The Contradiction of Respecting Beliefs

From: Priscilla
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 7:30 AM
Subject: Chances are, you don’t know who Lucifer really is.

If you don’t already know, Lucifer is our true lord and savior. Do you believe me?

Let me prove it to you, with my book Hallowed Be Thy Name: Lucifer, Origins & Revelation, which I dare claim is “the most blasphemous and crucial theological disclosure of the past two thousand years.” Learn about the gods of Mesopotamian mythology et al. and their relevance to the Abrahamic deities, focusing on the mystery of Lucifer. I disprove many widely cherished beliefs: Lucifer is our creator, God is evil, Hell does not exist, Satan is the Holy Spirit, the gods are not cosmic beings, etc.

Naturally, this will be of interest to all you Satanists and Luciferians. Christians, Jews and Muslims will also take great interest since it is, of course, primarily about your deities. It will bring pagans and polytheists closer to the roots of their faiths as well. Atheists will enjoy it because it gives them a much more compelling and effective argument than what they already have.

 Don’t just take my word for it, get a copy and see for yourself!


For more, visit


From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Priscilla
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: Chances are, you don’t know who Lucifer really is.

Priscilla, you ask if I believe you. I don’t believe you, not at all. And I’ll tell you why. 

I know the Risen, the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, otherwise known as Yeshua HaMashiach, King of kings, Lord of lords, Almighty God. He first appeared to me in July of 1972. In February of 1973, after intense struggle, He granted me freedom of conscience, freedom from uncontrollable vices and accompanying guilt, and He gave me peace and joy I had never known before in my 27 years as a man living according to his own understanding and desires. Nor had I ever known any other human being to have what He granted me, not that there weren’t others who didn’t have what He gave me.

The Bible I found impossible to understand came alive. I found it was no ordinary book and there was not another like it, ever.

In 1974, He gave me a wife, a woman whose heart He had also changed before I knew her. One month after our marriage, on January 1, 1975. He gave us His Holy Spirit and the gifts accompanying His Presence within. That year, and more emphatically in March of 1976, He spoke to me as He had many times since receiving His Spirit, even as He did to the apostles and prophets of old. He called us out of all religious organizations and church systems. 

He commanded me to leave all common, conventional, formal religion, particularly nominal Christendom behind, as I would leave my own dung after evacuating my bowels. He would do a new thing with me and told me to leave the shit behind. 

By His grace and power only, I obeyed Him. He undertook to teach us personally and gave us the awesome privilege of walking with Him in this earth, while tasting of the goodness of Heaven.

In 1977, He spoke to me saying we would be going to Israel. He didn’t say why or when. In the spring of 1979, He told me that now it was time to quit my job, sell all that we had and go. We obeyed.

In Israel, we met Paul Cohen, who had been praying to God to send him a man to help him in his darkness. When we arrived and met, Paul immediately knew who I was and why I was there. God spoke to me, revealing what was going on in Paul’s life that even he didn’t understand. Marilyn and I spoke what God gave us to speak, Paul believed, and obeyed the command God gave him; thus, his journey out of his sin, entrapment, and confusion began.

In the year 2000, Jesus Christ brought me into yet another and higher dimension the Scriptures call “the rest,” typified by the ancient Hebrew solemn Feast of Tabernacles, the Third and Final Feast representing the glory of God taking residence in, and supremacy over, man, the work complete within.

In the few years following, Jesus Christ gave Paul Cohen that same gift and freedom and joined us in ministry He had spoken to Marilyn and me of back in 1984. was born and we have been in that ministry ever since, as prophesied years earlier.

In 2014, He reminded me of Words He had spoken to me in 1984 and notified me that a work He had appointed me to was to begin. That work was to rule the world.

So, no, Priscilla, I don’t believe you at all. If you were to tell me any outrageous lie contrary to what God has revealed and done with me, why should I believe it? Shall I believe you or God?

No, I will not read your book even if you paid me to read it, not because I fear it (I have nothing to fear, as you may presume) but because I know Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, Almighty God. Why then should I waste my time and energies on the trash you have come to believe, I presume, and proclaim in all foolishness and deception to the world? 

Now YOU read a book filled with Truth and Confirmation about what God, not Lucifer, has done: wHaT tHe LoRd HaS dOnE wItH mE. You will not be able to argue with it, not rationally. Try me, if you dare to discard your world of darkness and delusion and care to know the Truth.

For a taste of the book, read Victor Hafichuk’s Testimony. You might also want to read Paul’s story, Paul Cohen’s Testimony.

And it’s free, Priscilla. I guarantee you that nobody who knows the Truth, sells it. Those who sell what they call the Truth have never known the Truth (or they may have known and forsook it to their great detriment).

It is I and my close companions with me, through the Lord Jesus Christ, who now rule and establish the Kingdom of God on earth in this day, His Day that all creation has been waiting for these several millennia. Jesus Christ has all power in Heaven and in earth and He has granted me to sit in His throne in this day and age. 

He is mine and I am His, as Him, in Him, and He in me, here and now.

Victor Hafichuk

From: Priscilla
To: Victor Hafichuk
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Chances are, you don’t know who Lucifer really is.

Your personal beliefs and experiences are your own, and I respect that. My argument is with mythology, not personal religion. I think you would benefit greatly by reading my book.


From: Victor Hafichuk
To: Priscilla
Cc: Paul Cohen
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2016 6:59 AM
Subject: Re[3]: Chances are, you don’t know who Lucifer really is.


Allow me to correct you on several counts in this note of yours:

My personal beliefs and experiences are mine but I didn’t make them; they don’t originate with me. I had to let go of my personal beliefs in order to believe the Truth because the two weren’t compatible. It’s the same for every person.

You do not respect my personal beliefs and experiences. Let’s face it, why should you respect them if they’re in error or invalid? Why would you believe and write what you do, which is contrary to what I believe and what is true, if you had true respect for the value of what I believe? 

And if you only refer to my right to have those beliefs, I must tell you that none of us has the right to cling to lies. Lies are never to be respected. Why give me the diplomacy of tact to persuade me by deception, deliberate or otherwise, and call it “respect”? This is arrogance coupled with either contempt or ignorance. I say, both.

If you wish to argue with mythology, argue with those guilty of it and with yourself, because your material, according to title and summaries, is pure myth – or should I say, “evil” myth? How then, when I have the Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is God Almighty, can I possibly benefit to any degree by your delusional work?

Priscilla, I’ve been sent to speak the truth. I’ve spoken it to you and you’ve disregarded it as worthless. Now you lie to me saying you respect my right to my beliefs? Just how delusional or dishonest are you? Much, I’m compelled to conclude.


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