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Lisa Marshall’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Libraries Aren’t for Agendas
By Lisa Marshall, 1555 Summit St. – 09/21/2008

Public libraries shouldn’t be used as political tools to advance liberal social agendas.

Public libraries don’t have to address, serve or embrace every twisted subculture searching for legitimization. Get rid of the book and the computer porn.

I plan on voting against any new funding proposals that support the library.


patriot wrote:


A letter responding to this issue with some reasoning. Librarians are there to help the public when in the library. There must be a way to serve all, even those who want to explore "The Joy of Gay Sex". Does your child need to view such books as they search for knowledge? What value does this book offer? Should we have to escort our children in the library? My ten year old beleives this book sounds "icky" and asks, "why do they have that book in the library anyway". It’s difficult enough to raise our children and provide them with tools to succees in life, I don’t see any literary value to this book.

al wrote:

Ms. Marshall, I am one of many who view self-appointed censors, to use your own words, as a "twisted subculture searching for legitimization". The staged outrage about the library’s "Joy of Gay Sex" book is beyond silly. Everybody knows what homosexual sex is, and knowing about it doesn’t make anybody gay. My advice to these self-righteous posers is this: police your own family, leave other people alone, and get professional help for the sexual obsession that seems to have taken over your life.

thedukeofhelena wrote:

Agendas, my dear? Twisted subcultures? Oh, I think you’ve made a rather large mistake. Thats not what this is about at all. Try again, but remove the mote from thine eye, first.

gun961960 wrote:

Thats funny al….I agree….all this fuss about gay sex….very wierd. Mind your own darn business I say… is plain and simple….if you are not interested in gay sex than do not read it. I’ll tell you that I have small children and while I would not want them to read this book it is only because it is not age appropriate. If they want to read it when they turn 18, fine with me….I firmly believe that you are born gay and scientific evidence is becoming more and more supportive to that. I think it is is utterly ridiculous to believe that reading or seeing this book would influence anyone to "become" gay.

pearl1961 wrote:

I think Ms. Marshall brings up a valid point-the advancing of the liberal social agenda. To be perfectly blunt, homosexuality is not something that needs to be promoted or explored. In fact, I don’t even think that "the Joy of Sex" should be in the public library. I think the library needs to maintain a level of decency and promote higher learning-not cater to every person that feels they have the right to information that is not intellectually useful. At what point do we say enough is enough, and keep the agenda of the library consistent with educating the mind, not with titillating the senses? Obviously people have a right to read what they want, but they don’t have the right to have a public library stocking any sort of low-brow crap any group of citizens wants. Buy the dang book if you want to read it-don’t insist on tax dollars providing you information about your alternative sexual lifestyle. If we’re going to fund this, at what point do we say "no"? Will there eventually be a "Joy of bestiality" or a "Joy of masturbation?" Get real, people. A note to al: you stepped over the line when you suggest people opposed to the gay life style have a "sexual obsession". In fact, I would say it’s the other way around-those who want those types of books in the library probably lean toward a "sexual obsession". This is a free country. You have the right to be gay, we have the right not to approve of the gay lifestyle. This is America.

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