From: Kimberly
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2016 7:21 PM
Subject: Joseph prince
I recently came upon your website proclaiming Joseph Prince a false teacher. I normally would not waste my time responding to such garbage, but I wonder, have you ever heard his preaching? He is one of the few ministers that I will watch apart from studying the word of God personally. Why? Because he teaches the truth. Jesus Christ and him crucified. Does he accept donations yes. Does he demand that we send a gift of $1000 to his ministry in order to be blessed, no. He is not Jesus, he does not claim to be. If he uses the name of Prince, well we are all children of the king. Doesn’t that make us all princes? Do you read God’s word? You will find Joseph Princes teachings Holy Spirit filled. Why? Because they are based on the truth that sets us free. Jesus Christ, of whom grace and truth came through. I question you as a representative of Satan sent to deceive people into believing your lies so that people will remain in bondage of sin. Instead of receiving salvation through grace, which God gave through his only son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Nice try Satan, but you have no authority here and you are defeated by the blood of Jesus. Amen.
From: Kimberly
To: The Path of Truth
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2016 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: Joseph prince
Mr. Hafichuk. I just sent you an email responding to your post on Joseph Prince. I wanted to follow up with the fact that I just read your testimony, and I repent in calling you a messenger of Satan. With that said, your testimony is exactly everything that Joseph Prince teaches. My testimony is similar. We all need to be careful in what we are saying. If any of us boasts in ourselves let God judge us, but if our testimony brings people to Christ, amen. Please consider this.
From: Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
To: Kimberly
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 6:55 AM
Subject: Re[2]: Joseph prince
Kimberly – we stand by what is published on our site about Joseph Prince. He isn’t a man of God and he isn’t preaching the Gospel the Lord has given His true servants. We’ve been careful in what we’re saying, but you haven’t been careful in what you’re hearing. Nor have you been circumspect with your speech to God and us. You’ve been dangerously otherwise.
For more on the false gospel and errant teachings and ways of the imposter Joseph Prince, read the following two writings:
The True Marks of a Cult
Diabolical Doctrines
Paul and Victor
From: Kimberly
To: Paul Cohen
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Joseph prince
How do we overcome? By the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. My life was radically changed when Jesus came into my heart. We are both in error to be judging our brother and each other. I make no more foolish talk about this. I am alive on earth to share the love of my Savior. Amen
From: Paul Cohen
To: Kimberly
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 7:04 AM
Subject: Re[4]: Joseph prince
“Do not judge according to sight, but judge righteous judgment”
(John 7:24 MKJV).
Speak for yourself, Kimberly. You’re wrong because you judge according to your sight, but we’re right because we judge according to the Lord and His righteousness. So if you want to make no more foolish talk, stop talking.
Still, your foolish thoughts and ways will remain and will continue to destroy you unless you repent.
Here’s the love of your savior you’re sharing: False Love – Satan’s Last Stronghold.
Paul and Victor