From: Dee-Marcia
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2016 3:20 AM
Subject: Women cannot preach or be over man.
I do believe our Father set a standard of how He desires the world to be, Man under our Savior, women under the husband. I would like to discuss or put a point of view to you.
When Mary went to the tomb early, she was not alone, and the stone was already moved away. Two of the apostles looked in the tomb first and saw just an empty tomb. The women “tarried”, and were allowed the sight of the angel and then of our Savior. They were then told to “go and tell the others”
Yes, it was not permissible for a woman to preach at that time, and of course the apostles did not believe them. Now our Savior knew the customs, He knew they , the apostles would doubt the Savior would appear to women first, but it did happen. This was such a triumphant piece of scripture that our Father showed me. He had called me to preach and I had held back as I was raised to believe women could not preach. One of the curses in the garden was that women would be under and “servant” to their husbands , but our Messiah died not just for Adams transgressions, or the death penalty for sin, but for allowing there to be “one new man”, no longer male or female etc.
My other question is your beliefs on the feast days. They are written as “feast days of the Lord”, not just given to the Jews. They are written to be held “through out your generations”. No there is no temple but we do not have the animal sacrificial part because our Savior is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth”. He said we are to do these or “practice “ these. He continues the feasts during the Millennium, He is the same yesterday, today and forever”, He does not change except where He has showed us His change, He and His Apostles did keep the feasts and the scripture you gave for Paul, Paul did not say to not keep the Feast but to keep it without the malice of leaven. I am not trying to cause dissention but am sincerely seeking truth.
Thanks for your answers.
From: Paul Cohen
To: Dee-Marcia
Cc: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2016 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: Women cannot preach or be over man.
The women who told the apostles about seeing the Lord weren’t being given a ministry such as pastor or evangelist (Ephesians 4:11). They were simply told to share the wonderful news of what transpired after the crucifixion.
And nowhere in the Scriptures is a woman prohibited from sharing the truth of Who God is, His appearing and what He has done, just as with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4).
For more on this matter and in answer to your second question, read: Women Are Ministers of God in Spiritual Authority over Men and The Feast-Keeping that Is Sin.
Paul Cohen