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Mark Colton’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Remove the Book
By Mark Colton, 550 Tubbie Road – 08/25/08

Kudos to Mr. Paul Cohen for challenging the Helena Lewis and Clark Library board members decision to keep the book “The Joy of Gay Sex” smut available to all Library card holders regardless of age. “The Joy of Gay Sex” is particularly objectionable, showing in vivid detail nearly every conceivable way of engaging in homosexual sex.

The language used in the book is schoolyard four-letter words for what is basically a “how-to manual” for young homosexuals.

Libraries should be the family-friendliest places one can find, and the library board should take steps to protect the safety of Helena’s children and peace of mind for the city parents.

This is not about censorship but selection. No library can stock every book in print, which means space occupied by a book devoted to gay porn cannot be occupied by a book with some redeeming literary value. The library mill levy was passed for this?

Concerned parents should attend the public board meeting on Aug. 25 at 5 p.m. at the small meeting room in the library and voice your concerns.


al wrote:

Those who want this book off the library shelves are pretending, for the sake of generating more publicity, that pubescent children (the only age that would have interest in such a book) don’t already have knowledge about various kinds of sex, including gay sex. I knew about it, my friends all knew about it and, let’s face it, these self-promoting book-banning moralists all knew about it. Did having such knowledge turn them gay?

It’s obvious that their effort to take this book off the shelves is all about generating publicity, money and political influence for themselves. How dreary and tiresome they are, and how curious is their preoccupation with other peoples’ sex lives.

ccsaintdawg wrote:

Here’s an idea for those who don’t care for the book: Don’t look at it!

PaulCohen wrote:

Children steal, too, which does not mean we teach them how. And if we were preoccupied with other people’s sex lives, we wouldn’t be asking to remove their reports and concepts from public shelves, would we? And let this unthinking accuser prove we do it for publicity, money, or politics.

BigP wrote:

What about the book "The Joy of Heterosexual Sex" or the book about "The Joy of Group Sex"? Give room for one, you better find room for all. What a great concept, learn about sex acts from the library, not from your mom or dad or a counselor or a minister, just check out a book on how to have sex and hope you checked out the right book for what you think you are, homo or hetero or groupo. Hey can I find Larry Flint or Hugh Heffner on any of the shelves in the public library?

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