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Winnipeg, March 2, 1981

Deeper and deeper the Lord took us in Him as He brought us out of formal religious circles of every kind. These were years of conflict within and without, crises of conscience, trying times accompanied by difficult decisions and implications. Our frustrated and confounded adversaries were saying, “You just believe what you WANT to believe,” but I was realizing that wasn’t true. As the Lord was teaching us, we needed to let go of what we wanted to believe. For our lives, we needed to embrace what Jesus Christ was revealing to us, which wasn’t palatable to that selfish, religious, superstitious, world-centered, family-oriented preference we were raised to believe from the cradle.

Now we were seeing good in evil and evil in good. Whereas we once thought we knew the difference, now we began to see differently and more clearly. This was not a degenerative process but one of enlightenment and cleansing. The experience was both sweet and sour, exciting and shocking, with reward and cost.

While the fires are hot and painful, they purge of impurities and provide serious light. That which we thought was true and holy was otherwise, both within and without, and that which we thought was wrong was not so. Needless to say, such experience brings its own trials and price to pay, but God brought us through and delivered us from darkness to Light, even as He faithfully promised.

Music & Lyrics by Victor N. Hafichuk

To do or not to do?
That is the question
That’s often on my mind
And sometimes gives me torment.

Clouds and smoke may look the same
But they’re so very different.
I must not speak in vain
But say what I’m supposed to say.

The Lord is Lord of all;
With that no one can argue.
Unless we look to Him,
We become self-centered.
Then, pointing to ourselves,
We seem to be His servants
But He alone can tell.

What was once the thing to do,
He’ll no longer wink at.
What was once so wrong,
Now we grow right into.

Things are always changing
And with no change we die,
But if we change we hurt
And pain is the fruit of growing
Until we come to the fullness
In Christ Jesus our Lord.

Fazer ou não fazer

Música e Letras de Victor N. Hafichuk

Fazer ou não fazer?
Essa é a questão
Que frequentemente está em minha mente
E às vezes me dá tormento.

Nuvens e fumaça podem parecer iguais
Mas são muito diferentes.
Não devo falar em vão
Mas diga o que devo dizer.

O Senhor é o Senhor de todos;
Sobre isso, ninguém pode discutir.
A menos que olhemos para Ele,
Nós nos tornamos egocêntricos.
Então, apontando para nós mesmos,
Parecemos ser servos Dele.
Mas somente Ele pode dizer.

O que outrora era a coisa a se fazer,
Ele não irá mais olhar para isso.
O que outrora era tão errado,
Agora nós evoluimos.

As coisas estão sempre mudando
E sem mudança nós morremos,
Mas se mudarmos, nos machucamos
E a dor é fruto do crescimento
Até chegarmos à plenitude
Em Cristo Jesus, nosso Senhor.


Faire ou ne pas faire
Paroles et musique de Victor N. Hafichuk

Faire ou ne pas faire ?
C’est la question
Qui me vient souvent à l’esprit
Et parfois me donne du tourment.

Les nuages et la fumée peuvent se ressembler
Mais ils sont tellement différents.
Je ne dois pas parler en vain
Mais dire ce que je suis censé dire.

Le Seigneur est le Seigneur de tous ;
Personne ne peut arguer contre cela.
A moins que nous ne regardions vers Lui,
Nous devenons centrés sur nous-mêmes.
Alors, en pointant vers nous-mêmes,
Nous semblons être Ses serviteurs
Mais Il est le seul à pouvoir le dire.

Ce qui fut une fois la chose à faire,
Il ne la tolèrera plus.
Ce qui fut une fois si mal,
Maintenant, nous y croissons.

Les choses changent sans cesse
Et sans changement nous mourons,
Mais si nous changeons nous souffrons
Et la douleur est le fruit de la croissance
Jusqu’à ce que nous arrivions à la plénitude
En Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur.