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In my striving to be conscious of God and to hear His voice and walk with Him, I slowly learned that I do not get the Lord to speak simply by striving to listen. Nor is He always speaking and I hear or get to hear bits and pieces only as I succeed in efforts to “tune in” like a ham operator trying to pick up a frequency. No, the Lord speaks when it pleases Him, and when He speaks, He is fully capable of making Himself heard with or without any help or hindrance from us.

Until we are humbled and repent of our arrogance, we will neither understand nor rest.

Standing atop a mountain peak,

I could not hear a sound.

In vain I strained my ears to hear

But nothing came except a tear

Because I could not hear.


Cold it grew and I withdrew

To lower levels not by choice,

And there I felt more comforted

But silence remained the only voice

And still I could not hear.


“Am I dead?” in pain I asked myself,

“Is there something wrong with me?

I should think that on these wondrous heights

Is where hearing and seeing ought to be.”

And down I came again.


Lower and lower and lower still,

Not even ground level was to be my fill,

But lower and lower and lower ’til

The darkness smothered me out of sight

And my only friends were sorrow and fright.


But I was not alone.


For in the nether of darkness and tether,

Down where I had made my bed,

And where I resigned to live and sleep,

I heard the Voice instead:

“Come up!” It said, “and into the Light.

Rejoice now with new hearing and sight.

I’ll take away your tether and fright

And you’ll be My servant instead.”

Albuquerque, Spring, 1984

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English - Chinese 上帝經常並在很長一段時間內向祂被召喚出來的人隱藏祂自己,就像祂對古今的所有聖徒和先知所做的那樣。我們非常渴望像這個世界上那樣憑眼見行走,但我們必須學會憑信心行走,藉著我們被賜給對未知的少量知識,該​​未知者,來讓我們認識祂。儘管祂隱藏自己來考驗我們,但祂一直都在那裡…沒有人可以離開祂的存在。然而,一個人可以選擇這樣做,而選擇這樣做不是被召喚出來的人。空虛本身並不是像人們所想的那樣一個壞跡象。 我因悲痛和悲哀而生病, 煩惱和孤獨; 我的靈魂充滿了呻吟和渴望; 我四處張望; 我伸出手; 我的手空空歸來; 淚水充滿我的靈魂; 我哭啊哭啊哭; 沒有人可以安慰,撫慰,減輕我的痛苦。日復一日,年復一年, 一旬又一旬, 我等待,我渴望,我哭泣, 我嘆了口氣。 沒有人可以理解。 我等待早晨; 我等待傍晚; 我很傷心寂寞。我進食,我入睡,我哭泣… 我說我沒有是罪嗎 那讓我變成了這樣—— 絕望、悲傷、孤獨、不滿足, 無用、被蔑視、不受歡迎? 這不是豐盛的生命; 雖然我的肉體需求得到滿足 來去自由, 然而我無處可去。一切都是安靜的,平淡無奇的,單調乏味的和黯淡的。 我抱怨嗎 還是我只是說事情的情況 對於那些被神聖命令任命為這樣的, 不為了罪 而為了祂的目的? 我不知道; 我只知道我很哀愁也很孤獨; 這我知道。我注意到我並不害怕 就像我曾經那樣; 我不懷疑我走的道路 就像我曾經那樣, 我是嗎? 我不貪圖鄰人設身的處地; 沒有我願意與他人交換的 然而我認為,如果 不是因為主抓住我的手, 我肯定會想 結束我的性命。 如果不是為了希望更好的事情, 我會如此絕望 我會安排我的結局。 多諷刺!有很多值得感恩的, 所需要的都充足地被提供, 好妻子, 一個健康的新生兒子, 健康、整齊、安全和外在的平安, 內心卻是絕望的渴望 因為我不知道是什麼—— 朋友們?同伴?工作? 重要感?有用感?聲譽? 榮耀?尊重?認同感? 激動人心的?刺激奇遇的? 我不知道。 在靜止的時候我很煩惱。 為什麼?我不知道。 我只知道我很哀愁也很孤獨; 這我知道。 月亮河莊園,一九九一年十月二十九日
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