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Bob Cyper’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments


A Missing Line
By Bob Cypers, 6635 Sleeping Giant View – 09/23/08

Ms. Marshall had it right, she just left off one line.

“Public libraries shouldn’t be used as political tools to advance liberal social agendas.” The next line should read “or the religious far-right agendas.” If you chose to remove a book because you don’t agree with it on religious or political beliefs, then let’s remove any book that pertains to religion. The Bible must go! I don’t think there is a place in our libraries to promote religion.

If you don’t want your children to read “The Joy of Sex,” then don’t let them. And they’re not going to experiment with anything else; after all, all of our kids are perfect.

It’s called freedom to read what we want; get over it or remove Moby Dick because it shines a bad light on a cripple. FREEDOM!


al wrote:

Mr. Cypers, I wholeheartedly agree with your comments. Religious Correctness and Political Correctness are both detrimental to society. Deep down, there isn’t really much difference between strict idealogues, be they from the secular left or the religious right. I have little use for either variety.

thedukeofhelena wrote:

I couldn’t agree more Mr. Cypers. In fact, perhaps I’ll go down to the library and ask what it takes to get all versions of the bible banned. It can’t be that hard if Mr. Cohen is able to get as far as he has.
Unless we’re not being told the whole story, that is.

skosena wrote:

oh Mr duke please don’t try to get the bible banned….not all of us that claim Christ are crazy….besides all you will do is feed Mr Cohens delusions of greatness. If you google him it does not take long to find that he is very focused (read obsessed) with this whole subject…lets just let him flail his arms and box at the air..lets not feed his craziness….besides I know that you are far more reasonable than he is and that you do not believe in censorship.

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