israel, Law Excludes Their Messiah
Israel, Message to
A message to Israel – May, 2009.

Read Message to Israel
Israel, Palestine and the Middle East, How is Peace Possible
We correspond with a professional peace advocate who thinks he is the answer to solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Gershon Baskin calls himself “The Negotiator” and claims to be responsible for the secret back channel between Israel and Hamas that traded kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit for over a thousand Muslim criminals and murderers held in Israeli jails. With peace like Baskin’s, who needs war?

Read Gershon Baskin: “How Is Peace in Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East Possible?”
Israel, Raising the Flag and Nation of
Israel, brought back from the dead in 1948, is now, according to the predeterminate will of God, being raised up to live in His sight. On the other side of the globe, twelve people have been gathered in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to claim His body, the nation of Israel.

Read Raising the Flag and Nation of Israel
Israel, The Lord Stands Up for
At the end of 2006, we raised the flag of Israel, a representation of the spiritual stance the Lord gave us towards that nation. Now, two years later at the same time of year, when gathered together again at Harvest Haven, we prayed for Israel in its current war in Gaza. Victor, in the Name of the Lord, cursed Hamas and all those who stand with it against Israel.

Read The Lord Stands Up for Israel
Israel, Your God Stands for You
A Letter of Promise, Hope, and Exhortation to the Dispersed and Oppressed Uncircumcised-in-Heart Seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob We witness the ungodly and unjust hatred for Jews everywhere and consider there is something important going on. We are also in awe of the marvelous historical developments and events, knowing very well, by God’s grace, that man cannot do what has developed concerning the Jews at any time, perhaps especially in this last century. Here is a letter of promise to God’s chosen in the flesh, based on His faithfulness and awesome power: “I, even I, am He Who comforts you: who are you, that you are afraid of man who shall die, and of the son of man who shall be made as grass; and have forgotten the LORD your Maker, Who stretched forth the Heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth?” (Isaiah 51:12-13 HNV)

Read Your God Stands For You, Israel
Israel: Nation of God or Satan?
Is Israel, particularly modern Israel reborn and established after two millennia, a nation of Satan established for the destruction of the world, or a nation of God for the salvation of the world?

Read Israel: Nation of God or Satan?
Israel's Only Friend?
Ed Koch, former mayor of New York, recently died, and it reminded us that we wrote to a website that published his article in September 2011.

Read “Israel’s Only Friend”?
Israeli-Arab Conflict, History By J. Garry Kohn
Garry Kohn lays out the historical facts revolving around the Israeli-Arab Conflict.

Read Israeli-Arab Conflict – A History By J. Garry Kohn
Issues of Life, Welcome to
The introductory letter for The Issues of Life, calling all to repentance. The Issues of Life is a correspondence dealing in real issues with real people, addressing the hearts of those involved, that they might be saved.

Read We welcome you to The Issues of Life


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