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Universalism – The False Kind


Having heard the good news that all will be made alive in Christ, the Universalists have run ahead of themselves lawlessly, preaching an end, while leaving behind the Means. Without repentance, and submission to the will of God in Christ Jesus, the End never comes, but instead we have many deceived and wounded souls who are heaping torments on themselves for the days to come.

Don Quixote, a man deluded into interacting with the world solely in terms of medieval knight errantry, consumed as he was by much reading and feverish contemplation, serves as the poster child of all religious fanatics. The difference between a religious fanatic and a saint (follower of God) is that the saint is consumed by God, the fanatic by dogma, doctrine, persons, groups, feelings, intellectual knowledge, rituals, and anything BUT God. The fanatic misreads everything; the saint is in his or her right mind. In this series of communications we are speaking with a Don Quixote, his chosen delusion the doctrine of universal salvation. In this case it is not the doctrine but the man that is in error. We show why, and give answers pointing the Way out of delusion to sanity.

Gary Sigler, the author of the article addressed in “The Deadly Error of the Universalists,” replies and we answer him regarding the difference between presumption of grace, and true grace demonstrated by works of faith. One is anti-Christ, while the other is Christ.

The Effects of the Deadly Error of the Universalists          

Those who promote the Universalists’ delusional and deadly error (presuming to be at the wedding feast when they have no wedding garment) suffer very real tragedy and loss. They miss partaking of the reconciliation and goodness of God they propose to have and enjoy, while they act out a fantasy that starts bad and gets worse. This correspondence presents the pitfalls and evil outcomes of the deadly error as exemplified by one of its promoters.

Some are consumed with preaching against the doctrine of eternal torment. Can it be that God raises certain up to take on a particular issue? Perhaps so; He can do that. Or is it that the one preaching against eternal torment has a problem?

We answer a universalist that challenges us to debate. He says we are too harsh and judgmental of others. We show that he is the one judging by sight, unrighteously.

A universalist struggles with hearing the truth that not all people are children of God.

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