From: Singyaongam
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 3:05 AM
Subject: Judge not for thou shall be judged
Hi, I’ve read your blog where you accuses Angelica Zambrano of lying and making up false stories for her fame etc
Well,all I could say is, if she don’t speak the truth or if Jesus hadn’t shown her, I really doubt you, she might not be able to testify for Christ.
Remember,she don’t deny Christ as her Saviour,the only Saviour.
She just proclaim to the world whatever she saw in her heaven – hell visitations.
Warning sinners like you and me to repent. And not to go to HELL.
By just writing a blog like this,as an instrument of SATAN that confuses the world more and adds misery, you should’ve done something that just proclaim the ‘basic’ of the Gospel:
The love of God to sinners
The repentance of sin
Receiving Jesus as our personal Saviour
And, the gift of God’s Eternal life.
Its true that you quoted many scriptural versus. Well done brethren !!!
Even the Devil knows that.
Knowledge of the scripture isn’t going to save us from sin. But only the GRACE of God(Ephesians 2:8)…
Works done in LOVE & not accusation.
For God is Love!!!
And if we’re His children we’ve to Love like Him …and not accuse.
Who make us Judges???
There’s only ONE judge. God alone!!!
May God rebuke you!!!
From: Singyaongam
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 3:12 AM
Subject: Judge not for thou shall be judged
There’s only one judge.
He’s God,Jesus Christ.
We’re all sinners. Don’t judge people.
Our sister Angelica didn’t deny Christ but warned people from going to hell.
To repent,accept Jesus Christ as their personal saviour …
If you want to share the message, it’ll be better just to focus on the basic teaching of the gospel:
1)The love of God to sinners
2)Repentance of sinners
3)A acceptance of Jesus Christ as their personal saviour
3)God’s Gift of eternal life .
May God rebuke you!!!
From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Singyaongam
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2016 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: Judge not for thou shall be judged
Singyaongam, you say:
“Its true that you quoted many scriptural versus. Well done brethren !!!
Even the Devil knows that.”
You’re so right about the Devil. But then you say about Angelica Zambrano:
“Well,all I could say is, if she don’t speak the truth or if Jesus hadn’t shown her, I really doubt you, she might not be able to testify for Christ.”
Hmmm, don’t the Scriptures the Devil quotes say that Jesus is the Christ? Of course they do! You’re confounded, Sing. The rebukes you’re calling down on us fall on you, because we’re speaking the truth from the Lord Jesus Christ, while you speak the truth of your father, the Devil.
“For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:13-14 ESV).
False Love – Satan’s Last Stronghold
By the way, in reviewing your photos on Facebook, are we mistaken or is there one with you sitting and posing with another fellow with each of your hands in rather inappropriate or suggestive positions? Are you homosexual or is this just a cultural thing? And is homosexuality a culturally acceptable thing to you? Just asking.
Paul and Victor