Barngrover Correspondence About Peggy Wolt

Paul sent the following letter from Victor to Peggy Wolt, Jim Barngrover (her brother) and Angella Adamson (Jim’s wife) on June 27th, 2004:


Paul has informed me of your situation, and of your conversation and stance with him.

I wrote this to Paul in reply:

Peggy has her cancer because she HAS been in sin, pure and simple. Perhaps you didn’t tell her that directly, or, you did not mean to condemn her. However, she knows her guilt and is resentful of someone even suggesting it. She should be told that she is in sin, that her church and pastor, if they were of God, would direct her as she needs and not as how it is pleasing to her. Unless she repents, she will die.

Today I write you the following, Peggy:

It is not your call or decision to hear from whom you please, what you please. Unless you repent, you will perish. God has sent us to tell you so. This is bad news only if you reject what we have to say. It is tremendously good news in two ways, if you believe. One, He wouldn’t be reaching out to you if He did not intend good for you and two, if you believe, therefore He will save and heal.

What is it going to be? Are you going to stay religious with your vain prayers and die, or will you recognize that He is answering your prayers and sending the answer? When I say “vain prayers,” He answers in spite of your unbelief, but if you do not heed His answer, the prayers are vain. Why bother praying?

God is faithful; you have been warned. Your spirituality is worthless without faith and obedience.  Thus far, you have not believed.  You may as well go out and be a whore.


Jim wrote back the same day to Paul and Victor, cc’ing Tom Bump, Paul’s landlord and Jim’s friend:

Paul and Victor,

In response to the email you have cc’d from Victor to my sister, I respond thusly.

I am thoroughly shocked and disgusted by Victor’s remarks and judgment of my sister.  He has subsequently severed all relationship with me and Angella.  I will not give Victor, nor the Healthy Harvest Farm any of my good will hence forth.

Paul, I am most disappointed in your participation in this as well.  What I shared with you about my sister was in confidence.  Your bringing Victor into this was more than inappropriate.  It reflects on your lack of judgment.

I had nearly dismissed an earlier breach of confidence when you used the Furrow to Fork email address to spread Victor’s peculiar venomous verbiage about the gay Carrol College student who was deserved to die because he was gay.

This latest breach of confidence and sensitivity will end our relationship.  I have no desire to communicate with you hence forth.  I will never refer anyone to you and will actively advise anyone who brings up your name or business to avoid you like the plague if they wish to be left in peace.

It is your choice to affiliate with Victor.  I had wished you had thought more independently for yourself in regard to the poison he pontificates without regards to truth and tact.

My sister has a very positive outlook in Christ and family.  She is surrounded by friends and family in this time of trials.  She will not take Victor’s comments seriously.

When I was a child of 8-9 the pastor from our church visited with my parents.  My father was exhibiting early symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.  He told my father that he had sinned and that was God’s way of punishing him.  Never mind that he had been recently exposed to Parathion from the spraying of pest in sugar beets.

Yes, my father died about 45 years later.  At his funeral many of his peers took me aside to say how they admired and respected my dad.

Paul, ask yourself this question, “are you being a whore for Victor”?

Don’t bother to reply to me with an answer!

A last request!  Have the decency and propriety to cease and desist all further communications with my sister!


Victor replied:

Jim, I would like to reply to your letter, within it: FOR ALL OF OUR SAKES

[Victor’s words italicized]

Paul and Victor,

In response to the email you have cc’d from Victor to my sister, I respond thusly.

I am thoroughly shocked and disgusted by Victor’s remarks and judgment of my sister.  He has subsequently severed all relationship with me and Angella.  I will not give Victor, nor the Healthy Harvest Farm any of my good will hence forth.

You are mistaken in saying that it is my judgment. It is not mine, but God’s, and you will know that. God’s will for all rather than your goodwill is what is far more important to all, Jim.

Paul, I am most disappointed in your participation in this as well.  What I shared with you about my sister was in confidence.  Your bringing Victor into this was more than inappropriate.  It reflects on your lack of judgment.

You speak of judgment, Jim, yet you deny Paul to have a godly relationship with me, sharing with me about Peggy for her good, and not for her harm. Who cares about “inappropriateness” as you so stuffily and vainly declare, when your sister’s life is at stake? You care more for your “dignity” than her life, I think.

I had nearly dismissed an earlier breach of confidence when you used the Furrow to Fork email address to spread Victor’s peculiar venomous verbiage about the gay Carrol College student who was deserved to die because he was gay.

Venemous verbiage? Only an evil eye and heart could condemn my words to call people, in the Name of the Lord, to repentance, to save them from their destructives. Homosexuality is a perversity never intended by God. Consider Sodom and Gomorrah. Speak of being judgmental. You condemn me, and God, for seeking the good, for teaching the truth to deliver people from their destructives. You judge after the appearance, with no consideration for the motive. If considering motive, you deem it to be evil. That is “judging” of the evil kind.

