Decades ago, God gave me to see what was coming. Prophecies, visions, dreams, and revelations are on public record. I confess I didn’t see coming what we are seeing today. Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, guess what? It got worse, and we’re not done.
People have come to TPOT ( for two decades, studying, researching, and asking questions. Some have come with earnestness. The parable of the sower was manifest in the outcomes of these inquiries. I have to say that of the many who have visited us and heard the Word of Truth “rightly divided,” few have believed.
As Jesus said, “Enter in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that lead to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13-14 KJV).
I’ve spent years instructing, arguing, and debating, discussing the things of God with those who had the heart for the Truth, but also with those who simply came to argue and prove me wrong. Those who believed me have been blessed and those who opposed me were cursed, many have died.
From what I can understand at this point and perhaps there may be exceptions, real or apparent, I’m now finished striving with people. The Verdict is in, and the Judgment of the Ages is Set.
People have had the arrogance and presumption to enter TPOT and speak anything they pleased. They haven’t had a clue what they’re talking about, nor have they known or understood what we believe and teach, but oh, they argue and protest and call me all sorts of vile things. No substance, no proof, only faultfinding, false accusations, lies, error, and blasphemy.
I serve you notice today, in accordance to many prophecies that have gone forth both in Scripture, by others, and by me that the time is done. No more arguing. The time for guilty and unrepentant defendants before the White Judgment Throne of God is here. If they can’t earnestly exercise Godly reason, they must be corrected by fire. There is no other option, solution, or hope.
If any should have the opportunity to approach the TPOT, be it known they approach the Lord. Let them take off their shoes because they stand on Holy Ground. Let them humble themselves and pray earnestly to God. Let them recognize that TPOT is no longer for argument. That day is done. Let them come in “sackcloth and ashes,” with fasting and prayer, with true repentance and confession of sin.
Let them come candidly confessing their wrong, with fruits of humility, patience, respect, honor, and faith, not with proud worthiness but with humble worthlessness.
Let them beware that God is a consuming fire with both goodness and severity. Let them no longer open their mouths with idle words, especially with blasphemy against man or God. The time for that is finished.
Come to learn, not to teach. Come to follow, not to lead. Come on your knees and not on your high white horse. Come to give all you have to receive, and come to receive what you don’t have instead of giving what you don’t have. One is called “humility,” and the other “presumption” and “arrogance.”
2 Peter 2:9-13:
“The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
10 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
11 Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.
12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their corruption;
13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it a pleasure to riot in the daytime. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their deceivings while they feast with you….”
This reminds me of a prophecy I found back in 1984 or 1985 received by Lois Benson who is no longer with us. It said:
“Behold, the time is coming when you will hear blasphemous things spoken about God. You will be tempted with fleshly allurements but stay on the path that is hardest to endure, for you will know Me only on this path.
“Be prepared to speak the truth to the beasts and to declare your position and power in the Lord Jesus Christ as the day draws near.”
So, people, am I arrogant, deluded, demon-possessed, or purposely evil? Am I just another of the false prophets and teachers that Jesus, the prophets, and the apostles warned the saints about?
Am I the anti-Christ? Am I simply out of my mind? Could be! How can a deluded one know he’s deluded, right?
We’ll all know in the end, won’t we? “There’s nothing hidden that won’t be made known,” said Jesus and all prophets of the Lord. I believe that people will continue to take their chances that I’m wrong, a fool, a false prophet. And they’ll go on in what I say the Lord declares are their sins and delusions and they will all go to destruction by fires to purify them, seeing they will not listen and believe, repent, and radically amend their ways.
I also declare that it is the religious that are my principal foes, churchgoers, even those who call themselves born-again Christians, devout believers of God, Christians so named, those who have persecuted and crucified the Lord and His children, His Body, thinking they’ve done Jesus Christ a service. I speak to both you and to the heathen who mock, deride, and scoff at me – both “Romans” and “Jews.”
Yes, you may be right, after all, and I will be the sorriest of the sorry. I’ve been wrong about things in my life before. Judge me not by my frailty and past errors but judge by the Lord and His Truth. Not any Lord Jesus Christ but by THE Lord Jesus Christ, not by any truth but by His Truth. But what if I’m right and know what I’m saying? What if I AM speaking on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ Whom many of you profess to worship?
I can only say this: It will take God’s Power and Grace to save you. There’s no other way. That’s what it took for me and those with me. That’s what it takes for anyone.
But don’t let the “Greasy Grace” of lawless people, children of iniquity, deceive themselves. Let them embrace the “Loathsome Law” of God they’ve learned to hate with a passion of evil love. Let them take Psalms 19 and 119 to themselves as the Eternal, Irrevocable, Immutable Word of God in genuine faith, embracing Him Who IS the Law of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings, and Lord of lords and Savior of all men, for all men, no exceptions.
People, you see how as in Job’s day, the protective hedge was removed and Satan was given power over Job’s life and all he had, so today, the Lord has given Satan, the destroyer, license to destroy mightily on earth just before his time is up:
ESV Revelation 12:12:
“Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”
PHILLIPS Revelation 21:8:
Then He said to me, “It is done! I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give to the thirsty water without price from the fountain of life. The victorious shall inherit these things, and I will be God to him and he will be son to Me. But as for the cowards, the faithless and the corrupt, the murderers, the traffickers in sex and sorcery, the worshippers of idols, and all liars—their inheritance is in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
A Prophecy way back to 1984, in a day when things weren’t nearly as obvious or the way they are today, shockingly so. We have entered the 40th year from the time of that Word from the Lord.
