PART TWELVE – Troublous Times  to Satan’s Second Expulsion (cont.)


Particle –Mary Unfaithful

On Monday, December 29, 2008, I was informed that Mary gained 7 lbs in 2 weeks; Ingrid caught her sneaking food. She has stolen and lied for too long. We have all agreed (except for Marilyn, though she seems to agree because we have decided) to send her packing as soon as possible. She is finished. We see that Mary wants to go but it’s as though she needs a push, not that she’s resisting in any way. Her problem (and ours, it seems) is that she has nowhere to go and nobody wants her, primarily because of her spirit and attitude.

Particle – 2008 Events

General, Personal, and Spiritual Events with Our Group:

I received a revelation that it will have been 40 years since the dream in 1972, and 33 years since Paul was delivered and called by the Word of the Lord in 1979. So, is there anything significant about 2012?

Trevor and Ingrid announced on New Year’s Day that she was expecting. I was not excited. Later, we found Trevor crowing and belittling Mark and Mariko about not being able to have children. I prayed that if Trevor was taking that attitude, they would not have the child. Shortly after, Ingrid miscarried.

We discovered Erin Hafichuk to be in town and heard of attacks from her. We posted the letter to her on our site to make the record a bit more accurate. Let others hear “the rest of the story.”

Jonathan dislocated his left elbow while sparring with Thomas Harris’ friend, Andrew. He recovered well. No compensation was offered or even thought appropriate. Why not? “All’s fair in love and war?” “May the best man win?” Jonathan had lessons to learn.

James quit Sorochan Enterprises in February but went back in March.

Mark and Mariko went to Japan in March.

Mark and Mariko stayed with the Japanese Hutterites for a night while in Japan. Mark later wrote a letter to them because of the conflict they had with them while there in discussions over spiritual matters.

Mark and James attended the Grander conference in Edmonton.

Jonathan got his driver’s license at age 17.

Mark went to New Mexico twice. He attended an EcoNest seminar in January and a two week-workshop in May.

Terri Thompson died of cancer in May, a short time after being addressed.

James moved back to the farm at the end of July.

Joyce Wentworth came to Montana and Harvest Haven for a visit in July, during the same weekend that Bob Fife was here. There was conflict with her family, but victory for us.

Tonya Cole Lightfoot came to check out the store and serve Dena papers.

Marcia left her husband and went back to Helena. She admits she was wrong for marrying him.

John Kaat came with his family in September. He heard about us from Trevor Aleman, interested mainly in our keeping the Sabbath.

Sara went to Wisconsin for her Grandpa Newby’s funeral and had a testimony of the Lord, which goes against her mother who resists, before all.

The court rules in Dena’s favor to receive support payments from Cody.

Ingrid received healing for her womb and conceived again, keeping the child.

The Path of Truth Events of 2008:

We installed the CHAT service on our site, with Daniel Hale of San Diego as our first participant.

We posted testimonies for Ingrid, Mariko, and Dena.

By January of ‘08, we had 98 countries visit (75 at HH). Monthly figures continue to rise.

Trevor, Dena, and Jonathan began doing Google search words for TPOT.

The paper on Calvin was written – The Fruit of Cain Multiplied: The Murderer John Calvin.

Paul wrote and we posted That Prophet” parts 1 and 2.

Martin Luther was added as a false teacher, being the major influence on the evangelical church spirit reigning today.

Jennifer Grelick, a girl Jonathan’s age (17), came on the scene and exposed a false Christian that is supposed to be guiding her.

Joyce Wentworth began helping with the website work.

Carla Rolfe, Lisa Nunley, Mike Ratliff, Deborah, Arthur Sido, and Lee Shelton are all confronted in a new section: “Blog Wars”, (later revised to “Kicking Satan Out of Heaven.)” Others would be added in time to come.

Other new sections were added: SDAs, Tithes, Submission, Atheist, Thy Kingdom Come,” and Evolution.

There were large postings on the Notice Board – “The Joy of Gay Sex?” and “A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada” – with correspondences.


We decided to put it on the internet at no charge instead of printing hardcopy.

Sara started editing Part 1.

I am up to recording 2006 in the Theo-auto (60 of 62 years of my life covered).

General Spiritual Matters:

This was a year of questioning the accuracy and validity of various passages in the Scriptures. At this point, it was the story of the star pointing to the birthplace of Jesus. Questions would come about other passages as well, such as with the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man.

We met John and Bev Bossuyt in Calgary, clients of Bonnie Kam, aka Bonnie Johnston. The Bossuyts knew many of the people we knew, including Dave and Irene Loewen, Gordon and Marie Donaldson, Frank Harms of Coaldale, and others. It’s a small world, people are talking, and stirred up. The relationship with the Bossuyts would become one of conflict. So, what’s new?

That prophet was declared.

I am determined to enjoy the ride of the Door to the World, instead of fretting and worrying about it.

Editor’s Note, April 12, 2022: Good thing! I would have perished but for the Grace of God keeping me in faith.

An astounding event in 2008 – was the election of the first black American President, Barack Hussein Obama.

James Sorochan reported that Janice Noji lost interest in her chiropractic and was now into wining and dining. I prophesied years ago that she would lose what she had. One may possess much and lose it while it appears to be retained.

The geocentricity issue came our way; no decisions were made or sure revelations were given; the issue appeared and disappeared with little attention.

Ron Hrehirchuk Jr. died in 2007. This year, words that came to mind concerning Barb and losing her son, Ron:

“Because you have rejected your mother’s firstborn and God’s Firstborn, therefore has He taken your firstborn.”

