Stoning the Mirror

What did the religious who accused Christ of blasphemy do with what He told them about themselves and their sins? They blasphemed! And that’s the way it has always been for God’s children, who serve as a mirror of light that reflects the image of those who come against the truth.

Didn’t Jesus warn His followers about those He called the children of Satan, “If people call the head of the family Satan, what will they say about the rest of the family?” (Matthew 10:25 CEV)? And we, as Christ’s ambassadors, admonish His children, “For consider Him Who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest you be weary and faint in your minds” (Hebrews 12:3 MKJV).


Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Wherever did you get your gall?

I’m not guilty of such things at all!

Mirror, mirror, take a fall!


I have a different image in my mind,

Of myself that’s much more kind.

A finer person you’ll never find;

Surely, mirror, you are blind!


Mirror, mirror, full of lies,

What you show me, I despise,

What I see, my heart denies,

Things not fit for holy eyes!


Who holds this mirror before my face?

I find your judgment cruel and base.

Is your agenda my disgrace?

You need to learn and know your place.


I will now even the score;

I will escape what I abhor.

Crash goes the mirror to the floor,

A false impression to give no more.


But now I have only shattered dreams.

There’s no more peace, it seems,

Only eyes full of beams,

A state no decent being esteems.


Moon River Estates, January 4, 2011

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