Definition of False Teacher: One who presumes to teach in the Name of the Lord when God has not sent him.

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False Teachers and Prophets

(Last Names Starting with “B”)

“They’re a sorry bunch–pseudo-apostles, lying preachers, crooked workers–posing as Christ’s agents but sham to the core. And no wonder! Satan does it all the time, dressing up as a beautiful angel of light. So it shouldn’t surprise us when his servants masquerade as servants of God. But they’re not getting by with anything. They’ll pay for it in the end”
(2 Corinthians 11:13-15 MSG).

What is a false teacher and how does one qualify for this list?

False teachers are those who presume to teach in their own authority (as did the scribes), often in the Name of the Lord, when He has not sent them. Though they have knowledge of Biblical truths, they are, at best, in delusion, presuming to turn others to the Kingdom of God when, in fact, they are building the corrupt kingdoms of men. At worst, they are deliberate charlatans, seeking to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy, using Biblical truths to do so.

A teacher I follow is not listed here. Does that mean they aren't false?

This list is not meant to be an exhaustive one. What is important is that one learns to discern truth from error.

“Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God, and him who does not serve Him” (Malachi 3:18 MKJV).

No person rightfully takes upon himself the role of a teacher or any other ministry of God without God’s power and authority. In a world full of teachers, preachers, elders, deacons, speakers, writers, evangelists, pastors, prophets, and apostles, rare are the true ministers representing the Lord Jesus Christ. Many are the false, and very few the true, even as in Noah’s day.

I heard the truth for the first time from a teacher listed here on this site. How is that?

Though false teachers lead astray, the Biblical truths they teach can lead to Christ those whom God has called and is choosing. The truth quickens those being given the gift of faith. However, faith manifest in the one who receives the truth does not certify as God’s representative the one who speaks some truth. The child of faith who walks in obedience to Christ will soon enough part ways with those who mix truth with error.

This is God’s commandment:

“Therefore come out from among them and be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing. And I will receive you and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:17-18 MKJV).

How can a teacher be false when they teach true things found in the Bible?
False teachers mix the holy things of God with their carnal thoughts, creating a false form of godliness. They can’t do otherwise, because they haven’t taken up the cross and submitted themselves to Christ’s righteousness. They are still in their sin nature, living unto themselves, teaching doctrines and commandments of men.And because false teachers haven’t submitted themselves to Christ’s righteousness, they can’t lead others there. A false teacher is one who may speak truth, yet points his hearers in another direction.An example of this would be that of a “Tijuana taxi,” or any predator of tourists who says, “Yes, I know exactly where such-and-such a place is, and I’ll take you there. On the way, I’ll tell you all you want to know about it. Please, get in.”Guess what? He gets you there after a half-hour drive, but didn’t tell you it was only a block away from where you began with him. Meanwhile he charges you for the time or mileage.And though he filled you in on what the place is all about, what he doesn’t, can’t, and won’t tell you is that you need a membership to enter. He drops you off at the gate, and you find out your trip was for naught.Isn’t that just like the churches and spiritual leaders one encounters in a multiplicity of places and forms? They have truth, and they may even get you into the wedding feast, but never with a wedding garment.Therefore, while the truth spoken is to be believed (no matter who speaks it or what affiliation the speaker may have), false teachers are not to be followed. Teachers sent of God are to be followed, as with the example given by the apostle Paul, who said by the Spirit, “Become followers of me, even as I am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). A false teacher leads into the emptiness of self-righteousness and death, but a true teacher leads to the fullness of Christ and life.
After reading what's written here, I still can't determine if the teacher I follow is true or false. Is there anything else I can read that may help?
See also Diabolical Doctrines, The True Marks of a Cult, and Teachings. Indeed, our entire website will help you to forsake the error and to walk in the path of truth.
(Click on the links below for a short summary of each teacher along with a link to their listing.)

Bacchiocchi, Samuele
The life and death of Mr. Bacchiocchi is a classic representation of religious man’s self-serving works that lead to confusion, contradiction, and destruction. He goes on to show that the Seventh Day Adventist religion, for all its posturing about being different from mainstream Christianity, is no different at all. It is full of compromise and error, just like all of men’s religions. Pretending to be more righteous makes it even more despicable in the sight of God.

