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Atheists Cry

Until the believer is perfected, there remains some atheist in him. He says he believes, but in the final analysis, his fruits tell otherwise, quite.

We worry, doubt, or fear because we don’t believe. Examining ourselves in the Light, we discover the truth about ourselves. That Light’s source is the fire that serves to purge us of the atheist within, that fire being an enemy at first, and a friend in the end.

How will I know I can stand the fire

Unless I am subjected?

How do I develop muscle to do heavy work

Unless I do heavy work to develop muscle?

How do I form calluses on my hands to prevent blisters

Unless I do those things

That make blisters?

I say I have faith to do anything,

To suffer all things and smile, even laugh

But how do I get that faith

Unless I suffer the very things

To produce the faith

To laugh at the things concerning which

I say I have faith?

How can I cry and say, “I believe”?

But when I believe, I shall not cry

When the fires come

Because the fires have done their work.

Lethbridge, August, 1984

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