Ariko writes on July 10th, asking questions and informing us what happened to her.

The Theo-autobiography is progressing to the review stage.

After prayer and seeking the Lord, we decided to not keep the land Sabbath in 2009.

On the evening of December 1st, I cursed the works of Stephane Dion, Jack Layton, Gilles Duceppe, Bob Rae, and those allying with them to overthrow the elected Conservative government. Before the curse, it looked formidable for Stephen Harper; after the curse, and with prayer and blessing for Harper, the tide immediately and dramatically turned in his favor and he prevailed, all praise, thanksgiving, and glory to the Lord!

Much correspondence with many politicians came of this.

Paul and Sara encountered Lyle Schwabauer, a sculptor whom Victor and Paul had met 7 years previously and had visited with him about the devastation he experienced after his wife left him for another man. Lyle, though professing Christ, chose to pursue his wife rather than God. In his delusion, he described many signs and wonders that led him to believe his wife would yet come back to him, three men and two marriages later.

Jeannette Schlenske, a Helena woman with cancer, asked us for prayer and anointing with oil. Paul and Victor asked her, “Are we your elders?” Paul and Sara were then to meet with her to discuss, but she canceled. She failed the test the Syrophoenician woman passed with humility and faith. She died shortly thereafter of her cancer at age 44.

Barry Webb, a Helena man who was confronted about his false religion relative to his sickness (cancer), shunned us in the Lord and succumbed to a horrible death in his early ‘60s.

Paul complained about the book, The Joy of Gay Sex at the Helena Library, with testimony against the book at two public hearings and the foolish, wicked arguments justifying it. A major Notice Board posting followed, including letters to the authors of the book.

Harvest Haven Events and Developments:

Wal-Mart brings in organic groceries with an impressive display. We’re building a new store and major competition with several advantages such as price, selection, and location come in? To the regular humble merchant, these are scary developments, but we trust in the Lord to lead us through thick and thin.

We purchased the ROM. I was particularly interested in the rowing exercise.

We broke the ground for the new building on May 31st, 40 days to July 10th, 2008.

Paula Baker-Laporte of Eco-Nest visited and sketches on the buildings were initiated.

Dandelion root powder sales took off, particularly in the US, as George Cairns stopped preparing it for others. A marvelous substance that has helped many enormously, particularly with cancer of many varieties.

Plans of Grander territorializing schemes of distributorship fizzled; we pulled out, though given direction by the Lord through His Word by Marilyn to hang in there. Sorry, Lord.

How Paul sees it: WRL forced new contracts on distributors. We objected to several unreasonable points and were shown the door. It became obvious we were no longer welcome.

Provincial, National, International, Political, Current Events:

Information is flowing that America is finished; was finished a long time ago. New world order is in progress. As I have said, the noose is tightening and is now near strangulation. Yet, despite and apart from the world, we prosper.

Ezra Levant suffers losses at the hands of a Muslim plaintiff, who complained his feelings were hurt, and the HRC supported the plaintiff. Incredible! No free speech in Canada.

Food and grain prices skyrocketed, as well as oil, which crashed later in the year. Stock markets, real estate, US bankers (?), and the economy plummeted. Unprecedented measures were taken by the US government to bail out the private business to avoid an alleged complete collapse. Sham.

Barack Obama, a newcomer with great charisma and ambition, is elected the 44th President of the United States, and the first black.

The Summer Olympics were held in Beijing, with great fanfare and showmanship as China makes its international stage debut as a 21st-century power with a deceptive impression of what their country is all about.

Russia flexes its muscles against its tiny neighbor, Georgia, using pretexts to probe for weakness to expand its influence and control of strategic assets.

Islamic terrorists killed 200 people in Mumbai (Bombay), India, going after the only Israeli Jews in the city, whom they tortured and killed, along with others.

As 2008 ended, Israel finally attacked militants in Gaza after many rocket attacks since Hamas took over in 2006. Much condemnation of Israel from around the world, as anti-Semitism is on the rise everywhere, mostly in the name of anti-Zionism.

2008 was a truly short year! Each weekly Sabbath seemed to come every two or three days.


Particle – A New Year’s Message to Our Group

January 1, 2009: Even though the Gentile calendar is not the one God would ultimately have, certainly not with all its elements like the months and the days named after other gods, still He has demonstrated to us that He observes and honors the dates, whether for Himself, for us, or both. He demonstrates to earth how all things are in His hands, including the Gentiles, their empires, and all that they do. The Scriptures declare, and the Lord has revealed to me that He is over both good and evil.

For example, the tenth day of the seventh month is recorded in Scripture as one of the most important days, if not the most important day, of the year. This was the Day of Atonement, which occurred during the Feast of Tabernacles in the fall season of Israel. God has made special use of July 10th, the parallel day on the Gentile calendar for us.

This date began to come to our attention at Lois Benson’s in Stettler on July 10, 1986. I had a vision of a mare giving birth to a colt. Marilyn also received a Word and witness from the Lord at that time of new beginnings, which agreed with the vision.

The very day those things were coming to us in Stettler, Bill Sime and his newlywed wife (nee Stinson) whom we did not know, were breaking the ground at Moon River for their dream home, a finished white pine log house that would be ours within two years. Since that time, so many things have happened on July 10th, many of which I am sure we are not aware of, but many of which we are.

My physical birth date was April 1st. While this is now April Fools’ Day, I am told this day was once the New Year, a spring day, which makes more sense to me than starting the year on January 1st. Marilyn and I received the Spirit on January 1st, the present New Year. I see significance there, too. Though that may seem to be somewhat self-centered, I do not discount coincidences as purely accidental or without purpose; I have learned better.

