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Enjoy the Adversity

English – Chinese

Enjoy adversity? Whoever heard of such a thing? What am I, a masochist? While being troubled about some matters that were not going as I would like them to go, I mentioned it to Lois. As always, the answer was, “Give thanks.” I said, “Yes.” I headed to the lawn to do some work and gave thanks, but then I received something more. Not only was it needful and fitting that I should give thanks for this, as with everything, I should enjoy what is happening.

People owe me money, I was willing to lend it to them because they were in need, and now I don’t even hear from them. One is even greatly offended at me, though and because I was warning and instructing him for good, and I am to enjoy this?

In these kinds of adverse circumstances, I begin to look at myself and ask, “Where did I go wrong? What did I do wrong? Where have I disobeyed? Why didn’t I see those ominous signs of potential trouble? Was it greed or what?” But the Lord made known to me that He has done His chastening with me. I am now ruling with Him, on His throne. There need be no more correction; I am corrected. So these adversities that are now happening are for another reason. I am not the issue; I need only to sit back and enjoy what the Lord is doing with and in these matters. I am to enjoy my adversities, yet not the adversities themselves so much as watching the Lord working them for good, watching Him do what needs to be done in perfection.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28 MKJV).

The enemy will resist and seek to destroy me or mine, but he cannot touch me at the throne of God, where God has now seated me with Him. Neither must I do battle with those who seek my hurt. God will take care of it all, as promised:

“The LORD said to my Lord, ‘Sit at My right side, until I make Your enemies into a footstool for You.’ The LORD will let Your power reach out from Zion, and You will rule over Your enemies. Your glorious power will be seen on the day You begin to rule. You will wear the sacred robes and shine like the morning sun in all of Your strength” (Psalms 110:1-3 CEV).

Yes, the passage refers to the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is also a promise for every believer who comes to rest and victory in the Lord Jesus Christ. He has obtained that victory for His entire Body. Each member must enter into that place of rest, of victory, of overcoming, and enjoy the adversities.

Surely, Abraham, Elijah, Moses, along with all the saints, apostles, and prophets are watching developments on earth. To us it looks messy and foreboding. Consider the insane hatred the Arabs and Muslims have for Israel, Jews, and Christians, for instance, not to mention so many other evils occurring and threatening. But I know that those in Heaven who have gained the victory are watching God at work and thoroughly enjoying it, knowing He has the victory and that it will all end well.

Enjoy the adversities? When we come to that place of victory within, we will be able to do as did Paul and Silas. With torn flesh and backs bleeding, they sang praises to God in the middle of the night while chained in prison cells, though they were blameless of any wrongdoing and unjustly punished. They had the victory within. They were not only giving thanks; they were enjoying the adversity. They were confident of God and His work. And God saved the jailer and his household (Acts 16).

We can have the finest of health, family, friends, home, car, weather, foods, art – all possessions and abilities to excel above everyone else in this world, yet if we do not have the capacity to enjoy, we cannot enjoy any of these things. Place a great piece of art in front of a dog and he is as inclined to lift his leg on it as to look at it. So it is with man. Without the internal victory in Christ, we cannot enjoy the best; we have no ability to do so. On the other hand, we can be beaten and chained in a dungeon on false charges, and enjoy God and His doing because we have the capacity within to do so. What we have externally is not what counts. We see the truth of this everywhere all the time.

Why is this? It is because our whole existence here on earth is not for the things of this world, but for that which comes after. It is for God Himself.

So now I enjoy the view from the throne above and watch God work, resting in Him, knowing that all will be well, just as He has promised.

– Victor Hafichuk (September 3, 2008)

