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Conversations with God – Truth and Consequences

I bless you in the Name of the Lord Jesus!

I was thankful to hear from you, Mickey. First of all, let me tell you that all that I said to you about what was happening here with us was true. However, I don’t understand how those things will all be manifest and neither do you, so please don’t get any ideas or make any interpretations. These things are so, and yet they are not. This is not a time for further explanation. Since I spoke to you the Lord told Marilyn and me, simultaneously and independently, not to judge what is happening after the appearance. He is working something out here among us that, though it has been very perplexing and painful, is already manifesting in wonderful and glorious ways, for which those of us who can see are rejoicing and thankful as never before.

You may not be very receptive to comments I wish to make on the book Conversations with God, perhaps because it seemed to answer some questions for you or to offer you solace and even entertainment for a time, at a time of great lows as you said. But I do it in hope of better things, not without conviction that what I say can be very valuable. Here goes:

I would first like to say that Walsch’s entity says many true things about men, their foolish imaginations, erroneous doctrines, and false notions of God. Many things he says are open to interpretation; they may be right and they may be wrong. However, it is not my intent, nor the purpose of this letter, to find agreement, because it is plain to me that the entity is not serving the Lord Jesus Christ, and is certainly condemning the testimony of Holy Scripture, which Author is God. Why would God condemn His own words and work? (I am not only assuming, but know the Bible to be His Word and Work.) My intention here is to point out and to warn gullible seekers of the hidden and subtle poison that is there, which, if they eat the mixture of truth and the error that is being served, they will not live, but die.

A question to ponder: Is evil greater than good? Isn’t it interesting that only one hundredth of one percent of the food served up on my platter can kill me though the rest is wholesome and nutritious? Isn’t it a fact that while one bad apple will spoil a whole box of good apples, one good apple will not redeem a box of bad ones? I have the answer, should anyone care for it and ask.

Walsch writes on page thirteen:

If you believe that God is the creator and decider of all things in your life, you are mistaken. God is the observer, not the creator…It is not God’s function to create, or uncreate, the circumstances or conditions of your life. God created you, in the image and likeness of God. You have created the rest, through the power God has given you…In this sense, your will for you is God’s will for you. You are living your life the way you are living your life, and I [presumably God] have no preference in the matter…This is the grand illusion in which you have engaged: that God cares one way or the other what you do. I do not care what you do, and that is hard for you to hear.

On the contrary, this is appealing music to man’s ears, because it allows men to sit on God’s throne, presumably with His permission. “I do not care what you do” – this is Satan once again putting lies in the mouth of God. As for God not caring or being involved, His Word declares quite otherwise:

1. “God works all things according to the counsel of His own will” (Ephesians 1:11).

2. “I am the Lord, and there is none else…I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things” (Isaiah 45:5-7).

3. “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him Who is able to destroy both the soul and the body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them shall fall on the ground apart from the will of your Father” (Matthew 10:28-29 EMTV).

4. Read the complete Chapter Nine in Romans and you will see the absolute sovereignty of God over our lives, very contrary to what Walsch’s “God” says. I can quote 100’s of Scriptures that contradict what is said in Walsch’s book. The spirit speaking to him denies the veracity, authority and power of the Scriptures.

Does God not care what we do, as the entity in the book declares? He once said to me, in great pain, that He was hurting for His people who were not obeying Him. He sent His Son to die on the cross, paying a horrible price for us because of what we were doing, called “sinning.” Does that say He doesn’t care? Jesus wept over Jerusalem, saying, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kills the prophets and stones them which are sent to you, how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and you would not. Behold, your house is left to you desolate. For I say to you, You shall not see Me henceforth, till you shall say, Blessed is he that comes in the Name of the Lord” (Mt. 23:37-39).

So many times the Bible speaks of the wrath of God. Does the Bible lie? And if He is angry, sending sword, famine, pestilence and wild beast on His people because of their sins of waywardness, doing their own thing, worshiping other gods, who can say He doesn’t care what they do? All these things He does to turn people from destruction, not because He is spiteful or vindictive.