I thought it fitting to write you today, on this present Gentile New Year’s Day, to remind and encourage you all to look to this year as one in which the Lord does a special work on our behalf, whatever that may be. We have already entered this year “out of the blocks,” running, with so very much happening. We’re busy here at Harvest Haven and in Helena, as well as those working with us elsewhere to do what we’re given to do.

My prayer has been that God would send many more workers. The tasks are overwhelming, but we’re confident God requires only what we’re able to handle. He gives as much grace as is needed.

As we’re unable to make water in the Red Sea stand as a wall, so with what we have before us now – the work is impossible to perform, much less complete, be it the new building, the duties at the farm, the internet outreach to the world, or the necessary changes within us. We must trust God to perform all that He desires for each of us.

We’re not here to accomplish; we’re only here to trust and obey in whatever the Lord brings our way. That is our sole duty and joy to perform. Having done His pleasure, we have a reward in store well beyond the cost or burden borne.

Let’s enter 2009 with more than willingness; let’s proceed with alacrity and joy in the Lord. Hasn’t He already done great things for us? He has, indeed. Who can argue? We can do nothing, but He can do anything.

Let us then expect more; let us expect the impossible, as He declared and as Sara received. Let’s look forward to the Lord destroying men’s works that have served to destroy in Heaven and earth. Let’s look forward to His redeeming mankind, whether one by one or many at once, and Israel, as a nation beloved and no longer forsaken. Let’s look forward with great anticipation to the Lord doing away with the enemies that seek to destroy His people and His work.

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” What can man do to us? What circumstances can stop or prevent the Engineer of all things, Who does as He pleases?

We’re in for a ride this year, folks. The noose has now tightened, and the trap door drops open for the ungodly and the wicked. God have mercy on us. May we walk wisely and be found doing what’s right and just and merciful toward all.

Perhaps most importantly, let’s give thanks to the Lord in everything. Let’s praise the Lord constantly, for therein is our victory. By faith we overcome; genuine and holy thanksgiving and praise put faith into action, and then we see the impossible we have expected by His command. And God is glorified! Praise the Lord!

Before you walk away from this letter, pray for Israel now to prevail over its enemies. Give thanks for what God is doing by Michael and the angels as they battle on Israel’s behalf. As Gabriel said to Daniel, Michael shall stand up for Daniel’s people. This is that day. Praise the Lord!


Particle – Heavenly Business over Earthly Business

At the end of 2008 and into 2009, we had some conflict with Bob Nelson, our ultimate up-line, or “El Presidente Supremo,” as he once jokingly referred to himself, in a commission payout with Hsin Ten Enterprises. Hsin Ten erred by not paying us our due commissions, which payout went to Bob. At first, Richard Chuang of Hsin Ten wasn’t willing to resolve the matter, but we pressed the issue, judging their action wasn’t right.

Technically, Hsin Ten was in the right, but morally and spiritually, we knew we had just cause and wouldn’t relent. In the process, we were embroiled in conflict with Bob, who, while claiming to sympathize with us and to be willing to resolve the matter in our favor, appeared careless, if not disingenuous. It seemed he was experiencing financial difficulties, but we were willing to accommodate him.

This business situation brought to the surface our thoughts and feelings about the spiritual gap between Bob and us (Paul and me), a difference that was there but not sufficiently or honestly acknowledged by any of us. We knew Bob was accepting his wife Karen’s rejection of our life in Christ and finally confronted him about it.

Bob was reticent in the past to criticize our spiritual stance and conduct, but now he was more forthcoming to express his truer feelings. While He declared himself a peacemaker, we saw him more as a fence-sitter, a compromiser with lukewarm, nominal Christendom, which, we told him would never do with God. He didn’t believe what we were saying.

When I see people so established in familial, social, religious, occupational, and commercial matters of the world, I think, “How can anyone like that ever come out of the world to serve the Lord? It’s impossible!” And it is – I know it was for me. If God doesn’t do it for them, it just won’t happen. The wealth, comfort, dignity, sense of belonging, and pride of this world are very life to its citizens. Calling on men rich in this world to believe is like asking them to self-amputate a limb, or worse, even commit suicide.

The frightening and ironic thing is that if one doesn’t “commit suicide” by taking up the cross to identify with Jesus Christ, he commits murder in that he crucifies Christ. It’s our death or His. Which will it be? Didn’t He die that we might live? Now, we must die that He may live – in us.

Particle – The Path of Truth

Our site continues to grow in hits with seven new countries in December, now 121 in total. We believe the increase is due to new materials, as well as search words submitted to Google so that people find us. Perhaps word of mouth will explain part of the increase.

Particle – A Curse Fulfilling

On December 27, 2008, I cursed Israel’s enemies in the Gaza War. Within days we witnessed the following:

One, Arab leaders and commentators are blaming Hamas for provoking Israel and are not coming to Hamas’ defense, despite rhetorical support.

Two, Farid Ghadry, President of the Reform Party of Syria, a leading US-based opposition group to the rule of Assad and “resistance” in the Levant, published an article on December 31, 2008, saying “Arabs must be the ones to stop Hamas, which embodies everything wrong in the Mideast today…and Hamas and Hezbollah must be destroyed.”

I recalled the following words: “Israel’s enemies would destroy themselves among themselves, even as the Lord turned Israel’s enemies of old against each other.”

