God Wrestles with the Crooked

We received the following two emails after sending Public Promoters of Falsehood Confronted Publicly:

This one was obviously meant for us:

i have read and read….and you are an incredibly rude man.

you do not represent the lords love nor compassion nor his ability to deal with fact of humanities weaknesses.

yes, we are to strive for the betterment of our condition, but you are attempting to spread the gospel without god’s love.

i wonder about you….what has happened to you that you live for the negative responses towards others?

that is NOT A MAN OF GOD nor a man of love.

why is it that you fight so hard for nothing that matters?

perhaps you might design your passion towards that which is positive in the work of the lord…instead of always trying to bespeak those that are.

you emberass me as a fellow christian…

and most of all, you make the lord look bad with your defiant attude and rude small perspective.

god did not design people to spend their time speaking ill and demeaning others…even when he was upset …

you are not representing the lord god …
you are representing yourself.

i find that disgraceful to my beautiful lord.

This one, it seems, was meant for the “public promoter of falsehood,” Gary Amirault:

i agree with all of which you wrote…and i wrote him back.

i just do not know how to cc you in the computer,,,

stay strong and make sure the TRUE message of god love is spread.

god is an a amazing being….

i am 41 and He has loved me in beautiful manners….

this man has to go.

he is trying to ruin the beauty of our lord jesus christ….and god.

keep fighting…and most of all stan strong in whom the the lord is….

that is the truth…and he is that.

blessings to you for your fortitude…don’t let him break you down.

that is not of god.

Victor’s reply:

Judson, thank you for your letter. I praise the Lord that I have answers for people because He gives them to me. I think I will reply within your letter:

First of all, I am often told that I ought not to judge people, that it is the Lord’s business to do so. You certainly come across as one who would agree with that philosophy, yet you condemn me in no uncertain terms. Are you therefore contradicting yourself? Where is your love and compassion? Is it not written that true believers love their enemies? Do you love me, of whom you say you are embarrassed?

You write:

i have read and read….and you are an incredibly rude man.

You judge me to be rude, and therefore ungodly. Have you not red what the Scriptures say of God? Read this:

“With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful; with an upright man You will show Yourself upright; with the pure You will show Yourself pure; and with the froward You will show Yourself froward” (Psalms 18:25-26).

Or, literally translated: “And with the perverse showing Yourself a wrestler” (Psalms 18:26 Young’s Literal Translation).

It so happens that there are few merciful and upright and pure, but many perverse or froward. The Bible tells us that it was always so. I will prove to you, Judson, that you are among the froward, one with a tongue of indignation based not on godly knowledge, but founded in ignorance of the true God. You worship a fictitious character you call “god.” The True God is not at all as you suppose. I do not mind your embarrassment because it only serves to confirm that I am identified with the Lord Jesus Christ, not that I need such a confirmation. However, I must admit that I do mind, not for myself but for you, because I know the darkness and its consequences in someone as you. I have been there. I too have spoken “inadvisably with my lips,” not knowing what I was talking about, defending I knew not what, and paying a hefty price for it. You may not be aware of it, but you are paying and will be paying. That is the way the Creator you presume to know and serve has designed things.

You write:

you do not represent the lords love nor compassion nor his ability to deal with fact of humanities weaknesses.

Humanity’s weaknesses are not at issue here. Sin is. There is a difference. Having already addressed your false notions of the nature of God, let me add more testimony of the true God from Scripture (What is your source of information?):

“Why do the nations rage, and the peoples meditate on a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers plot together, against the LORD and against His anointed, saying, Let us break their bands in two and cast away their cords from us. He Who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall mock at them. Then He shall speak to them in His anger, and trouble them in His wrath. Yea, I have set My king on My holy hill, on Zion. I will declare the decree of the LORD. He has said to Me, You are My Son; today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I shall give the nations for Your inheritance; and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. And now be wise, O kings; be instructed, O judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all who put their trust in Him” (Psalms 2:1-12).

Why do you rage, Judson? What god are you worshipping? Is it the God of the Bible (Jesus Christ), or some foolish caricature? I tell you that you describe the latter.

You charge:

yes, we are to strive for the betterment of our condition, but you are attempting to spread the gospel without god’s love.

