Compromise or the Cross – Which Will You Choose?

From: Joy Hancock
Date: Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 9:18 AM
Subject: Update & HelloHello Victor & all,I wanted to send you an update on things. As I mentioned in another email, I have really been thinking and reading a lot about Christmas the past few months. The Lord gave me the desire to give it up and I’ve been praying for strength from Him to do that – it has been an internal struggle. Well, a week and a half ago, my mom asked for my Christmas list and I told her that I been researching Christmas and it was pagan. Her response surprised me – she said she knew it was pagan, that all the holidays were pagan, but she didn’t celebrate the pagan parts of it. So I told her about the history of Christmas and mentioned the verse in Deuteronomy and Jeremiah 10:3-4. I wasn’t hostile at all towards her and I told her that I wasn’t condemning her for celebrating it, just sharing with her what I was learning.

Well, she sent me a letter a week later, and I have never seen her act so defensive and angry. I will put it below. I guess one good thing came from it, because my husband read it and said he would support me 100% if I wanted to give up Christmas. Thank you Lord! We are not really sure what to do on Christmas Day as my mom still wants us to come over for a meal, however if we do I know we won’t be taking any gifts. I’m not really surprised because Jesus did say we would have division in our families, but I can’t say that it doesn’t hurt.


Dear Joy,

On Dec. 25th I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in the flesh. I know he was probably not born on that day and that pagans are worshipped on that day also. But I do not worship other Gods/gods. Perhaps pagans did pick that day but I worship Jesus Christ come in the flesh! My tree is not an idol! I do not worship my tree! Jesus died for me on a tree. The lights at Christmas remind me that Jesus is the light of the world! The presents remind me that Jesus was the best present I ever received. I remember being so excited 51 Christmases ago when I had my first Christmas after I was saved! I still feel that awesome love for my savior at Christmas time. Pagans cannot take that from me. I believe some of the months we live in were named after pagan kings and gods. January was named after the god Janus (Oh my) and March after Mars (a god). July & August were named after Julius Caesar (a wicked king) and the emperor Augustus (also wicked) yet we still call those months those names!

The world is full of pagan names & titles. We can make a difference as Christians in this pagan world. How? By letting Jesus shine through us & show the world our joy & peace, especially at Christmas time. I give out Christmas tracts and people are very receptive usually at Christmastime.

So whether you choose to celebrate Christ’s birth at Christmas time or not, I will be putting up a tree, decorating my house, singing carols, and worshipping the Christ child who came to die for me.

Janice or Mom

From: Victor Hafichuk
Date: Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 8:19 AM
Subject: RE: Update & HelloBeen there, done and suffered it all, so I don’t blame you, Joy, but after it all and after all the Lord has consistently, faithfully taught me, you need to understand that you err to compromise in any way in any degree. It is folly. Do you or do you not love the Lord?If you love Him, you’ll not attempt to alleviate your mother’s discomforts and do her bidding of ignorance and false love of God. She doesn’t know Him and doesn’t want to know Him. She has no heart to honor and obey Him. She doesn’t fear God.

Religious? Yes. She’s had feelings and experiences? Of course. Seemingly legitimate before God. Speaking of “lights of Christmas,” your mother, in the Name of the Lord, praises or accommodates Satan, who comes as an angel of light. You know that. It’s his shtick and she is his bondslave. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about and “come hell or high water,” she’ll hold you in hell for her own. She refuses to surrender to the Lord.

“They of your house will be your foes.”

If all this offends you, so be it. “Blessed are those who aren’t offended in Me.” But the Lord has granted you mercy to hear and know the Truth, and as you follow through and do whatever it takes to walk through the narrow gate and travel the narrow road leading to Life, Jesus Christ, the Gate, the Way, and the Life, you must do so with all your might… for your life, or you perish. Being a pillar of salt is not very fulfilling.

I can’t carry you. You need to avail yourself of the Lord. You need to believe and trust what He has shown and told you. Nothing in this world of creatures is worth a hoot compared to Him, the Creator.

Do you love Him or don’t you? “She that has My commandments and keeps them, she it is that loves Me,” and “She that loves mother or father or anyone or anything more than Me is not worthy of Me.”