Particle – Jonathan, the Ninja

Our homegrown Ninja warrior at age 17 continues to receive instruction and advances in Karate and Ninjutsu skills at the dojo on 13th St. and 2nd Ave. North in Lethbridge, run by Wayne Sommerville.

Particle – An Act of Consideration

Jonathan was firmly against my speaking to security officer Ryan Smith about the unpaid-for energy bar incident for which Jonathan was banned from Save-On for a year. “What good will it do, Dad? It’ll only complicate matters.” I wondered if Jonathan might be concealing something from us, which would explain his reluctance for us to meet Ryan. I decided I needed to talk to him regardless of Jonathan’s convictions and I would take him with me.

On January 9, 2009, Marilyn, Jonathan, and I met Ryan at his office at Save-On. I informed Ryan of things that he would do well to know about Jonathan. He and Jonathan also talked. Thus, he relented some and reduced the ban by six months. He also found out that as he, Jonathan also aspired to be a police officer. We parted as friends. A security officer’s job is not an easy one, but it can be rewarding. I was hoping Jonathan would learn something.

Particle –Vision -Lush Garden Produce in Sabbath Year

For the past year or more I have been asking the Lord if we will again be keeping the Sabbath year – 2009 is the year if we do. I have been in turmoil about it. Lois, Trevor, and Ingrid have said they believe we need to do it but nobody else agrees, at least not Marilyn, Paul, or Mark.

I was wondering if the potential losses of seed potatoes, seed garlic, and the strawberry crop were a factor with me for not wanting to keep the Sabbath year, plus the fact that for some reason I thought there might be a food shortage and we would need what we could grow. Talk about unbelief.

On the other hand, I was seeing the Sabbath year as part of the feasts, which we no longer keep. Besides, we aren’t in a whole nation keeping the land Sabbath, we’re a microscopic plot of land amid forces beyond our control and which determine our situation, agriculturally and otherwise.

I was also seeing much contradiction. For example, we would continue to hay, or we would have to buy it from others who don’t keep the Sabbath. We would also have to buy garden produce from those who don’t keep the Sabbath year. Would our land be resting entirely if we harvested hay, which we did in 2002? Furthermore, there are no poor to gather from our fields – those we know of are too lazy and are satisfied with handouts from our socialist government, which recipients spend on the junk food they love.

This afternoon of January 10, 2009, at about 3 PM, at the farm, I prayed, saying, “Lord, give me a single eye! Why can’t I see clearly and simply what we should do, whether to keep or to not keep the Sabbath year? As I prayed, I had a vision:

I saw rows of lush, well-kept, well-watered, and weeded green vegetables about a foot or higher in the fields. While I didn’t see Mark, I assumed it was him I had seen. A man stood there with a hoe in hand, as though he was doing the work, but it was only that he saw to it that it was done by others. I took this vision to mean we’d have beautiful, well-watered gardens this year. Case closed; we don’t keep the land Sabbath.

Note in January 2021 as I resume writing the Theo-autobiography after several years at a standstill: Did the vision suggest the luscious garden would be “this year,” the year of the possible Sabbath? Not a valid assumption. The reader who knows the facts presently will understand.

What will people say who witnessed our keeping the land Sabbath in 2002 and are asking if we will do so again? We don’t know, and it won’t matter. Why did we keep it in ’02 if not now? I don’t know. I would attribute our choices to living and learning.

Editor’s Note, January 2018: In retrospect, I see much of these times as my roaming in darkness, the Lord concealing things from me. As for who I saw, I thought it was Mark, but it’s now obvious it wasn’t him. We would learn, oh, how we would learn!

Particle – Twins James and Janette

I sharply rebuked James for neglecting his sister Janette who is suffering depression to the point of checking herself into the Lethbridge Regional Hospital. Weeks ago, I had suggested things for him to give her or inform her of. He ignored it. I told him that he was entirely selfish and that her blood would be on his hands if he didn’t try to help her.

Particle – REVELATION -Seeing the Sea

What does it mean in Rev. 21:1 saying, “there was no more sea”? I asked about that this morning, and behold, Marilyn had just dreamt something about being afraid of water and something about a sea. I then realized what the sea meant and what it meant that there would be no more.

A sea is mysterious and threatening. While men have found ways to venture relatively safely into its depths, it is still dark and not our natural element. Furthermore, mysterious dangers lurk. When God makes things right, there will no longer be any cause to fear. Not only will He take away fear, but He will also take away the uncertainty and any element of unpleasant surprise or source of unexpected trouble. When I shared this with Marilyn, she agreed.

Particle – Dream – Paul – Presidents with Huge HTE Sales

In the night between the 10th and the 11th of January 2009, Paul dreamt of being among some HTE Presidents who had huge sales volumes of machines. He marveled that they had sold so many.

That morning, I had sent everyone a letter talking about how our HTE sales had been halved over the last year, and we needed to do what we could to stimulate our distributors and our own sales efforts, yet not sacrificing the spiritual work.

Almost as quickly as Paul related that dream, I had an understanding. There is a multitude of people coming. They will be selling innumerable machines, but furthermore, those machines are symbolic of the spiritual truth they will all be serving to disseminate around the world. Wonderful!

Editor’s Note, July 13, 2021: I recalled how a few years ago Jonathan was concerned that I was getting carried away with “Chi Machine sales” at the cost of my spiritual service to God. I was dearly praying and hoping he was wrong, though I knew I needed to be vigilant and diligent before God. Now, we have Paul’s dream of how God promises to reconcile all things and make all things one, praise Him!