Your position is evil, Jim, and has been for a long time…all your life. That is why you have been paying the price you have, in many ways, financially, family-wise, and more. Your pride, stubbornness, and independence and contempt of God cost you dearly. I know what I am talking about, and do so, not in enmity, as you could know, if you chose to know, but you refuse. The Bible says, “The fool has said in his heart, There is no God.” You are a fool, Jim.

This latest breach of confidence and sensitivity will end our relationship.  I have no desire to communicate with you hence forth.  I will never refer anyone to you and will actively advise anyone who brings up your name or business to avoid you like the plague if they wish to be left in peace.

Carry out your threats, if you can, if God will permit, Jim. But you will be the one hurt by your words and actions, as an enemy against those who only seek good for you, for Peggy, for Angella, for Tom, for all. You take me for a religious fool. You will know otherwise, and we will not lift a finger to prove so. This is in God’s hands, and retribution is His, not ours.

It is your choice to affiliate with Victor.  I had wished you had thought more independently for yourself in regard to the poison he pontificates without regards to truth and tact.

More foolish and antiChrist words were never spoken, Jim. You don’t believe and therefore you condemn me. It is the truth I speak, from God. He says this or that is so, and therefore it is not my pontification. As to tact, you are full of it when it pleases you, but when you are exposed, there it goes. High and mighty man, who are you to judge?

My sister has a very positive outlook in Christ and family.  She is surrounded by friends and family in this time of trials.  She will not take Victor’s comments seriously.

What do you know about Christ? You openly deny faith, yet judge her to have what she has regarding Christ. You have never known Him, what He is like, or what is His will. You haven’t cared, so how can you judge, Jim?

Many have been “surrounded by friends and family in trying times,” and perished, all of them in darkness, holding hands, purring, whispering sweet wishes and absurdities, feigning worship of God, deceived by stupid doctrines and concepts that only serve to destroy, though sounding “nice” all the way. You say I have no regard for truth. The opposite is true, and it is you and yours who are guilty of the very things you accuse me of. That is the contradiction of sinners the Hebrews writer speaks of.

As for my words, they are no mere comments. I have been given to tell Peggy she needs to repent; that is the answer to her prayers. God hears and speaks, because He loves. If you and she write His Words off as my comments, not taking them seriously, she will perish; if not now, then later; if not this way, then another. You will not be held guiltless for that, because you, in your arrogance, stand against God.

When I was a child of 8-9 the pastor from our church visited with my parents.  My father was exhibiting early symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.  He told my father that he had sinned and that was God’s way of punishing him.  Never mind that he had been recently exposed to Parathion from the spraying of pest in sugar beets.

I will not trust your version of what your pastor said. You have certainly perverted both the words and their intent in my case and Paul’s. However, if your pastor did say those things, there might have been some truth to deal with. All death and disease can ultimately be traced to sin. The Bible is clear on that. Most “pastors” don’t know how, and consequently misrepresent and misapply the truth.

You think that the Parathion proves there was no sin? The opposite is true. Why was he exposed to it and affected by it in the first place if no sin? Why did he do it, or why did it get done to him? Was God out of town at the time? Or was He sleeping? God is over all, Jim, and as He says, “the curse causeless does not come.” Of course, you don’t believe much of anything the Bible has to say, or you would believe me. If you don’t believe the Bible, who are you to talk of your sister’s faith in Christ? How contradictory and foolish! No, let me go further. Your stance is presumptuous and wicked. Stand with her in her sins and you too will suffer similar consequences. Call it arrogance; call it what you will. I know.

Yes, my father died about 45 years later.  At his funeral many of his peers took me aside to say how they admired and respected my dad.

You speak of Christ, yet know nothing of what He has to say. Consider your father’s favor with men in light of Jesus’ words:

“Woe to you when all men shall speak well of you! For so their fathers did to the false prophets” (Luke 6:26 MKJV).

Man’s admiration and respect is no proof of virtue before God. Neither am I saying he was as unworthy as many could be. “Does not the world love its own?” Jesus asked. He also said, “That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination with God,” so don’t think for a moment that because he was well thought of that therefore the pastor was wrong or that your father was a “good man.” Did Christ die at the hands of evil men, hated by so many, at a very early age, because He was NOT a “good man?”

Paul, ask yourself this question, “are you being a whore for Victor”?

Don’t bother to reply to me with an answer!

Behind your friendliness and smiles seethes a caldron of bitterness. Your bitterness comes from disillusionment, which comes as a result of rejecting the truth. Why continue, Jim?

And why do you bring Tom Bump into this? What does he have to do with it? Now we will speak of “inappropriateness.”

If you had hatred for me before, surely you will increase in it now. And why? Ask yourself: Why? Does the truth condemn you? I don’t, but the truth does. The Lord reached down, by His grace and mercy, convicted me of my sin, and turned me around. He can do the same for you, or for anyone, but one will have to get honest, get humble, and get real…not religious, like your sister, but REAL. Only He can do that for you. Right now you live in your own vain imaginations and pride.

A last request!  Have the decency and propriety to cease and desist all further communications with my sister!

You make an evil and haughty request, and by it, you damn both yourself, and your sister. We appear to you as enemies, but we are your friends. One day, Lord willing, both you and your sister will know that. The door is open, Lord willing.



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