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Though men have many idols, which they worship consciously or otherwise, they do not serve these gods so much as themselves. Idolatry’s purpose is to serve one’s self, to preserve one’s self in the flesh, from the cross. If an idol fails to serve the worshipper in the way that he seeks, he will remove that idol from its pedestal soon enough, and find another, unless of course, he is determined to wait patiently for that idol to produce its desired effects one way or another.

Idolatry is inconsistent, contradictory and unprofitable in every way. Money is only a medium of getting. Getting is the medium for serving self. It is serving self until God is worshipped in spirit and truth.


In the Scriptures

There are many polarities.

One of these

Is God and money.

A man will make his vows to God

Ever so faithfully

And fervently,

Professing to believe.

But let it cost him money,

Not another’s, but his own,

Let his wallet be threatened

And then we see the fruits,

The heart exposed,

True thoughts unveiled

And he walks away,

Having nothing

But his money.

He has his god

And his fruits tell it.

Though he justifies himself,

He is sad and empty.


You say you believe in God,

Yet He is the One who gave you

What you have.

He is your source.

But I will tell

If you are a bird

By the feathers that come,

If they come.

Better I should wait

For feathers to come of themselves

To prove you are a bird,

Rather than demand

That you show me feathers.

Feathers will prove you are a bird

And not you yourself.


It is not easy

For a rich man

To enter the kingdom of God.

It is impossible.

But put your trust in Him.

Give that which you value,

that which you treasure and cherish,

that which is not easy to give

Because you find it delightful

and useful

and necessary.

Open the clenched fist,

Let your money go

And you will need

No further justification,

Being happy and full.

You are called to be a channel,

not a reservoir,

a river,

not a swamp.

As water stagnates in a swamp,

Being unsuitable for drinking,

So your possessions stagnate with you

If you do not give freely,

As a flowing river.

Tell me, my friend:

Which lasts longer?

A river or a swamp?

Which tastes better?

A river or a swamp?

Which gives life?

A river or a swamp?

Which will you be?


Lethbridge, Sept. 30, 1984

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