Moving on, Walsch puts Jesus on a par with Buddha, saying they lived alike. However, Buddha did not live as Jesus did. Firstly, it is written, “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

Secondly, Jesus Christ is Lord (multitudinous references to that) and the only Lord of all lords, as it says, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Eph. 1:4). Peter said, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). The same cannot be said of Buddha, who lived before that time and was already known to the world.

Finally, though there be many more points, Jesus Christ alone laid down His life, literally, and was raised from the dead…for us. Buddha did not do this. Neither did anyone else. If anybody, as the entity claims, made a decision not to doubt God, they would believe in Jesus and Him only. As it says, “That if you shall confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved” (Romans 10:9). Again, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6). Jesus created Buddha and died for his sins, which Buddha had, while Jesus was ever sinless.

On page seventeen, Walsch quotes the entity saying, “You have projected the role of ‘parent’ onto God, and have thus come up with a God Who judges and rewards or punishes, based on how good He feels about what you’ve been up to…

This contradicts all that the writers of the Bible, inspired of God, have had to say. As it says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (Tim. 3:16,17).

God is known as “the Father,” and those born of Him as His sons and daughters. Were the writers of the Scriptures deluded into imagining their own concepts? Was Jesus also deluded, calling God “Father”? Is He a parent? Truly. As it says:

“Therefore come out from among them and be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing. And I will receive you and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:17-18 MKJV).


“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together” (Romans 8:14-17).

Is He a God Who judges or is that only the notion of tyrants who seek to rule over us? The Bible is clear that “He is the Judge of all the earth” (Gen. 18:25), “in righteousness does He judge and make war” (Rev. 19:11), “wherein they think it strange that you don’t run with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: who shall give account to Him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead” (I Peter 4:4-5), and on and on.

Does He reward? He says, “And, behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Rev. 22:12).

Does He punish? Read Deuteronomy 28, all. There isn’t a book of all 66 books in the Bible that doesn’t declare these truths implicitly or explicitly. According to this entity, if we believe the Lord and the testimony of Scriptures, we are all stupid, brainwashed and ignorant, because the Bible is hogwash, the product of unenlightened fools or preying tyrants, and therefore “Jesus isn’t perfect” (a statement Walsch’s source makes) either.

On page 18, Walsch writes:

Having thus created an entire thought system about God based on human experience rather than spiritual truth, you then create an entire reality around love. It is a fear-based reality, rooted in the idea of a fearful, vengeful God. Its Sponsoring Thought is wrong, but to deny that thought would be to disrupt your whole theology. And though the new theology which would replace it would truly be your salvation, you cannot accept it, because the idea of a God Who is not to be feared, Who will not judge, and Who has no cause to punish is simply too mangificent to be embraced within even your grandest notion of Who and What God is.

It is indeed true that man has many false, preconceived notions about God that bind and torment him. However, we cannot allow Walsch to discount the true and healthy fear of God. When Moses met with God, he feared. As it says, “And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake” (Heb. 12:21). Verse 25 goes on to say, “See that you refuse not Him that speaks. For if they escaped not who refused Him that spoke on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from Him that speaks from Heaven.” When Jesus appeared to John in Revelation, John fell at His feet as dead, and that is in spite of the fact that he had walked intimately with Him on earth, being His beloved disciple. Many godly men in the Scriptures were afraid when God appeared to them in varied ways. Perhaps they fell short in their reactions because of their notions, so that Walsch’s source is right, but if so, why were these men not corrected or put at ease then and there, if God is as described by Walsch?

The entity of this book has no use whatsoever for truth. I went throughout the whole book, made notes and could go on and on. I have included sufficient material in this letter for anyone who has a speck of reason and interest in the truth, to accurately judge the validity of this book.