Particle – Israel’s Strength Made in Weakness

I was thinking of the world opinion and the contradiction Israel faces. It must be so. Wasn’t the nation of Israel originally formed by fire, oppressed by tormentors? This is how Israel is being reformed now – it is a “boot camp” of sorts. That opposition must be there. What good is there in Israel’s standing if it has no opposition? What good is a fighter without a challenger? We are building muscle here, weightlifting, pressing. As with Israel, so with us.

Particle – Expect the Impossible

Troubled in the night about the building. Sara reminded me of the words she had received, “Expect the impossible,” and Lois called to remind me of the counsel that “I was to keep out of the building process.” She also reminded me of the Lord’s promise that “while I attended to His affairs, He would take care of mine.” I needed these reminders.

Particle – Paul and Sara to Come

We arranged for Paul and Sara to come up Friday, Feb. 6. I felt inclined in spirit that they should be coming up again soon, not knowing why.

Particle – Mariko (nee Shinji) Benson and Her Dreams

Mariko had several dreams. They were usually confusing because while they seemed to have symbolism, they also seemed to lack the spiritual substance and instruction that the Lord’s dreams possess.

This dream seemed to have significance and meaning:

Hello Victor and Paul.

I had a dream again this morning (Jan. 21 09). I was in a house where two old ladies (in their 70-80’s) were. One lady was sitting and watching TV. The other lady was sometimes watching TV, but most of the time was standing or moving around.  I didn’t know if only the two ladies were living in the house or others too, including me. I thought if my English was better, I could have talked to them and entertained them. I also thought if Mark was there, he could have talked with them too, but he wasn’t.

In the next scene (it seemed like it was in the same house), there was a lady with a red and white kimono on. The kimono was gorgeous, so it obviously wasn’t one for everyday use, but for entertaining or special occasions. (We have two kinds of kimonos in Japan. One is for everyday use and they are made of cotton; the other kind is only for special occasions and made of silk. In this case, it was the latter). 

At first, I had thought she was a man who was a shogun because of her (his) dignified presence but then realized it was a lady. I was relieved to see her because I didn’t have to think about entertaining the two old ladies anymore.  

In the third scene, I was handed a white envelope. I thought I was being given the envelope to put money into, as is customary in Japan, to pay the woman for entertaining us (it seemed she was some sort of dancer or entertainer though I didn’t see her entertaining). 

Then I realized afterwards the envelope had money in it and that instead of us paying money to the lady, she was paying us. Then, somebody told me to sign for the money, but I didn’t want to because I didn’t know how much money was inside of the envelope which was sealed. I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do so I asked Victor if I should sign it or not. Victor said, “Go ahead.” So, I did. That was the end of the dream.

I usually cannot remember my dreams but these last two mornings, I have remember my dreams vividly after waking. What do you think of this one?


Victor’s reply:

Hi Mariko,

Here is what Marilyn and I see in your dream:

The two old ladies represent the Christianity we have encountered over the years – old and ready to pass away. They have sought to be entertained, whether passively or actively, whether satisfied or not, always double-minded.

It is not about your English; it is about your willingness and confidence to express your faith to Americans and Westerners in general. Your faith or lack of it has been in the cultural as well as the spiritual, but if your faith is compromised with confidence in the cultural, or with fear of not being adequate in western culture, then it is nullified; your light will not shine. You are placing more confidence in man than in God.

This spiritual disposition is manifest again in the second part when you express relief. You are reluctant to stand with the Lord and be identified with Him. Nevertheless, there is legitimate relief, in that the two old women represented the dead Christianity we see and have encountered everywhere, which is a very unpleasant thing.

The new woman in the formal kimono represents the New, and instead of taking or expecting to only receive from us, as were the old women who represent modern Christianity, now we have a special era, event, if you will, where those who come will not come to entertain or be entertained. They will come in true faith and will have respect for us and complete reverence for the Lord. They will come with their goods and freely give. Marilyn believes the woman in red and white represents the New Church.

I see you “looking a gift horse in the mouth” in your reaction to the envelope of money. It is still an expression of your spiritual reluctance to give or receive. You need to believe and recognize that the Lord is doing all these things and that He would have you participate with an unfearful rather than an unbelieving heart.

Believing, you will no longer use poor English as an excuse to not communicate. You will use what you have, willingly and eagerly for the Lord, being appreciative of what He has given you.

As you put to full use what you have, you will receive more. Think of the parable of the talents. She that is faithful in little will be given more.

I believe my letter to you now is fulfilling the last part of your dream.


That Prophet – No Takers

We shared about my being that prophet with the Vidlers. They quietly disappeared. Who can believe it? Not that I’m disappointed. Does it matter that they don’t believe? Isn’t that perfectly expected? Am I a false prophet because people I speak to don’t believe what I’m saying? I recall the Lord telling me a long time ago that while it was my business to speak, it wasn’t mine to make them believe. “Speak it and leave it,” He said.

Particle – TPOT Influence

On Friday, January 23, 2009, I realized we are impacting many people.

Particle – Barack Hussein Obama Moves Swiftly in Evil

So far, Barack Obama has moved to shut down Guantanamo, said yes to Stem Cell Research from aborted fetuses, opened favor to overseas abortion groups, honored Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, with his first presidential phone call, called for a trillion dollars to be spent on the economy, and called on Israel to open its borders with Gaza, which spells more disaster for Israel through suicide bombers.

Obama is moving fast, and we see his power unleashing Hell on earth. If he is the antiChrist, we will be doing battle with him and overcoming him, even as Shem did battle with Nimrod and overcame him by the power of the Word of God.

