Proverbs 3001-3250

English – French

“And more than that, the preacher was wise; he still taught the people knowledge. Yes, he listened, and looked, and set in order many proverbs. The preacher sought to find out pleasing words; and words of truth written by the upright. The words of the wise are like goads; yes, their collected words are like nails driven home; they are given from one Shepherd” (Ecclesiastes 12:9-11 MKJV).

In the middle of the night of April 15-16 of 2007, it was given me to write proverbs. Like a tap of water turned on, they came, one after the other, 78 in all. Then, as fast as they began, they ended, like a tap turned off. There was no premeditation, no expectation and when the end came, there was nothing I could do to continue. They were just there.

Since then the Lord has given me more, when I am quiet, in His way, and when He wills.

The principles of life have many manifestations, each of which can be expressed as a proverb. A proverb can appear simple on the surface, stating the obvious, as even to give the impression that a simpleton speaks. As one contemplates the words and seeks a deeper meaning, however, he or she can be rewarded with counsel and understanding that serve well in many applications of life, should God give to that one.

Victor Hafichuk


1-250 ~ 251-500 ~ 501-750 ~ 751-1000 ~ 1001-1250
1251-1500 ~ 1501-1750 ~ 1751-2000 ~ 2001- 2250
2251 – 2500 ~ 2501 – 2750 ~ 2751-3000 ~ 3001-3250


3001. Jesus Christ is the Most Loving and the Most hated of all.

3002. There is no success without wisdom, honesty, and faith. It does not exist. What appears to be otherwise is not true.

3003. The Lord has provided us with capable and faithful helpers in these times, after years of subjecting us to some of the worst, who have been murderers, liars, and thieves posing as Christian friends.

3004. Lack of moderation is a vice that can spoil the best, but temperance can assure victory and peace.

3005. Not only is time on the Lord Jesus Christ’s Side, but it is also under His Hand. Wait; you will know it.

3006. Respecting right and truth is respecting authority and respecting authority at the cost of right and truth is disrespecting authority.

3007. Suffering is a building block of life, paramount to success and fulfillment.

3008. This is victory, being prepared to act and to speak when you no longer treat it as a risk and don’t mind being wrong.

3009. Precious things are rare and costly to produce but can be so easily destroyed.

3010. Children are to honor their parents and parents ought to honor their children.

3011. I’ve made many mistakes in my life. I’ve sorely smarted and surely smarter by them.

3012. What wondrous things to hear for those who have ears to hear.

3013. It’s not the sin of vice that must be put away so much as the sin of virtue.

3014. When you’re nobody’s friend, you are your own worst enemy.

3015. Actions tell stories. Reactions tell the truth.

3016. Never has there been known such a thing as a dark switch to quell the light.

3017. When the sun decides to rise, who can stop it? What can darkness do but retreat? It can’t even try to hide! Where does it have to flee?

3018. Darkness is a flimsy power and a deceptive refuge. Light has the total victory.

3019. How can one be genuinely thankful for anything unless thankful to the Lord of all?

3020. A friend gained can be much better than an enemy, and an enemy can be better than a friend gained.

3021. Why are you afraid? What are you guilty of?

3022. Arrogance is an unbridled contempt for one’s fellow man, a male peacock in full bloom.

3023. You see the evil that foolish words cause everywhere. How much more powerful are true words, so, don’t be afraid to speak them.

3024. Truth will only hurt those who resist it, which proves they need to hear it.

3025. Faith in God is the vehicle, the gift, and the opportunity.

3026. Almost any damned fool can display virtue for a moment or two, even three, but to live a life of hearty virtue, well, that’s another thing altogether. It’s one or the other.

3027. Meditation is greater than medication, the Heavenly Physician much greater than the earthly.

3028. The Lord’s desire is not to be obeyed so much as to teach man to obey.

3029. The sun doesn’t need the permission of darkness to rise.

3030. Darkness has no right to tell the light what to do.

3031. Not being able to surpass giving thanks, I fall short; able to freely praise, I’m blessed, fulfilled, and free.

3032. Cleverness is a powerful contender with faith.

3033. It’s not how much one has, but what one is satisfied with.

3034. Experience is the mother of empathy.

3035. The more we think we know, the less we know we think.

3036. The man who can see, sees all; the blind man sees nothing.

3037. Jesus Christ is the Light of all men and He owns Satan, the prince of darkness.

3038. Permit me to confound you – better to tell a true lie than a false truth.

3039. Opposing might with right is worth the fight, at least in my sight.

3040. I am at once hard and easy to please. I’m afraid of the easy because it causes me to be naïve, and a target easily taken advantage of.

3041. Aging brings both weakness and strength. When we are weak, then our Maker shows Himself strong.

3042. Like the night, our darkness is appointed. Isn’t it interesting how the night is our time for resting?

3043. God is in the necessary details and the Devil in the irrelevant ones.

3044. Just as the tongue can both bless and curse, so women can be a blessing and a curse, according to the man’s reaction.