I attempt nothing. We are sent of God to do a job and by His grace and power, we do it, with His love. If He did not love, He would not bother with people like you. You are in destruction for lack of knowledge. We bring that knowledge that you might live, and not remain in your miserable darkness of foolish and vain notions. It is not a matter of “bettering our condition,” but of changing it altogether, replacing hearts of stone with hearts of flesh, which only God can do, and which He purposes by sending us to bring that knowledge whereby people will repent of their idolatries and self-righteousnesses, which, Isaiah says, are as filthy menstrual pads in His sight.

You ask:

i wonder about you….what has happened to you that you live for the negative responses towards others?

I live not for those, but I do suffer them for Him, because I live for Him. It is written:

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12).

Are you suffering persecution, Judson? For what or whom do you live? Think about it, long and hard.

that is NOT A MAN OF GOD nor a man of love.

Do you know that? If you do not know the true God, how then can you tell a true man of God? You judge by your definition of love. You err. Try reading:

The False Religious Love that Hates (Rejects) God
Does God Speak Only Gentle Words?
Reality Is What We Need
The Wrath of God
The Lovely Essence of Satan

You have plenty to keep you occupied constructively. I hope you will read those.

why is it that you fight so hard for nothing that matters?

By whose judgment do you presume that these things do not matter? The Bible calls it the “foolishness of preaching.” Just what matters and what does not? God had someone stoned once for picking up sticks on the Sabbath day. “That was Old Testament,” you perhaps will argue, but the Bible records God as declaring thus:

“For I am the LORD, I change not. Because of this you sons of Jacob are not destroyed” (Malachi 3:6).

The New Testament says this of Jesus Christ:

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

The God that had that “poor soul” so “unlovingly” stoned for such a “petty act” as picking up some sticks on the “wrong day” to cook his food is the same God today, none other than the One Who died on the cross for us. The Bible provides numerous like testimonies of God and His ways, in both Old and New Testaments. Was that man making a fire to burn someone’s tent down? Was he doing it to practice sorcery? Was he doing it to smoke people out of their homes? Capital punishment even for those motives or acts is not justified in the minds of most today, yet God deemed otherwise. So what matters? Do you really know? No, you don’t, and I do. That is why I am here, speaking, in all my “rudeness.” No apologies, Judson, no apologies. On the contrary, I dare not ignore my duty, but rejoice in it.

Judson, you write:

perhaps you might design your passion towards that which is positive in the work of the lord…instead of always trying to bespeak those that are.

I think we have covered that ground now…

you emberass me as a fellow christian…

and that…

and most of all, you make the lord look bad with your defiant attude and rude small perspective.

and that…

god did not design people to spend their time speaking ill and demeaning others…even when he was upset …

You are so right! Neither did He create them to believe lies and to speak foolishness. Neither did He create them to destroy themselves with ignorance. Neither did He create them to misrepresent Him, as do you. Neither did He give them the right to preach and to practice falsehood in His Name. Have another read:

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful” (Proverbs 27:6).

“Behold then the kindness, and the severity of God; on those having fallen, severity; but on you, kindness, if you continue in the kindness. Otherwise you also will be cut off” (Romans 11:22).

you are not representing the lord god …
you are representing yourself.

You need to try and give at least a shred of true, godly substance to support your judgments and accusations, but you have none whatsoever. You are out of line entirely. Beware, lest you find yourself speaking against God, which you do.

i find that disgraceful to my beautiful lord.

To your “beautiful lord,” yes, I do understand that you would find the truth quite disgraceful. Your lord, believe it or not, happens to be Ashtoreth, the pagan goddess of love, prosperity, success and fertility, the goddess of passion and pleasure, the one who seduces to please the flesh and carnal mind. You worship her in the Name of God, not knowing whom you truly worship.

However, to my Lord (with a capital “L”), Who is also your Lord, though you do not acknowledge Him, that which I do is well pleasing, because I do His will and speak for His sake that which is obviously quite unpopular to preach. Why do you think they hated God’s true prophets throughout all history? Do you think they did so, as you do with me now, because the prophets “loved” too much the people to whom He sent them? But the people honoured false prophets because they were “loving and compassionate,” until their true colors were revealed, that is.

Inadvertently it seems, you sent us a letter meant for someone else, Gary Amirault, we guess, but speaking against us. I will also address those words now. You wrote:

i agree with all of which you wrote…and i wrote him back.

i just do not know how to cc you in the computer,,,

stay strong and make sure the TRUE message of god love is spread.

god is an a amazing being….