On my walk, I thought of how confident Obama was, his trust being in the power of those behind him. How much more confident should we be with God and His powerful angelic army not only behind, but with and before, fighting for us!

EDIT, August 2021: Upon further contemplation, Obama is in the beast entity and not the antiChrist. While the antiChrist is a substitute of the Christ (“anti” meaning “instead or in place of,” the beast is full against Jesus Christ, although all things both good and evil are subservient to God’s will.)

Particle – A Diabolical Disposition to Disobey and Destroy

There’s hardly a day goes by that Sean doesn’t break, spoil, damage, or destroy something. Not a day goes by that there isn’t a problem with some unconscious obstinacy on his part. He is even told not to do things and he turns right around and does them. He has no judgment, no understanding, and no self-control. It surely must be a devil that drives him to do everything wrong. What is he doing back here, anyway?

I’ve said the devil must go and unless Sean is delivered, the devil must take his vessel with him. I’m ready to send him away. Sean’s presence is always vexing to everyone. He stifles the atmosphere wherever he goes.

I had a talk with Lois about their handling (or mishandling) of Sean. She and Mark continually struggle with their consciences, hoping to do right by him, or rather, what is most expedient for their purposes and image. Sean’s father called and wrote, asking him, “Do you feel loved there?” This is Satan’s spirit working. Is it all about feelings?

Particle – Vision of Horror – Defenseless Fleeing from the Violent

In the night of January 17/18, 2009, I saw what appeared to be a young female, but I think it may have been more a representation of the weak and defenseless. This miserable creature was fleeing down a wide street in a desolate and dark town. Pursuing her about 50 yards behind was a ruthless and angry man intent on doing anything he pleased with her. I imagined that for sheer hatred and pleasure, he would brutalize, torture, rape, and then kill.

All along the sides of the wide street were people standing here and there. There was no doubt the man would have his way, could do whatever he pleased in full view of the public, and had no fear of any censure, opposition, or punishment for crime.

The people weren’t merely afraid, it seemed; they were almost indifferent. It didn’t matter to them that there was open and cruel violence. They simply stood by as though drugged or hypnotized. It was a scary scene.

I see this fulfilled with the radical Muslims given free rein in the world to do as they please in their murderous hatred for all, particularly those they called the “People of the Book,” namely, Jews and Christians. Muslims say they come first for the “Saturday people,” then the “Sunday people.” What a horrible time this is!

I saw a video of Muslims demonstrating in London in support of the militant Hamas in Gaza. They were chasing after the police, who were backing down from them for blocks. The Muslims were shouting “Allahu Akbar,” calling the police “f—— cowards” and throwing pylons and trash at them. It was amazing that the authorities should tolerate such violence and lawlessness. Such behavior is now taking place in the US and Canada.

Particle – James Sorochan’sDream – Sorochan Building Collapse

James records: On Jan 22/09, I dreamt that Ted Sears and I were standing facing north looking at a large industrial building that I perceived to be Sorochan Enterprises. Something happened inside causing it to collapse. We blamed it on Dan Monk (an employee) who we thought was in the building. Some of the debris knocked over some trees on the west side of the building.

Particle – Marilyn, Joan Kronlund, and Piano Lessons

Marilyn has been taking piano lessons from our neighbor Joan Kronlund. She asks many questions, and Marilyn shares many things with her but it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Joan simply doesn’t believe. She’s also full of fear of many things with few exceptions.

Particle – Vision – A Defensive, Offensive Shield

Early in the morning of Monday, Jan. 26, 2009 (not sure of the date – it may have been the day before), I had this vision:

I stood holding a rectangular shield about one foot wide, two feet long, and about a half-inch thick as protection to deflect fiery shots coming at me from the enemy. I held it in both hands by its sides, in front of, and close to, my chest and abdomen. The shield was not curved in any way, nor did it have handles or grips of any kind; it was a straight sheet of sturdy, impregnable material that looked like polished steel or glass, but was lightweight, and something that could parry anything coming my way to destroy me.

I could not only parry the shots but also if I held the shield right, I could accurately deflect the shots back at the enemy, which would do to them what they intended their shots to do to me, that is, wound and destroy.

Interpretation: The words that people use against me can’t hurt me; indeed, I return their very words against them. It’s been happening.

Particle – Doubts of the Door to the World

In the early morning of January 27, 2009, I had an internal attack about the building, thinking it was sheer madness on my part to have it built. The battle grew a bit tough but as I arose, I remembered the words:

“A person may plan his journey, but the LORD directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9 GW).

I was reminded that God was in full control of all things and realized that if He was setting me up for destruction, there was nothing I could do about it but repent of sin, if that.

But was the Lord setting me up? Was He deceiving me? I came upstairs to my computer and waiting there, among other mail, were prophecies from a Sharlene Smith that Sara had found on the net. Those prophecies matched my need, and I could not refute them; it seemed the Lord had determined to speak to me by this woman, whoever she was.

Her prophecies, unknown to her, were on a site belonging to James and Elaine Donovan, who have a collection of many prophecies: (Link no longer available). We red many and discerned them to be products of the flesh, including Donovan’s. We wrote to as many as had their addresses posted, telling them so. We received some ugly replies but one or two decent ones, one being from Sharlene Smith today.

Sharlene Smith’s prophecies, as religious as they seem to be, spoke so clearly to my circumstances, thoughts, and feelings, and even mentioned general facts of my life not commonly known:

Particle – My Child

5 – March 15,

My child of grace, fear not nor be dismayed, for I am here with you. I know your heart, I know your tears, and this is all for your growth, your desires must come under the blood of My Son Jesus. Your desires are not to be more than My desires for you. Commit yourself unto Me and I will work everything out for your good. I will make anew that which was eaten by the locust. You will come forth as a bright shining star for My glory.

