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“You’ve got to walk…that lonesome valley…you’ve got to walk…it by yourself…” the song goes. As it was with our father of faith, so with every sojourner. “Look to Abraham your father, and to Sarah who bore you; for I called him alone, and blessed him and increased him.” There is no other way.


On the day that I set out to walk with God

I became lonely.

My family insisted

That I remain with it –

I chose my loneliness,

Part of the price to pay

For obedience to God.


I entered a family of those

Who claimed to walk with God,

Only to discover feigned faith.

They insisted I be as they.

Called out from among them

Again I was lonely.


He gave me a wife

Knowing it not good

That I should be alone.

Together we searched for friends –

A cup of water here

And a cup there

But no well.

Today, after many years,

He gives us a son

Who helps to bear our loneliness

But we are lonely.


What is it to be lonely?

It is to be alone

In desires, in thoughts, in understanding,

In conversation, in goals and interests,

In activity, in purpose.


Added to our loneliness,

Betrayals and disappointments

To sharpen the pain that is there –

They come with smiles

And depart with frowns.


Added to our betrayals and disappointments,

The enmity of adversaries

Opposing what we are

And why we are here,

Hating us without a cause


Added to the hatred,


For they hate us

And us alone.


Moon River, Oct. 29, 1991

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