There were pages of prophecies. Many things were said that I don’t remember. However, there is one full prophecy that was preserved (given on March 17, 1984, in Bernalillo, NM):
“I AM FINISHED WINKING! I am fed up to complete fullness of the sins of the wicked. I can bear no more. Great and terrible is the fire that rushes to the destruction of the wicked! How fearful is the judgment that falls on ungodly people!
How do they crave destruction! How depraved are they that they should seek wounds and pain and sorrow and screaming and strife against My peace, says the Lord. How demented shall people be that they should seek horrible torment, living in darkness, rather than seeking My love and living in the light of day! So they will be filled to the full with their own devices and I will not spare them, says the Lord.
For when I called them and confronted them, they did not spare Me, says the Lord. Neither did they spare their neighbor who dwelt safely by them. They condemned; they killed; they butchered; they slaughtered; they stole; they hated; they lied; they filled Me to the full with their blasphemies and their fornications, and I will therefore fill them to the full seven times over with their blasphemies with which they have blasphemed against Me and with their wickedness which they have committed against Me, says the Lord.
Vengeance is Mine, says the Lord. As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so I will repay them according to the great multitude of their sins against Me, says the Lord. I am full with their sins and full with My fury that I will pour out upon them for their sins. Will it be heard and known that I recompense every man according to the fruit of his doings! …
… You will pierce through the hearts of many with sorrow and divide the weak from the strong, the sheep from the goat, and the fleece from the lamb. You will run through the hearts of the wicked, and they will not be able to stand up against you. You’ll consider and look and see them no more.
But to the righteous will be given the balm of healing. They will be carried to safety. They will be anointed with the oil of gladness above all their companions because they have sought the Lord; they have worshipped the God of Heaven. They have forsaken their evil ways so that they might walk in holiness and truth and righteousness. To such is the blessing of God in mercifulness and great abundance. With such will I be well pleased.
And then can I rest from the horribleness of the sins of the wicked, and from the fury that has welled up to the full within Me, says the Lord. And when I have drunk to the full of the blood of the wicked and eaten of their flesh to the full, for the trespasses they have trespassed against Me and for the iniquities they have committed against Me, then I’ll be at peace and then I’ll be at rest, says the Lord. And I will remember their sins no more.
Weep and wail, you people, because now it is time for weeping and wailing! You have given all your time to dancing and singing and laughing and eating and drinking and sleeping and hoarding riches and enjoying yourselves, taking no regard and not considering that you have given little time to weeping and sorrow. Where laughter was greedy and took away all the room of the house, now will it be evicted to make place for great sorrow with weeping and wailing.
You have mocked the righteous and you have trodden upon the backs of the innocent. Now let’s discover how well you have done and how well you have fared. As the curtain opens in your money games to show you the reward of your cleverness and your luck, so now I open to you the curtain to show you the fruits of your doings.
Let the just man and the patient man and the pure man and the holy man and the righteous man and the man who speaks truth rejoice and sing and laugh because his reward has come. But let the wicked perish and be rewarded justly for the fornications and the abominations with which they have defiled My house and caused Me great grief and unimaginable sorrow. Let them be filled up to the full with the rewards of their sins. May they be cast out of My house and discarded in the dunghills of unrighteousness for to that end were they called and to that end, they answered ever so faithfully. The Lord has done speaking. I will speak no more.
Bless the wicked, you abominable. Praise them, you unrighteous. Fill them full of flatteries and strengthen them in their wickedness. Do you think you’ll escape? Do you think you can utter perversities out of your vile mouths and expect to escape the judgment of God? Cannot the One Who creates both good and evil tell the difference? Does He not have eyes to see Who created the eye to see? Cannot the One Who says, ‘You shall not do wickedly’, tell if you do wickedly? Will He not judge the wickedness He sees and knows of?
Are you God yourselves that you presume to escape indefinitely the judgment that I have pronounced against evildoers? How can you laugh and scorn in your hearts saying, ‘God does not see me’? How can you giggle and sneer and scoff and dance in your aisles and gather yourselves before Me, only to worship the god of entertainment and the god of social benefit, you hypocrites?
Do you think you can dress in fine clothing and plaster your faces with make-up and wear smiles and read a few passages in Scripture, saying, ‘God has blessed me,’ and escape such hypocrisy when in your hearts you judge, you condemn, you hate, you criticize, you gossip, you slander, you lust after women, after money, after the riches of this world?
Those who have taken upon themselves My Name are adulterers and adulteresses. They have never known the true way, the path of peace, though they say, ‘We are God’s people, we alone are truly righteous and blessed of the Lord.’
Salve your consciences with church attendance and pastor-pleasing and meager offerings and Bible studies and choir singing and door-to-door canvassing and prayer meetings and tract distribution and naming your businesses and your children and your churches with Scriptural names and speaking to your neighbors in the manner you call witnessing. Am I not above consciences and salve? Do you think your works and your words and your tears and your devotions to all these things please Me?
Though you deceive yourselves into thinking you serve Me in your hearts, yet I see and know your hearts. And when wisdom screams at you from every street corner and every person and every business transaction, still you stop your ears and refuse to listen. Now I bring a calamity and a pestilence upon you, and as you have stopped your ears and refused the entry of truth, so I will stop My ears when you cry out for deliverance, and there will be none to deliver you. I am finished winking.”
The Word of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach by Victor Hafichuk