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Cutting Off the Wicked Tongues

From: Adonija
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2016 1:48 AM
Subject: Repent

All your allegation against Zac Poonen are indication that you don’t have the spirit God in you. Repent and believe in Jesus you will be delivered from eternal torment that will come on the wicked.

From: Adonija
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2016 8:06 PM
Subject: RE: Repent

How dare u speak against the Servant of God Zac Poonen, on  the thing which u don’t know what u are saying. U think u know what u are saying, but let me disappoint u before the final great judgment day. You are not. Until u drop all your preconceived notions, and come to Bible with humble heart, & said Lord please teach me. U will forever, I repeat, forever remain in deepest rotten darkness. I feel like weeping, when I see people who  supposed to be witness for God, went on air to speak evil of others. Don’t think u are doing God’s work by speaking evil of others trying to blackmail them. Did u see him speaking evil of anyone? Of course he will not. That is a true servant of God. OK! U don’t agree with what Bro. so & so said, air your opinion without calling his name, at least if u are not humble to admit that u might be wrong in your understanding of Scripture, in some areas. Repent & and turn to God. However, If u don’t agree with what I said, please do me a favor and pray this prayer:  Oh Lord! please give light in the areas where darkness reside.

From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Adonija
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 7:34 AM
Subject: Re[2}: Repent

What if we AREN’T wrong, but right in our dividing of the Word of Truth, Adonija? Where would that leave you? Would you say Paul, John, James, Jude, and Peter “might be wrong in [their] understanding of Scripture, in some areas”? 

How are we blackmailing anyone? How are we speaking evil? Where are we wrong about the Scriptures? You don’t say because you don’t know. You’re a liar. 

Identifying evil by shining light on it isn’t evil – it’s a good thing. But not to liars like you who hate the Truth and Light of All Men, the Lord Jesus Christ.  

So weep for yourself on account of the blasphemies coming out of your mouth and the judgment of God on your ways. “The final great judgment day” is here – you’ve come before the Lord’s Great White Throne and He sends you with your raging away into eternal judgment, saying He doesn’t know you. 

“The mouth of the righteous produces wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut off” (Proverbs 10:31 WEB).

How is it we ever point to Jesus Christ and expose the workers of darkness like you who ever point to men? What does that tell you?

Paul and Victor

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