Terrible Good

Chinese – English

It is supposed by the lovers and inhabitants of this world that Christ came to make their existence in this world a pleasurable one by following His teachings and “principles of success.” They fail to realize that His purpose was to deliver us from the tantalizings of earth and prepare us for another world by overcoming and forsaking this one.

The cross of Christ represents death, not life to the flesh, and life, not death to the spirit, by the subsequent resurrection. Only a heart after God will perceive the reality of things and pursue at all costs.


Righteousness is a dungeon

To the son of iniquity.

Truth is a stench to his nostrils;

It cause his eyes to tear,

His nose to wrinkle,

His throat to choke.

Laws are as chains to him

With rough-edged shackles

That tear his flesh

And bind him down to Hell.

Those who speak the truth

Are as cruel tormentors,

Dictators, fascists, despots

To be despised and shunned.

Fanatics they are,

Upsetting the world,

A blotch and a disgrace

To a free thinking society,

To the modern man,

To the age of emancipation.


Lawlessness is a palace

To the son of iniquity.

His pleasure is to sniff the aroma of lies.

His eyes light up with delight;

He swallows the darkness with zest

And never has enough.

Unrighteousness is as fine clothing,

With lace and frill and charm.

Those who speak the lie

Are received as saints and kings,

Friends, bosom companions

To be loved and revered.

Sensible they are,

And level-headed,

Preserving the status quo.

Pillars they are if in a small way,

To protect the world,

From oppression,

From narrow-mindedness,

From antiquated ways.


“He that is unjust,

Let him be unjust still;

And he which is filthy,

Let him be filthy still;

And he that is righteous,

Let him be righteous still;

And he that is holy,

Let him be holy still” (Rev. 22:11).


Lethbridge, Ab., Dec. 1985

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