True Doctrine Is Strange to Those in Error

From: Claudio
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2016 8:48 PM
Subject: Judging a brother…

Dear brothers Paul and Victor,

Judging a brother like you do, as in the case of Austin Sparks, calling the brother of false prophet and even antichrist is something very serious.

I say that because when you read about his life and the testimony he gave to the Lord during his lifetime, it is something that fully confirms his ministry.

His ministry was based on the Word of God and are often deep studies focusing in Christ and in Christ alone.

You should have fear of the Lord, because it may be that the accusations that you usually speak and write about him, God may bring on you judgment in the Court of Christ.

Beware of concerning this type of  judgments, especially because the adjectives and nouns that you use about this servant of God are too heavy.

In Christ,


From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Claudio
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2016 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: Judging a brother…

“We are of God. He who knows God hears us. The one who is not of God does not hear us. From this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error” (1 John 4:6 MKJV).

Hi Claudio, 

Give us Godly substance and not your mere human judgment.

If you had sent us our writing on Austin-Sparks and asked us what we thought, we would have said it’s Scripturally accurate in spirit and letter, presenting godly understanding and truth throughout. It doesn’t matter that we wrote it – the children of Truth agree with the truth, even if giving the appearance of bias. 

Take note that you haven’t refuted the truth we’ve written. All of your arguments are based on perception lacking verification or godly witnesses. This is anti-Christ – replacing His Truth with your opinion.

If you’re our brother in the Lord, Claudio, then you’ll acknowledge what we’re saying is true.

Paul and Victor

From: Claudio
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 8:58 AM
Subject: Judging a brother…

Dear brothers Paul and Victor,

I’ve been observing the list of false prophets performed by you and really brings outrage by the levity with which are placed on this list several names without any concrete basis for the charges.

I’m surprised, as I said earlier with names like: T. Austin Sparks; Andrew Murray; Watchman Nee; Spurgeon and some others who are accused of being false prophets.

To me it’s unbelievable that people who claim to be Christian, participants of the body of Christ, practice severe judgments as if they had been placed by God for this kind of mission, although the creators of Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses,  and founders of other strange cults, popes, and many others, they clearly can be accused, according to the teachings of the Bible, of false prophets.

Our Lord said: “judge not lest ye be judged, because with the same measure that you measure you will be measured”.

The apostle Paul also says: “do not judge before time”.

The apostle James says: who are you to judge your brother, to their Lord he shall fall or  stand…

Observing the dogmas of faith that you preach, I was scared that you don’t believe in the divine Trinity.

How can that be? Because the Lord Himself says: “Baptize in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There are three distinct Names of three separate Persons.

The Lord also said: I will send  another Comforter. Therefore cannot be Himself but another Person.

This doctrine that you advocate is a strange doctrine and worthy of being rejected.

Another weird thing that you claim is that water baptism is something of the symbolism of the past, while the Lord Himself fulfilled this ritual and even emphasized that we should baptize those who come to believe. He even said: “those who believe and are baptized will be saved”.

Philip baptized the eunuch, Peter baptized Cornelius and the Bible shows that this rite has not ever been rescinded in the Scriptures but always emphasized. How can you undo something that is ordered in the Word of God as orderly. Based on what biblical text? This all sounds very strange. Just you that claim to be righteous and correct in following our Lord´s doctrine and judge many of God’s people.

I think we have to read the word of God (Bible) more accurately, and persists to live it sincerely, otherwise we can fabricate and believe in strange doctrines that are not revealed in the Bible.

Thank you for your attention and I ask God to bless you and  give even more light to your ministry.

Brother Claudio

From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Claudio
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 7:38 AM
Subject: Re[3]: Judging a brother…

Claudio, Paul asked you to “Give us Godly substance and not your mere human judgment.

You have failed to do so. You have continued with YOUR judgment, understanding, and interpretation of the Scriptures, the very thing of which you accuse us of being guilty.

No “concrete basis” for our judgments? We don’t agree. Have you attentively, prayerfully red our papers? It’s highly unlikely, not without your doctrinal blinders and colored glasses. More importantly, can you say God has given you revelation of the matters in question? You know otherwise, don’t you? 

You write:

To me it’s unbelievable that people who claim to be Christian, participants of the body of Christ, practice severe judgments as if they had been placed by God for this kind of mission, although the creators of Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses,  and founders of other strange cults, popes, and many others, they clearly can be accused, according to the teachings of the Bible, of false prophets.

“…as if they had been placed by God for this kind of mission…?” Why does it seem a strange thing to you that such can well be the case? We tell you it is. How do you know otherwise? And what if we are in that place with God? What does that mean for you?

You say:

Observing the dogmas of faith that you preach, I was scared that you don’t believe in the divine Trinity. How can that be? Because the Lord Himself says: ‘Baptize in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There are three distinct Names of three separate Persons.

Has it not occurred to you that those aren’t names, but titles? What is the Name, or if you like, are, the names of the three? 

And didn’t you know that the words in Matthew 28:18-20 aren’t found in the most original manuscripts available? Have you ever noticed that if you were to use that literal formula for water baptism, “Father, Son and Holy Spirit,” that Peter then went on to “disobey” the Lord, teaching and practising otherwise? What Name did Peter and Paul baptize in? Can you tell us?

And where does it say in Scripture that we must believe in the “divine Trinity”? Can you point it out to us? Have you red our papers? Who are you to judge us, Claudio? Read The Asininity of the Trinity , Jesus Christ, Almighty God,
and The Most Glorious of Truths.

You see, Claudio, you have a lot to learn. What you have been learning is error. We point out that error, according to the Scriptures, and you fault us? How so?

I think we have to read the word of God (Bible) more accurately, and persists to live it sincerely, otherwise we can fabricate and believe in strange doctrines that are not revealed in the Bible.

Amen and Amen! Consider, will you? We are here by the will of God to address the error by speaking the Truth of God as firmly confirmed in His Holy Scriptures. 

There is much more we could address in your letter, but let this suffice for now. 

Victor Hafichuk

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