3045. Wisdom has a firm grip on the law of relativity, the truth to counter the false prevalent in the darkness.

3046. Perfumed soft soap doesn’t have the sand to scrub away the more stubborn dirt.

3047. The greater battle of the believer is not with evil but with good.

3048. Right doing is the obstacle of right being, as the chaff is to the grain and the shell to the nut.

3049. Climbing to the mountaintop is only half the journey; returning safely to base is the other half.

3050. The Sabbath is not a sacrifice but an investment that returns a potential hundredfold.

3051. Not keeping the Sabbath is breaking the piggy bank for a measly reward already earned; keeping the Sabbath is to add to the past week’s rewards many times over.

3052. Keeping the Sabbath is the secret to the perfect golf game.

3053. Animals do not love people as many suppose – they love people for loving them.

3054. Beasts can display impressive love but that love is always dependent and conditional upon being loved.

3055. Only the Supreme of All and His children can be capable of forgiveness and unconditional, everlasting love.

3056. Idolaters cannot love anyone but themselves, and even there, they must fail.

3057. True giving is the breaking of the shell, giving ready access to the contents.

3058. Both Truth and falsehood, and good and evil invariably conceal themselves in their opposites.

3059. Offer up your understanding as a burnt sacrifice to your Maker if you desire to have success.

3060. It’s a stupid thing indeed to trust yourself.

3061. When you eat an apple with a bruise, cut away some good to rid yourself of all the bad, and not leave some of the bad to save every bit of good.

3062. There comes an end to learning with the perfection of the learner.

3063. I ponder what I should do with my earthly assets, given the tumultuous times. Surely God is my Banker and Business Manager. He is my Security in all things.

3064. The starving soul craves a beast’s affection.

3065. If your profession of faith in Jesus Christ isn’t constantly public, it is hidden in darkness. Therefore, seeing He is Light, your claim is bullshit, plain as day to those walking in light, and waiting for those walking in darkness to step in it.

3066. I haven’t suffered by too little as I have by too much. Poverty is painful, but wealth can be more so. Need may destroy the body, but not as does abundance the soul.

3067. Beware of wealth; it can easily be a frenemy of your choice.

3068. Without the Lord, whatever gains are achieved eventually become losses; only His blessing secures anything.

3069. God delights in the sparrow that isn’t afraid to be vulnerable and to light on His Unpredictable Hand.

3070. Not so much the action as the reaction determines the outcome of a situation.

3071. God takes a million of random elements and weaves them together for a perfectly harmonized result. It’s who He is. That is God.

3072. Whatever happens that man cannot do must be called a miracle.

3073. Man’s goodness hates God’s badness.

3074. In the True Righteousness, men are safe and sound. In false righteousness, they fail and destroy themselves.

3075. Satan brings out the best in people and God brings out the worst.

3076. All of God’s creatures learn the hard way, because learning is hard.

3077. The road to Heaven is paved with death and hell.

3078. Stupidity is to think you’re smarter than anyone else.

3079. Why do people think they must steal from or defraud one another to prosper?

3080. Pride is that ruinous trait, that destructive element that sabotages everything one can do.

3081. Take pride out of the equation and you’re on your way to success because you’ve freely earned it.

3082. You may not be in the fast lane, but you can know you’re in the right one.

3083. Just because one is in the fast lane doesn’t mean they belong there.

3084. Why is it assumed by so many that if one is wealthy, one must be evil or covetous? That is the envy of the sluggard speaking.

3085. A life of answered prayer can’t be itemized. The job’s too big.

3086. This generation today suffers good and celebrates evil.

3087. What should a soul lose if he should surrender all his goods and gain all souls?

3088. The biggest lie a liar can tell himself is that his lie will never be discovered.

3089. Give credit where credit is due and blame the same.

3090. Don’t do wrong things; you’ll surely and sorely regret them all by and by.

3091. There is a time to make it happen and a time to let it happen.

3092. With so many people wrong about me, how can I but be right?

3093. There is a difference between being good in the fear of man and being good in the fear of God. One good destroys while another renders justice.

3094. Sheep wander and do no harm but wolves prowl and devour those who are lost.

3095. Wolves do not wear sheep’s clothing; sheep only perceive that they do.

3096. You’ll never be free of your faults by blaming others for them.

3097. You don’t get wisdom by declaring you have it; you get it by knowing and acknowledging you don’t have it.

3098. Positive and proud confession of the nonexistent don’t accomplish anything. Presumption and prevarication never did.

3099. Pride and arrogance are attempts to steal God’s Glory.

3100. Pretenders and thieves fool and rob themselves of life.

3101. When the will and morality are engaged, technicalities will take care of themselves.

3102. What is a lack of the sense of security but the fear of death?

3103. Time is not a master but a servant of a son of God.

3104. Time was made for man and not man for time.

3105. Do we need more time or does time need us?

3106. Better to be alone in the sun than in the grave with a multitude.

3107. Better to be sad than regretful.

3108. A good thing that I married a forgiver; otherwise, neither of us would have survived.

3109. There are many more sparrows than there are eagles.

3110. Is it the prophet’s fault if his audience is deaf?

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