Hold unto Me; cling unto Me. Look not at the circumstances but look to Me, your deliverer. Look not at the things that you see with your mortal eyes but look at things with the eyes of faith, for without faith you cannot please Me. Only believe for I am your restorer. I am your redeemer. I am your almighty God, your creator. I have an excellent plan for you, a plan that will bring glory to My name.

So, hold on and do not let go. Cast all your cares upon Me, for I care for you. Stop living in the past. Look forward to the future fulfillment of My promise to you which is yea and amen. Many are called, but few are chosen. I have chosen, named you to carry out My plan.
Wrap yourself up in My word, climb upon My lap and put your head on My chest and listen to My heartbeat for you and the world. Come quickly
unto Me. Put down foolish things and come quickly unto Me. You are very precious to Me. I am He who loves you constantly; you are My child of
grace. I love you with an everlasting love, for You are My child.

Particle –I Am Your Redeemer

1 – September 4, 2007

Do you think that My arm is short that I cannot save? Nay, it is long and powerful and full of glory. My hand is extended to you this very hour. Take it and we will go forward into the promised land. I am your reward, I am your healer, I am your redeemer. I Am the great I Am, and nothing is too difficult for Me.

Fear not, neither be dismayed, for you are My beloved and I have not left you. I will never abandon you because you are very precious to Me. I am working in your behalf to bring about those things that your heart so desires.

I am your provider. I want you to pull yourself into Me and stop pushing yourself away from Me. Keep pulling even when it is a struggle. Read My word, for I speak to you through it; study My Word. I will bring about things that will perfect you. Lay down the burdens of the past months. There is an eternal reason for the things you go through. Stop thinking that I do not care. The truth is that I am working, and not sitting idly by observing you. Yes, I am working on all that concerns you.

You have been chosen to do things, but you keep entering a room in your life that has been sealed off. Stop for it is not good for you to go into this area of your mind; it makes you full of sorrow and depression. I do not want you to continue in this mode. I desire that you focus on Me and not on your hurts and your past failures.

I am your redeemer, I am your ransom and I bought you at a great price. Can you not see this? Can you not hold this dear to your heart? Cling unto Me and not to words that are lies and full of deceit. You are My beloved, I care for you. I will never lie to you. I will never harm you. You are my beloved, so come to Me and I will not toss you aside like a piece of trash. I love you with an everlasting love. My love will never end nor will it ever stop.

Particle – I Am Your Protection

2 – September 28, 2007

Fear not nor be dismayed. I am your protection. You are in battle; do not retreat. Do not think that the enemy has gone away. Nay, the battle has just begun. You will learn more and more but you must never think the enemy is not interested in you. He knows that I have great plans for you and he does not want you to have victory in any part of your life.Stand fast. Put on the full armor of God. You cannot wear the armor if there is sin within. It makes your armor null and void. Do not grow weary. The battle will become very intense, but I am with you and I will go before you.

I will lead and guide you. You must totally rely on Me. I will never cause you to fret nor stumble. You will be more than a conqueror; you will be more than a warrior. You will be as the mighty men of valor. Through your God, you shall do valiantly, for I will tread down your enemies.

I am for you. Who can be against you if I am for you? I will fight for you. You shall be My warrior. I am your protector, I am your God. I am the captain of your salvation.

Particle – Fear Not, Neither Be Dismayed

3 – October 19, 2007

Fear not, neither be dismayed. I am here. I am within you. Desire Me more than your next breath, for it comes from Me. I will not leave you Fatherless. I will not leave you desolate. I will never desert you. I will never abandon you as one would for something useless. You are Mine. I have created you. I know all about you. What you desire. What you need. You are My Love, My child.

I do not see your shortcomings because of the blood of My Son. I will always love you with a love that you cannot understand at this time of your life. Soon you will understand the concept of My enduring and endearing love for you.

Come to Me and I will hold you as you desire to be held. Your pain is deep but I can totally heal all of it. I will totally complete that which I have started in you until the day of your homecoming. Come unto Me totally. Do not leave anything for yourself or for others to use for their benefits. Do not give your will to another.

I have paid the penalty for your sin and you are free–for whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Look not at the darkness of your past. You are
a new creation. You will be able to use the pain of your past to help others to come into My Kingdom. I am healing your pain. Do not pick the scab off for then it festers up and becomes infected again. Let My healing balm heal all your pain.

Think on My love for you, and it will complete you. It will consume you. My love for you will never stop. It is everlasting. I have created you to bring glory and honor and praises unto Me. I will be with you the rest of your days.

I will help you obtain the desires of your heart but you must be in total obedience to Me. Obedience is the utmost sign of worship to Me. Without
obedience, your singing sounds like noise to My ears. Without obedience, your prayers are just idle words to My ears. Without obedience, everything that you sacrifice in your life is worthless. I desire obedience before all else.

Come, come unto Me. I am your reward, your Redeemer.

Particle –Never Doubt My Love

4 – May 01, 2008

My Dear Child, continue to keep a written record for you will see My hand of Glory working in your life. You felt alone and thought that I was far from you, but I was there beside you–holding you, guiding you, carrying you, helping you, healing you and your emotions, speaking to you, giving you dreams and visions, and causing the enemy to back away from you.

[Editor’s Note: One persuasive example of the inspiration from God of these prophecies: How many keep records in a journal or diary of their lives? I keep one daily and from these records comes this Theo-autobiography.

