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Craig Is Confused

Craig "the Baud" responded to A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada:

Who are you and why would you email me such nonsense. You sound deeply disturbed. I would suggest you seek some sort of proffessional help before you hurt yourself or others.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld
(New Democratic Party)

Victor’s reply:

Hi Craig,

Do I sound “deeply disturbed”? How so? You don’t say. And just what is the “nonsense” aspect of the allegory? Again, you don’t and can’t say.

Now, suddenly, I am supposed to seek “proffessional help” based on the mere unsubstantiated opinion of a total stranger who cannot understand allegory.

Does this prayer to God, for example, constitute a “deep disturbance” deserving of urgent examination:

May God grant wisdom and strength to those who would govern with discretion and honesty”?

With a reaction and attitude such as yours, are you helping instead of hurting, Craig? Think about it. Can there be any doubt, in the minds of those who have understanding and the ability to judge, that you may do well to heed your own counsel?

By your example, can anyone have any confidence that you or your NDP has anything to offer? I hardly think so.


Paul’s reply:

Craig, God sends His messengers with such a message as this to let people know they are in the wrong. His words are not spoken to hurt people, but to save them from destroying themselves. In other words, His warning is this: “If you continue in these ways, which I am telling you are wrong, and why they are wrong, then you will end up hurting yourself.”

It will be seen whether Victor and those who believe what he says are hurt, or whether those who scoff and continue in their ways suffer in the end. Already it is being seen, but as stubborn and willful as a man is in his evil, so will he be in continuing to dismiss the sure evidence that speaks loudly and convincingly to those who, by God’s grace, are humbled to hear the message.


Craig’s reply:

Who are you impling is the messanger and what are you impling is the message. You don’t seem to make a lot of sense but it appears as if you are impling that some how people who believe in democracy and justice for all are some how evil. This is very disturbing. Masking your hate is religion is very disturbing.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Paul’s reply:

Craig, we see a crazed man running to and fro, his mind abuzz and his senses addled. You are in terrible confusion. If it is possible for you to extricate yourself from your BlackBerry miasma and sit down somewhere quiet where you can concentrate (if God grants this to you), you should read the letters we will be posting on our Notice Board [now posted], which further answer your objections, erroneous interpretations, and false characterizations of what we are saying and doing.

At the same time you should also review what we have already sent you, because you are missing the plain meaning of clearly verbalized and repeated statements.

You also have not answered Victor’s questions. I include both emails for your reference [above].

Paul Cohen

Craig’s reply:

I am not the one that is confused. I am not the one saying that our parlimentary system does not have the power to choose the prime minister of canada. I am not the one who because of what can only be presumed to be the lack of any credible arguement simply states that god wants the conservatives in power. I am not the one who wishes to not just over ride the decisions canadians made at the ballot box two months ago but to over ride our very democracy itself and cling to power by any means necessary. You are the one who is confused. You are the one that is misleading people. You are the one who puts god where god does not belong. You are the one who conceals your own immoral actions as gods wishes.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Paul’s reply:

Craig, your letter in red:

I am not the one that is confused. – An opinion already refuted and easily refuted again.

I am not the one saying that our parlimentary system does not have the power to choose the prime minister of canada. – We have not said any such thing. What we have said is that God is over the Parliament. You obviously do not recognize or honor His authority, hence the conflict and confusion on your part.

Speaking of God’s rule, has He not thwarted the coalition that He cursed?

I am not the one who because of what can only be presumed to be the lack of any credible arguement simply states that god wants the conservatives in power. – God cursed the coalition. He did not say, “I want the conservatives in power.” We have not put words in His mouth, and you should not either. Stick to what is said and you will not be confused or confusing others.

I am not the one who wishes to not just over ride the decisions canadians made at the ballot box two months ago but to over ride our very democracy itself and cling to power by any means necessary. – These are lies built on lies. We never said anything about overriding election results, and we did not imply it. If anyone was trying to override the voice of the voters, it was the cursed coalition. We are not members of, or affiliated with, the Conservative Party, so the motive you ascribe to us for speaking against the coalition because wanting to “cling to power” is also spurious. We are for what is right, not right wing.

You are the one who is confused. – Repeating unsubstantiated lies is one of the favorite strategies of propagandists with agendas, which they fall back on naturally because they have nothing else to further their arguments.

You are the one that is misleading people. – Any reasonable person will see the opposite, as we have demonstrated with facts, backed up by all the words we have written, which are available for everyone to see on our Notice Board.

You are the one who puts god where god does not belong. – Your opinion, Craig. What do you know of, not little “g,” but big “G,” God? You tell us all about His will, and what He would have us to know. But since you don’t know Him and cannot affirm Him, you choose to deny Him when He comes against your partisan attitude.

In any case, who in Hell’s name are you to presume that any of His creatures has the right or power to put God anywhere, or that God does not belong in any of His creation, all of which is His possession? Be gone, rapscallion! You speak as the liar and fool you are.

