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Two Adams

Chinese – English

During a ten day fast, I contemplated the reality of the two natures which do battle within each believer. The Lord was teaching me that He is about reconciling and not utterly destroying the first Adam in us. Did He not provide skins for Adam and Eve? Did He not also provide him Abel and Seth and by Seth, the Messiah? And had Adam and Eve repented and confessed their sin? Not at all. They would not take blame but passed it where they could, even on God. But God planned the salvation of all men and will perform it perfectly. If this is not so, not one of us will be redeemed. It is all or nothing.


I look back at my life with regret and remorse

Because the carnal man has reigned on the throne, of course.

The spiritual man has been battered and bruised;

He has tried to fight but was often confused.


“This is my friend, partner and room-mate!

Why is it he fights me, so full of hate?

He said he agreed with all that I do

And believed the Lord to be entirely true!


What’s this? I find him my enemy!

What he really is, now I’m given to see.

To defeat his cause, the Lord will help me

And only then will we both be free.


He’ll be put in his place and raised from the dead

And the Lord, not he, will rule instead.

From now on, each other we won’t hate but adore,

Shouting in unison, ‘Let there be war no more’.”


Moon River Estates, Jan. 29, 1998

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