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Different Truths, Different Loves

We received this response to The Deadly Error of the Universalists:


Thank you for taking the time to email me about the errors of Gary’s teachings. I am now much more aware of where you are coming from in your teachings and the errors of Gary’s.

Perhaps, like you, I might enlighten you just a wee bit as to one error that is so BIG that the entire Christian Community would topple and crumble if it were known, and I am sure that you would not want that to happen!

Malachai 3:6 says that “The Lord changes not”, that is in the translations. I have studied this intently and discovered that the real meaning is just the opposite!

Are you ready?

It really means … I am the Lord, and I am in constant change. I do not repeat myself… I do not do the same thing twice!

Is that just a little bit different? Maybe… a little…

The problem with letting this kind(s) of information out is that people will start listening to the Holy Spirit… (the teacher of all truth) instead of listening to their preachers and we both know what would happen if that happened! OUT OF CONTROL ! CHAOS!

So, you should probably keep that under your belt for a bit…




Victor’s reply:

Hi Wayne, Victor here (with Paul),

If by the “entire Christian community,” you mean the nominal one, it will not matter if it topples. In fact, it needs to topple. You may be speaking tongue in cheek, saying you are sure we would not want that to happen. I assure you that we would. It is Mystery Babylon, and she is drunk with the blood of the saints and prophets. Why would we not want to see her topple? However, if you speak of true believers, the Lord knows them that are His and is quite able to keep them.

As to this revelation that God is in constant change, this we know: We can depend on Him; we have a sure anchor for our souls; He never fails; He desires our best; He is all powerful, sovereign over all things, being the Creator; in all these things, He never changes. We know this and are very thankful for it. He is faithful. He will never be otherwise. He cannot lie. He will never lie. He is love. He will never be hate. He knows all things. He will never be ignorant. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. In that He will never change.

Malachi 3:6 in Hebrew is “lo shanah,” which means, “do not change.” I do not know where you get the impression that it is the opposite. We will not keep your understanding under our belts because it is a lie. Why should we entertain lies? As for the truth, we will shout it from the housetops. You seem to suggest that truth will bring chaos. While the truth brings chaos to liars and the unbelieving, it makes those who know it free. Knowing the truth, we are free, afraid of nothing but the Lord Himself.

Better you should listen to the Holy Spirit than entertain lies, Wayne. Turn away from the spirit that deceives you, and turn to the Truth, your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died and, in three days, rose again from the dead by His own will and power, spoiling the principalities and powers of darkness for your sake. Take advantage of it…believe the truth. Yes, we are loved, and so are you.


Wayne’s response:


Thank you for sharing your truth with me. However, I am glad that what you shared is your truth and not mine…

Love is such a powerful tool… you might try and look at it sometime.



Albert Einstein asked Mahatma Ghandi what Namastae meant. Here is his reply:

“ I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides.
I honor the place in you of light, love, truth, peace, and wisdom.
I honor the place in you where, when you are in that place, and I am in that place, there’s only one of us.”

Remember… If you don’t pay your exorcist, you get repossessed!

Victor’s reply:

As I said, Wayne, you are listening to lies. Therefore, you are a liar. Being a liar you have never known the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is Truth. If not knowing Him, true love is impossible, though a deceptive love like yours appears to exist. All you can do is thank me disingenuously and counsel with sarcasm. Do you call that love? You have never known love or you would not say the foolish things you do, much less call love a tool. How can you possibly recommend it to anyone, never having tried it yourself?

It will not be long before you know the value of your “truth” and your “love.” It is necessary that you find out. You will then, in humility, realize, and repent of, your offences toward God, His goodness, and those He sends.


Paul’s reply:


Here are some questions to help you compare the truth you have with the truth preached in Scripture.

Jesus said to the Pharisees:

a) “I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides.”
b) “Offspring of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”

John the Baptist said to the people who came to hear him preach:

a) “I honor the place in you of light, love, truth, peace, and wisdom.”
b) “O generation of vipers! Who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bring forth fruits worthy of repentance….”

Peter said to the people to whom he spoke at Pentecost:

a) “I honor the place in you where, when you are in that place, and I am in that place, there’s only one of us.”
b) “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ to remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

It appears that they also fall short of your “truth” and “love.” But what would they know next to you? Who is John, but the greatest prophet born of woman? Who is Peter, but an apostle born of the Heavenly Jerusalem? Who is Jesus, but God Himself manifest in the flesh? What is all that compared to you, the pure expression of “love” and “truth”? What does God know?

Now, I have a secret for you. Your kind of love is destroying the world.

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