The case is simple: If it is God Himself speaking in this book, then the Bible is a piece of trash, a dangerous one at that. Furthermore, do not entertain the thought that perhaps some of this book is God speaking and some of it is Walsch’s own thought, thinking it to be God. God does not share His glory with another. He does not mingle with man and leave any doubt, in the final analysis, as to who is speaking when He does speak. And He never contradicts Himself as does this entity.

It hit me just a few days ago, though I had already told you that it was a devil speaking to Walsch, that this devil was causing Walsch to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If you read the passage where the serpent spoke to Eve, tempting her (Gen. 3:1-6), he called God a liar… “Yea, has God said…?” and accused Him of selfish motives… “God knows that in the day you eat of that tree, then your eyes will be opened, and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil.” Indeed, Satan is that adversary, “walking to and fro in the earth,” “going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.”

Walsch wanted the “good life.” He wanted knowledge, not the will of God. Eve fell for it: “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” So has Walsch eaten.

And which of all the prophets, apostles and saints made money on publishing the truth? In fact, they all laid their lives on the line, many losing them, to do so. But this spirit tells Walsch otherwise. “All these kingdoms will I give to you if you will fall down and worship me.” Walsch does so because, after all, that is what counts to him.

Let me tell you something, Mickey. The Lord does not mix Himself commonly with man as this spirit did. He does not divulge information and answer any questions willy-nilly as did this spirit. The Lord does not cast pearls before swine, or give that which is holy to dogs. We have access to God only one way, as the Bible amply and certainly declares, and that is on His terms, not ours.

You called me after reading this book, saying, “We were on the right track.” Mickey, while you were with us, you and we were on the right track. I know that. But months before you left, when we were first getting acquainted, the Lord had informed us that you would not be around for long. According to His Word, in July, you told us you were going back to Saskatoon to rejoin “Mount Zion Christian Centre” and to your former pastors. We parted ways. You thought we should follow. We sought the Lord, Who nixed it.

Months earlier, before all of this happened, I had a dream that the angels of God had pulled us off to the side of a busy highway, for our safety, we being headed in the wrong lanes, against the traffic, while letting you go on, and I saw Dave going with you, all of you laughing and having a fun time. Sure enough, it came to pass even as the dream foretold. When Dave had returned with another fellow from Mount Zion to get his stuff, and even before, when he had gone for a weekend there he reveled in the “fun” he and all there were having. He thought it was the joy of the Lord, suggesting, if not declaring, that Marilyn and I were two legalists, knowing little of God, His will or His ways. The dream was unfolding in every detail.

When I dropped in to your home, while you were selling it to go to Saskatoon, Lynn scoffed to my face (couldn’t hide it any longer), at the thought that you should listen to us rather than we to you. The colors came out. Months later, after going our ways, we received a letter from you wherein you said that if we did not come to Saskatoon, we would fall prey to the “vicious delusion of the enemy.”

But what happened in the end, Mickey? Though our path has been hard and trying, the Lord has greatly blessed us. Today we hear His voice, receiving revelation and direction. He has kept us, abundantly blessing us beyond our expectations. You went to Saskatoon, took David with you, and became prey to the “vicious delusion of the enemy” yourselves. We were told in October of 1990, when we took our trip there and visited with you and Dave, that the co-pastors of Mount Zion, Bill and Dave, were discovered to be practising homosexuals, that Mount Zion had disbanded and all were scattered, some devastated. We had been spared.

Then came your unexpected divorce and the consequent trauma you experienced, going back to former vices and more, losing much. Against God’s laws made known to us for our sakes, your wife put away her husband and took on another, as an adulteress, driving her true husband to adultery as well. She even takes off with your retirement payout, leaving you with nothing.

Your daughter writes a book called “Bury(ing?) My Rage,” and is quite vocal on environmental issues. But is the environment and its destruction by man the real issue with her? I don’t think so. In fact, I know that it is not. Your daughter is hurting and hurting badly. She needs someone who understands, who knows the truth, who is in touch with God to help her, because nobody else can.

