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Diabolical Doctrine: One Cannot See God’s Face and Live (Physically Survive)


Understanding the Scriptures requires spiritual revelation. A case in point: It is written that no man can see God’s face and live, but how does that look? It requires spiritual enlightenment, rather than a literal interpretation, to know what God means.

The ignorant and wicked who profess to love and serve Jesus Christ carnally interpret the Scriptures to condemn those who have seen Him, calling them deceived, deceivers, heretics, or demon-inspired, not knowing these accusers condemn themselves and the One they have never seen, but only heard of.

“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye has seen You. Therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:5-6 MKJV).

(I, Victor, have seen God’s face and didn’t survive as I was, thanks be to God.)

Read Seeing God and Living.

Consider the alternative to this doctrine of ignorance: You’ll not fear seeing or having seen God, knowing He promised it and intends it for good.













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