You are the one who conceals your own immoral actions as gods wishes. – What are those immoral actions, Craig? What proof do you have for your charges? This is just more of your opinion, naturally derived from your disagreement over what God has determined and said. You will discredit the Message by discrediting the messengers. Your shtick is as old as the hills, even if you use new technology to peddle it.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Yes, sent from your Blackberry, in all foolishness, haste, and confusion, without due attention, consideration, responsibility, and honor toward truth and God. And we should respect the NDP as viable decision-makers for Canada?

Craig’s reply:

Then I must presume by your arguements that you believe that god cursed the pro life movement and that god cursed the traditional definition of marriage movement. Your only arguement has been such that what happens is gods wishs but you wrote to me before the outcome of such matters so I fail to see how you new that god "cursed the coalition" or why he would ever choose to do such a thing. Why would the one who created all humans choose to have some win over others. God loves all his children and would never play favourites.

You have been the one simply repeating yourself in an attempt to create truth where none exists. This has long been a tactic used by conservative groups across north america and in fact the world.

What is deeply disturbing for the followers of your cult if you infact have more then one. Is that you simply state gods intentions and do not even attempt to justify them or explain why you interpret events in such a mannor.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Paul’s reply:

Craig, you cannot presume anything of what you think we say or imply, because your mind is nothing but a muddle of confusion. You don’t understand the simplest of earthly matters, to say nothing of how God operates from Heaven.

If you had any decency at all, which you have proven you do not, you would read the answers to your questions on our site. You say that we have not explained God’s intentions or given any more background and interpretation of the recent events surrounding the coalition and its attempt to change the government of Canada. We gave you our Notice Board to read, which does both of those things, amply. Obviously you prefer to remain in your ignorance so you can continue to complain as a loutish fool.

Do BlackBerries not have spell checkers?


Craig’s reply:

Mine does not.

And if you can not explain what if anything you mean in an email then why would I expect anything more from your website. Obviously your cult make statements and claims them as truth based on gods word. Nothing is truth because you say so or because you say god has stated that.

Religious interpretations change through time and so probably will your cults positions on issues.

Using your cult to propogate for the conservative party of canada by stating nonsense like god cursed the coalition or its undemocratic for the elected representatives of canadians to pick there government is an obvious front of your own personnel view point. Lucky for canada cults such as ours are not very prevelent and democracy for the most part is allowed to flourish.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Paul’s reply:

There is nothing that you have asked about that we have not explained, even beginning with the first email, A Curse on the Betrayal of Canada. The explanations were also there, but you are too frazzled and obtuse to comprehend, so you ask without possessing the sense to receive.

If anyone can’t and doesn’t explain anything, it is you. In the first reply Victor asked you a question you still have not answered:

Does this prayer to God, for example, constitute a ‘deep disturbance’ deserving of urgent examination:

‘May God grant wisdom and strength to those who would govern with discretion and honesty’?

We are still waiting for your answer, but not while depriving ourselves of oxygen.

You say our positions on issues will probably change. You say “probably” because even you in your great prejudice and ignorance are willing to admit that you are not sure. You are right that religious interpretations may change over time, but that is because they are men’s inventions. The truth never changes. Regarding Jesus Christ, our position does not change because He is our life, and He does not change. It has never occurred to you that one can surely know the Truth.

You could find this out for yourself on our site, but actually researching something and confirming the facts is not convenient to your lies. You are too lazy, selfish, and dishonest.

Is it lucky for Canada that people in this country do not believe as we do? We say the opposite. There is great suffering in Canada precisely because people do not believe in Jesus Christ and manifest His life, especially while claiming to believe and follow Him. These are the victims and perpetrators of cults – many of them. You could read about it in The True Marks of a Cult, but you are committed to your political-religious indoctrination, and fearful of hearing something that could overturn it, you choose to preserve the ignorance from which you speak.

Some would question whether democracy is flourishing, but we say even if it is, is that good? Cancer cells flourishing are not good. What is so good about divisive voices striving for mastery wherein numbers and might make right? How deceived are those who worship false gods! We are at the dregs of history, not the pinnacle, and it must all come down, and will. Democracy, as it is known and practiced, is on its deathbed. As for its alleged virtues, based on the virtue of man (which is nil), I direct any that are desirous of truth and light to read Diabolical Doctrine: Democracy Is of God.

Craig’s reply:

It is deeply distrubing that you use such prayers instead of reason.
You claim to know the truth but you are man and you are interpreting jesus’ teachings. There for yourr cults interpretations are bound to change. And no I would never say for certain they would change because like you I cannot see into the future but unlike you I do not claim that I can.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Victor’s reply:

As Paul said, “You are right that religious interpretations may change over time, but that is because they are men’s inventions. The truth never changes. Regarding Jesus Christ, our position does not change because He is our life, and He does not change. It has never occurred to you that one can surely know the Truth.

And just what, in your mind, Craig, is a "cult," intelligently, thoughtfully defined? After your independent attempt, try the Bible’s definition and see how you score: The True Marks of a Cult.




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