“god is an amazing being,” you say. If you knew God, you would capitalize His Title and Name. Why should not God be amazing? He created us and all things. What are you saying? Are you trying to impress the one you are writing with your spiritual insight? This is phony, Judson. The truth is that you are impressed with another god, and that is how that god works with its idolaters.

Tell me, do you know just what the TRUE message of God’s love is? No, you do not. The only way you could know is to experience an exposure of your heart before God, which usually leads one to true repentance, which you have not experienced. While Gary preaches a false security gospel, and lulls you to a spiritual slumber regarding your state before God, we preach that people may be convicted of their sins, so that they will repent, and turn to God for salvation. He laid down His life to that end. We, and not Gary Amirault, bring the TRUE message of God’s love, which man naturally rejects. Why so? Because man loves to maintain his own right to himself, as you do here. He loves to think he is righteous without God. Gary aids and abets that attitude and spiritual condition, to his detriment and that of his audiences.

You write:

i am 41 and He has loved me in beautiful manners….

“Beautiful manners”? How sweet! It even gets “sweeter.” You write:

this man has to go.

What do you propose, Judson? Loving me in “beautiful manners”? Reaching out to me in godly love and compassion? Or would you prefer to chain me to a stake and light a bundle of fagots under me? Perhaps you would like to torch my house, my family and me? That is what religious “lovers” do to people when, like you, they think and say, “This man has to go.” My, your godliness is more impressive all the time! Is there any wonder that you need a good speaking to? Are you not a liar and a hypocrite? And do you not think that God sees your heart?

You say:

he is trying to ruin the beauty of our lord jesus christ….and god.

I should think so! The day of “other Jesuses” is over.

keep fighting…and most of all stan strong in whom the the lord is….

that is the truth…and he is that.

blessings to you for your fortitude…don’t let him break you down.

that is not of god.

We will surely see what is the truth and what is not; what is god and what is God. You don’t know what you are talking about. We do. You walk contrary to the Lord Jesus Christ. Repent or perish. God is finished winking.

Contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints, and against the false gods worshipped in vain,

Victor Hafichuk

Paul’s reply:


If you meant to send your most recent note to Gary Amirault, his address is: tentmaker7@mchsi.com. If you meant to send it to J. Preston Eby, author of the article that Gary sent us, and from which we quoted in The Issues of Life (The Necessity for Both Law and Grace), he can be reached by regular mail at: J. Preston Eby P O BOX 371240 El Paso, Texas.

We are, by necessity, constrained to act upon facts, not hearsay and opinion. A hallmark of delusional religion is that it thrives on the latter two elements, not being sustained by truth and fact. Your emotionally charged and hysterical accusations, which fail to convict us with any substance, reveal that your persuasion is not based on truth and fact, but is rather hollow, and is there only to serve you in your attempt to mask your own fallibility and sin. If it were otherwise you would tell us something based on what actually has been said, giving us example and Scripture to show us what is objectionable according to God’s Word, since you make your appeal to Him.

However, you cannot do this because the lord and god you talk about is a figment of your imagination. In reality the God revealed in Scripture does not match your image. What you speak of comes from your feelings, not the Spirit of God. You speak of the ancient goddess known as Ashtoreth, goddess of love, fertility and of “beautiful” feelings. She is man-made, serving the flesh, and is antagonistic to the Spirit of God.

The gospel of Jesus Christ speaks of the utter depravity of all mankind, and his total inability to be right or good in the sight of God. You obviously have cast us as presently sinning in our speech and conduct, yet say nothing of the need for repentance, or His grace. Instead you tell us, “perhaps you might design your passion towards that which is positive in the work of the lord…instead of always trying to bespeak those that are.” You think that we could “design” our way to His righteousness by our sinful passions? You could only think so if you were doing the same yourself. You are yet in your sins, and are presumptuous, adding sin to sin. You need to repent, Judson, completely, in the comprehensive way that God requires. You are altogether in wickedness, preaching lawlessness and rebellion, a practitioner of spiritual sorcery and promoter of adultery with other gods. We tell you this by the grace and mercy of God in Jesus Christ, which you lack, but which we have and by which we speak to you and all others.

You love the Lord and desire to see Him? Here is what He says of His coming and His presence among men:

“And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not Me, says the LORD of hosts” (Malachi 3:5).

So it is.