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Robert Bayuk’s Letter to the Editor with All Comments

Don’t Print Derogatory ‘Opinions’
By Robert Bayuk, 801 N. Warren – 09/21/08

When a patron enters the Lewis and Clark Library, peruses the bookshelves, discovers materials he or she finds offensive, wants it removed from circulation because it offends their delicate sensibilities and then wants everyone to wallow in their misery, polite society has a term for such a person: propagandist.

The Independent Record, however, has bigger fish to fry than worrying about a reprobate attempting to censor books and I will spell it out for all of you: Homosexuality is genetic and it has been proven scientifically. So the IR must now stop publishing all letters to the editor, feature articles and “Your Turn” commentaries which debase gay men and lesbian women as diseased or monsters, degenerates, or any other derogatory terminology used to cast aspersions upon them.

The IR would not publish hateful letters about someone’s skin color, eye color or genetic background. So it can now cease publishing such letters about our gay brethren and, instead, begin publishing articles about our ever-evolving humankind.


barest wrote:


Show me proof that it is “genetic disease” and the science to prove it! It is a lifestyle made by choice.

thedukeofhelena wrote:

Well said, Robert! You hit it on the spot as usual. Now, lets just see where your well written and truthful letter takes us next. You’ve made my year. Thank you.

flopwich wrote:

I’m quite amused to see that Mr. Bayuk demands censorship of comments from somebody who also demands censorship, but from the opposing perspective. Why, Mr. Bayuk, should it be all right for you to demand that any opinion with which you disagree should be censored lest it offend you, especially if you won’t grant the other gentleman the right to the censorship he desires? Is it because you’re morally superior, that you have the “right” opinion and he doesn’t? Who has determined your superiority or correctness?

I’m delighted that you’ve made all these decisions on this topic for me, by the way. It saves me the effort of having to do my own thinking. How nice of you.

If history teaches us anything at all, it’s that times change and with them the majority opinion. While today you demand suppression of all dissent from your view because you now hold the majority opinion, you could find, even in your lifetime, that the majority changes that view. If you succeed in your desire to gut the first amendment right to free speech, a right unique in time and in this country, by the way, you may one day find that your success prevents you from making the same kind of comment you made here.

Perhaps you should consider allowing others to express their opinions to guarantee your right to express yours in the future.

enu22 wrote:

degenerates fits.

PaulCohen wrote:

If “delicate sensibilities” lead one to reject father/son sex fantasies, homosexual orgies, lying to parents, men betraying their wives by committing adultery with other men, and the exposing of children to these and other perversities, then Robert Bayuk and whoever agrees with him are in dire trouble because of a lack of such sensibilities.

I don’t know of any bigger fish for a local paper to fry than the matter of condoning such blatant lawlessness in one’s own community.

Whether people are born homosexual or not is beside the point though the argument of genetics can be scientifically proven an invalid one. DNA is formed by what you do and think; it precedes and follows, forms and is formed, like the chicken and the egg. You can change.

All are born in sin. There is not a single person except for Jesus Christ that has been born without sin. Being born a sinner is no excuse for sinning, since Christ died for your sins in order that you might be freed from their bondage. Repentance is in order for all people, for all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God.

Playing the victim by making bogus accusations of hatred and slander is slander itself, and is another failed strategy of those who cannot substantively defend the public airing of their smut. The purpose of these straw man attacks is to obfuscate the real agenda of infusing society with the erroneous and destructive notion that all manner of sexual deviancy is good, healthy, and legitimate. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any reasonable person will know that without study or debate, or even the Bible.

gun961960 wrote:

Equating homosexuality with father/son sex or man and animal or orgies is Ignorant, which is what I would now come to expect from this Paul Cohen, who for some reason thinks he can speak for God. Like a previous blogger was so smart to point out…the only thing you are proving with all your Bible quotes is that you know how to read. Aside from that I don’t think most reasonable, intelligant, religious followers share your same out landish views, hate filled, outrageous, crazy views.

The same day Robert’s Letter to the Editor was posted in the Helena Independent Record, he wrote to The Path of Truth regarding Paul Cohen.

Click HERE to see our correspondence with Robert.

Click HERE to go back to “The Joy of Gay Sex?”

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