The cross, the cross, the cross. Satan offers the throne and the pleasure, the passions, the possessions and comforts, the artificial peace and joy and the feelings your mother refers to and prizes.

I’ve had them, too, and had one hell of a time breaking free. I had to believe the Lord and trust Him, despite my desires, attractions, and feelings, and sentiments. Those are the prince of this world’s cushioned chains of darkness that kindly, deceptively hold you fast and smother the life out of you.

Which will you choose? If the Lord, you dare not travel close to the edge of the precipitous road. The enemy has his traps, temptations, strategies, and deceptions.

The Lord will show you through and comfort you in your sorrows but you need to tear your heart away from the love of your family and friends and set your heart on the “cruel” cross which is the Comfort of the Ages in disguise.

The Lord offers death but Satan offers life, all the kingdoms of this world, friendships and all. In the end, from each you receive the opposite of what you perceived originally.

The cross is the One and Only Way that leads to the Resurrection past the grave. Satan spares the flesh and Jesus Christ requires it. Jesus paid the Price so that you could have Life. Satan keeps your flesh so that you and he can retain it. Whaaat a choice!

Why would you honor Baal/Beelzebub if only by your presence, with or without presents just to please his daughter? Am I being strong? Perhaps I need to be?

You are called to be God’s child, not Satan’s. You are called to love, not hate, opposition to darkness, out of the grave to the throne of God. The price for that? Everything you have and are, not a thing spared or held back. It’s all or nothing.

Woe to those who know what is of the devil and still accommodate it against the Lord for the devil’s sake! Woe! How foolish! How contradictory! How compromising! How cowardly! How devious! Isn’t that the way of Judas? Of Lot’s wife?

I don’t wish to play tug-o-war with your adversaries over your soul. Rarely do I win because such circumstances usually indicate the course is set, the battle already decided in the heart, though not always.

Will you make it, Joy? Will I be counted their enemy and ultimately yours for speaking the Truth to you all? Lord, Your will be done.

What concord has Christ with Belial? I’m amazed at your mother’s words, “…she said she knew it was pagan, that all the holidays were pagan, but she didn’t celebrate the pagan parts of it.”

Wow! Yes, surprising? Does she know nothing of the Scriptures and you only thought she did? How about, “Touch not the unclean thing,” and “What part has he with infidels?” and, “Be holy for God is holy?” and “What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?” and “What communion has light with darkness?”

Wow, wow, wow! How dark and foolish! And where do little steps lead? Will the enemy ever be satisfied?

Do you think Hamas and Islam will ever be satisfied until every last Jew is slain, even cruelly brutalized?

Joy, you know well it’s all or nothing and your choices must be decisive and without delay. But choose life that you may live.

Note the reaction at the first answer? That told it all for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. And her letter was sent, knowing you had won the first round. She worships nothing but false gods, only false gods, the “the Christ child” being one of several. Her entire letter is claptrap of the enemy and you know it, too, Joy. I know, I was there too. It’s the battle between light and darkness.

You can’t, said Jesus, worship both God and mammon (flesh, pleasing self, tradition, pagan elements). You’ll be on one side or the other, hating one and loving the other (Mt. 6:24). Your mother is thoroughly deceived and hanging on to death for “dear life.”

It’s not the true, but the fake Jesus, the counterfeit, that she presumes to have shining through her. That’s exactly what Christmas and its spirit are all about. And the whole world loves it. Now comes the armies of Satan by the Muslims to destroy. They’re here, Joy, and America and Canada will be seeing it all soon enough. God’s judgment on hypocrisy, His most hated sin of all. He is furious.

Be a light to your mother, Joy, not a guarantee of death through compromise in any way to darkness and its ways.

I’ve written an unusual letter to you – straightforward, standing to offend you for speaking as I am now, but I no longer have the stomach to be “diplomatic” and “tactful” to spare the flesh. If your flesh needs sparing, you have no hope. I’ve learned that lesson more than once.

Joy, your husband has been moved by the Lord for your encouragement to stand with you. Be thankful.


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