There are many other things said here to persuade me to receive these words as exhortation and edification from God, as religious as they may seem to be. Many of the things said I have heard directly from the Lord for myself, as the general record will prove.]

Never doubt My love for you. It is higher than the highest mountain. It is deeper than the deepest sea. My love for you will not, nor cannot, stop. My love for you is eternal just as I am, and as your soul shall be.

So, were these prophecies of God meant for me? The words can be persuasive to one in deep turmoil. Generally, they can be true in the letter, and some seem rather well-tailored for me. Who can argue that these things didn’t apply to me, such as: “…continue to keep a written record for you will see My hand of Glory working in your life. You felt alone and thought that I was far from you, but I was there beside you–holding you, guiding you, carrying you, helping you, healing you and your emotions, speaking to you, giving you dreams and visions, and causing the enemy to back away from you.”

How many DO these words apply to? Yet, as I review these words years later (2017), I find myself unsure they were from the Lord, as true as the words are. Understand that true words aren’t necessarily inspired by God (See Particle – Mrs. Richardson Prophesies).

Particle – A Note from Sharlene Smith

Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009, 1:08 PM
Subject: RE: The Word of the Lord to You All

Dear Paul….
After reading the email you sent, I know how you got my name….Until January 2007 I submitted personal encouraging prophecies to a web site…..Donavan picked up these prophecies and put them on his site….There is a large network of prophetic words that are adopted by other websites….I stopped sending any of my prophecies due to something I was able to discern about these sites…….I did not know why but it came out that the web site I catered to quickly jumped into the Lakeland de[s]cent….. I did not know that these web sites cater to the NAR and I am against the teachings of NAR or anything that comes out of the Elijah list…. Please tell me what you discern wrong about any of the prophetic words I submitted that were embraced by these sites…..

 Sharlene Smith 

“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us”

I responded:

Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 1:35 PM
Subject: God Has Ministered to Me by These

Sharlene, I want you to know that the prophecies here spoken by you and which were posted on the net have been edifying to me. Many specifics apply so personally; I do not doubt that they were meant for me. Just want you to know that. You have spoken by the Spirit of Christ.

When Paul first wrote you, we were finding that almost all, if not all, other prophecies posted where we found yours, were the fleshly, emotional kind not of God. Yours are of God. We apologize for any discomfort to you.


She replied, and I guess we no longer corresponded after this:

Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 5:27 PM
Subject: RE: God Has Ministered to Me by These

We are in a battle and the battle is made harder by people speaking forth things that are not of God…. I have come to the realization that much prophecies that are spoken are not edify, not exalting God or exhorting one to follow Jesus but they are exalting man, God is under man ect….I am humbled that God used me to bring comfort to you…. END

Particle – Spotty Satisfaction from Earthly Enforcement Authorities

Just this morning (January 27, 2009), I said to Paul that earthly enforcement authorities have never helped me at any time (Paul had suggested I call the MD Special Constable to deal with the Berns and their dog). The times I recall where I desired some justice are:

Dauphin 1977-78; the Thorndale Apartments when a drinking party was disturbing us; I called the RCMP and received a foolish reply from a female constable. She insisted those holding the party should know my name. What? And have my car sitting outdoors vandalized in retribution for the complaint? How wise, or stupid, is that?

Dauphin 1977-78, camping at Manipogo Beach in Manitoba at a provincial campground. There was a nearly all-night shouting and drinking party not far from our tent and no authorities to deal with it.

Winnipeg, 1981; the time with the Cohens, Paul’s parents. With the help of a hired team of kidnappers, they raided our home, slashed my tires, and nabbed Paul. However, in that incident, we weren’t led to avail ourselves of the authorities, though Paul and I had been physically attacked and they kidnapped him, no less.

Winnipeg, 1981; we were at the Trepaniers. Mike and Theresa had invited us to stay with them and suddenly Theresa inexplicably left the home and had the police come to evict us while Mike “wanted” us to stay. The police had Theresa verbally command us to leave. How was it she had her way and Mike didn’t? But God was doing something here with Mike, case closed. God is the Father of spirits and turns a heart whichever way He will.

Moon River, 1988-91; there were the lawbreaking incidents with the Arnoldussens (dirt bikes, fireworks, vandalism, slander, mockery, harassment, and dogs crapping and attacking), which we did not report to the police but could have.

God judged them far beyond what I thought the police might do. He took their son Joel’s life, Joel being the primary troublemaking “foot soldier,” while his mother was the driving force, the spiritual goddess of the entire hamlet of Moon River. Arnoldussens were also compelled in spirit to move. We had decent neighbors in their place from that day forward.

Editor’s Note, April 13, 2022: Three more families of them – the Overbeeks, the Den Hertogs, and the Kronlunds.

Moon River, 1988-89; Neus and Kings harassment; I called the police but there was nothing they could do.

Moon River, George Kush threatened physical harm to me a few years ago; I called the RCMP. A constable phoned George, who denied threatening me. She put the matter on record and that was it. The Lord would deal with him later in an unexpected way. I later regretted having tried to do anything.

So, this morning, after I told Paul that authorities have never helped me, Constable Dave Furrie called from the Municipal District of Willow Creek. He served Berns notice of their dog and things have somewhat changed. He did say that if I wished to file a complaint, it would be taken to court and the judge would decide who was telling the truth (Berns outrageously claimed I provoked the dog). I said I would think about it and later decided to not do anything.

Then followed a somewhat troubled night thinking about the wicked attitude of the Berns.

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