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Consequences of Compromise and Confidence in Commitment

From: Tiffany
Sent: January-09-17 11:51 PM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Thank you

Victor, Thank you for your encouraging testimony! I have been introduced to the truth about two and a half years ago and I was disobedient to Yah and resisted changing, mainly out of fear of losing my husband and breaking up my family. I also didn’t want to give up my Saturday’s for him. I was selfish. But Yah didn’t let me go! He kept speaking to me. I went through a lot of emotions, even getting sick to my stomach. If the truth is to set you free why did I feel “worse”? Nothing seemed the same to me. I didn’t look at life the same, I wasn’t satisfied with the church or celebrating pagan holidays.

Recently this past November, I decided to not celebrate Christmas or go to church on Sunday anymore. Although knew I was doing the right thing, it was different and because my husband still celebrates the holidays and goes to church on Sunday with our kids, I am still around it. My husband does not believe what I do nor does he respect or support me. I pray that his eyes and heart open up to Yah. Although I feel alone in this walk at times, I have peace like never before and I no longer live in fear.

I love learning the Bible when before it was hard to understand and I wasn’t interested. As I learn and grow in the bible I am getting stronger and more courageous to stand up to others and share the truth with the support of my mother, who is also following the Torah and walking in the truth.

Your story is inspiring to me, I think i may have to publicly share mine, thank you for sharing!


From: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 9:38 AM
To: Tiffany
Subject: Re: Thank you

I appreciate hearing from you, Tiffany. Keep on in the faith. The Lord Jesus never promised it would be easy or even possible for you, but nothing is impossible to the Lord, He’s Faithful and True and He’ll see you through to the glorious end, His express purpose for you.

I know these things for 2 reasons: He’s done it for me and the Scriptures declare these things to be so.


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