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English - Chinese 嗨大家! 我記起我可能在幾年前或更多年前做過的一個夢 (我​​不敢把它當作來自主以外的任何什麼),在這個夢裡,我被指示當當局來暴政時,我被指示服從當局。是的,它會是這樣的。這看起來非常不公平,甚至是惡魔般的。 許多威廉·雷蒙德、邁克·亞當斯和亞歷克斯·瓊斯的人一點也不會喜歡它。他們的反應和立場是反擊,抵制這一「不公」的大招。凡反抗的,必死於刀劍之下。 注意,上面提到的人和許多像他們一樣的人都呼籲正義、法律和秩序;是的,他們要求許多好的和道德的東西,但他們缺少對罪的悔改和對上帝的信心。這就是問題所在。 雷蒙德、亞當斯、瓊斯和許多其他人也想兩者兼得。他們不能兩全其美。 現在落在我們國家身上的一切都是因為到處都是罪惡和不信、罪孽和暴力。我們甚至以祂的名義把上帝趕出去 (罪上加罪),現在祂已經受夠了我們的罪孽、自以為是、固執、傲慢、自負和叛逆。祂再不眨眼了。我們作為國家享有的自由,特別是在西方,也許尤其是在北美,已經成為歷史。 這是我所看到的,我帶著緊迫感說這話:我看到我們的情況與巴比倫攻打以色列時的情況有明顯的平行或相似之處,當尼布甲尼撒率領他的大軍來時,而耶利米呼籲人民服從尼布甲尼撒。如果這些權力奪走了我們的一切,包括我們的生命,我們絕不能反抗。我們必須承認我們的主耶穌基督和上帝的王國至高無上。上帝完全掌控。祂的審判現在就在這裡,祂正在利用「祂的僕人尼布甲尼撒」來審判我們的國家。 沒有人,無論高低、貧富,應受審判的人都會逃脫得了,而任何對上帝有信仰和忠誠並應得正義的人都不會被剝奪。上帝對那些仰望並愛慕祂的人是公正和憐憫的。 「審判全地的主豈不做公平的事嗎?」(創世記 18:25) 那些抗拒的人將無法承受審判。審判之杖只會更加堅硬,無法逃脫。上帝已經把它放在這個世界的權力的心中,以帶來這個巨大的糾正。如果我們抵抗,耶利米宣稱,我們會死,但如果我們服從,我們的生命將倖免於難。理所當然,耶利米因其立場和上帝通過他向猶大傳達的信息而被稱為他的國家和上帝的叛徒。 那為什麼收割之地?為什麼是我們的「通向世界之門」以及我們投入的所有工作和金錢,如果一切都會下沉,你可能會問?這是另一個奇妙的平行——我們的處境與當時巴比倫來征服猶太人並摧毀他們的國家,甚至是他們光榮的聖殿之間。你會記得耶利米被指示購買一塊土地。在即將被外邦人佔領期間對他的這一指示是上帝應許猶太人將返回並再次生活在他們的土地上的象徵。我相信同樣的。上帝給了我們收割之地和建築物,以便在不久的將來為我們和其他人制定一個計劃 (閱讀耶利米書第三十二章)。 有一段時間,它可能看起來相反,就像一切都丟失了。如果當局來奪走我們所有的一切,甚至是我們的孩子和生命 (不是說他們會——我不知道具體情況),我們必須認識到每一個細節都是在天上的完美監督下進行的。我們不要對這些事情感到懼怕、憤怒或怨恨。 是的,從表面上看,這些行為和事件似乎完全不公平、不公正——確實是暴虐的。我們遇到的那些「反對」我們從事這項工作的人甚至可能會顯得憤世嫉俗,並為他們對我們的權力感到自豪,但我們絕不能抗拒。我們必須讓它發生,並感謝上帝,祂的審判是公正的。記住,無論我們得到什麼,都只是因為我們需要或應得的,或兩者兼而有之。 讓他們在沒有通知、上訴權或其它任何事情的情況下用鎖鏈把我們帶走。服從,服從,服從,把他們當作上帝的使者在做他們的工作,因為它就是這樣;他們是審判的使者,不會徒勞地揮舞劍。如果我們相信並順服,上帝就會憐憫我們。祂會感動人心,並按照祂的旨意使他們翻轉。祂是萬靈之父。知道這...

A Necessary Warning

All that’s falling on our nations now is because of sin and unbelief, iniquity and violence everywhere. We’ve thrown God out, even in His own Name (adding sin to sin), and now He’s done with our iniquity, presumption, stubbornness, arrogance, self-importance, and rebellion. He’s finished winking. The freedoms we’ve enjoyed as nations, particularly in the West and maybe most particularly in North America, are history.

Wanting to Do Things Right

We are called to do right because it is right, whether pleasing to anyone or not. We are here to choose the successful and true right, the one and only kind of right there is, and not what we ignorantly and foolishly imagine and choose to be right, in that it is selfishly advantageous.
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