Then there is your son who, aspiring for a certain career, lost it, having been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He too desperately needs help and can be helped, not by those who are treating and counseling him now, but by God Who can deliver Him from the devils which plague him, as they do Rena. He may yet be able to be an R.C.M.P. officer, by the grace of God, re-examined and found to no longer have any trace of his problem. Rena too can have a fulfilled life instead of losing to death her husbands and losing peace of mind to the internal troubles which plague her, and which have plagued her parents these many years.

And what of Dave? Before he was gone from Prince Albert, I suddenly prophesied over him, saying that he would be delivered to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. The words, “And you shall know that I am Lord” were repeatedly spoken in that prophecy. And did it not happen? Into “Mount Zion” (which was the opposite of the true) he went, with you, and then to the blackness and delusion of the ultra Orthodox Church, which is full of carnality, superstition, false doctrine, fleshly practices, being an abomination to God. When we visited him in Saskatoon in 1990, he was self-righteous, basking in the flatteries of his church and his wife, as dead as anybody one could find in a cemetery, at the same time reveling in it. And then I remembered how that in Prince Albert, 14 years earlier, he had been a man pleaser and loved being pleased by man. I had forgotten that. That was how he was enticed to Saskatoon and delivered over to Satan, who “savors the things that are of men.”

Indeed, as the Scripture says, “The way of the transgressor is hard.”

Mickey, from what I understand, you were into the spiritual for the fun, the glory, the adventure. Truly, the path of God is not that way but through the cross. As Jesus said, “He that doesn’t take up his cross and follow Me, denying himself, is not worthy of Me.”

Today, I give you Scripture, referred to as the Scripture of Truth. But I well remember that you folks had very little stomach for the Bible. Oh, pet, pleasant, convenient verses were okay, some attractive passages in song quite entertaining, but to take and to swallow the whole counsel of God, the bitter with the sweet, was abhorrent and despised by you. It was. And you deemed us to be unlearned and legalistic to do so.

In your wisdom you have suffered, your children have suffered, and you will all continue to do so. You entertain this diabolical book with pleasure because pleasure is your motivation, not the will of God. So it is with Walsch and countless others. Why not repent (change your mind and direction, turn around, forsake your own understanding) and embrace that of which many prophets and saints have spoken and laid down their lives to deliver to others for their sakes and the Lord’s? Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.”

If you, your daughter and/or your son were to come to me, by the grace of God, all your lives could be turned around to experience those very things for which you have sought, and which have eluded you these many years. Why bring your waywardness and fruits of stubborn willfulness and pride upon your children, even as you have suffered? Why let Rena come anywhere close to falling prey to the “vicious delusions of the enemy” (and now, as you know, vicious delusions they are), by such as this book she sends to a father who is too blind to warn her against it, and to counsel her and steer her on the true path to God, thereby delivering her from further pain, sorrow, loss and ultimately death?

This is no game, Mickey. I have staked my entire life on it and know whereof I speak. These are matters of life and death and I know them and treat them as such, unlike you heretofore. It is not too late. Come out of your shell, hasten “the uptake” and begin a new and worthwhile life. I don’t promise a rose garden or a path free of holes and rocks, storms, adversaries and the like, but I do promise that if you believe and hear what I have to say, taking it to heart and acting on it, and continue to do so, you will have the crown of life indeed, and it will all be far more than worth it in the end. That, I guarantee, not that I can guarantee anything of myself, but truth and righteousness do.

When I invited you to come for a few days, I did not expect you to accept, though in earlier phone calls you eagerly suggested and declared your desire to get together with us. Then, when I called, you said, “I’ll have to think about it.” What I had shared with you was too heavy. You have one tough time with reality. The irony of it is that what you despise and fear can be your salvation, and by shunning it, you end up with those very things you fear. Whenever anyone, in my 24 years of walking with God, has said, “I’ll have to think or pray about it,” the interpretation I gradually learned was, “Mmm, I don’t think so.” I ever hope that one is as the justified servant, in the parable Jesus gave, who at first said “No” but who later obeyed, while the other one had said “Yes” to his father’s request but didn’t follow through.


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