Read False Teacher – Samuele Bacchiocchi
Barrett, Kevin
“Behold, I am against the prophets, says the LORD, that use their tongues, and say, ?He says'” (Jeremiah 23:31 KJV). And those who follow the false prophets aren't guiltless. “The prophets prophesy falsely? and My people love to have it so, and what will you do at the end of it?” (Jeremiah 5:31 MKJV)

Read False Teacher – Kevin Barrett
Baxter, Mary
The fire of God is good. Here it obliterates the most egregious of lies ever told about the Lord Jesus Christ. Mary Baxter, working from the platform of orthodox Christian doctrine, has served up a sensational tale of a personal tour of hell chaperoned by the Lord. This presents us with the perfect springboard for exposing the absurd and wicked notions of false Christianity.

Read False Teacher – Mary Baxter
Begg, Alistair
Most often false teachers who come in the Name of Christ proclaim they agree with the Bible, from which they preach. But in reality they don’t agree, not with the Spirit of its Author. They substitute their own doctrines that confuse and lead people away from the Truth to worshipping false gods that destroy, rather than save. This is Alistair Begg and David F. Wells.

Read False Teachers – Alistair Begg and David F. Wells
ben-Tekoa, Shai
After an email to Sha’i ben-Tekoa of Phantom Nation alerting him to PM Bibi Netanyahu’s great error of congratulating Joe Biden as President of the United States, Sha’i gets defensive and offended at being sent “Christian material” and references to the “Old Testament”. It’s no wonder, though a Jew in the flesh, he’s not a True Jew, one in whom the True Jew resides.

Read False Teacher – Shai ben-Tekoa
Bent, Wayne
Almost seven years ago we met a man claiming to be the Messiah. He went by the name of “Michael Travesser,” the assumed name of Wayne Bent, the same person that was in the news as the “leader of an apocalyptic cult” arrested in New Mexico on unspecified charges. There is talk of child molestation, which Bent denies, though he does admit to having slept with three of his followers' wives, including his son's, at the direction of God and the instigation of the women. (“The man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.” Genesis 3:12 HNV (only these were not the women God gave to Wayne.)While it is easy to dismiss such antics as those of a delusional sociopath, people who have tried talking to Wayne and his followers have found themselves unable to effectively argue against their delusion. In this string of correspondence, we show Wayne how he is wrong according to the Scriptures he used to justify his sins, while exposing his arrogant, wrongheaded manner for all to see.

Read False Teacher – Wayne Bent
Bentley, Todd
“But evil men and seducers will go forward to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13 MKJV). All manias end with a blow-off phase where all sense is abandoned, because people are given over to their lusts entirely. So we know that we are nearing the end of evil men and seducers when they laugh like devils and call that the worship of God.

Read The Bottom of the Barrel
Berrigan, Daniel
A man presents the popular philosophy that peace can be achieved through imitation of Jesus, as espoused by the famous Catholic priest, Daniel Berrigan. We contrast this with Reality, which comes not by imitation of what men conceive Christ to be, which is dead, but by submission to the living Word of God and Prince of Peace Himself, Jesus Christ, without Whose Presence peace is impossible and wars are inevitable.

Read False Teacher – Daniel Berrigan
Bevere, John
From the beginning, Satan tempted man with determining his spiritual status. That’s how he lured Eve into eating from the Tree of Knowledge. “And the serpent said to the woman, ‘You shall not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil’” (Genesis 3:4-5 MKJV). John Bevere, one of Satan’s minions, brings a new look to the oldest of temptations.

Read False Teacher – John Bevere
Bilezikian, Gilbert
Nice guys can finish first – in this world. To finish first in the Kingdom, you will not be thought of as nice. You will be hated by all men because you are identified with Jesus Christ, Who is outside their religious camps. You will not be teaching how to draw men like flies into a megachurch, as Dr. Bilezikian does. You will not be building cities like Cain.

Read False Teacher – Gilbert Bilezikian
Blackaby, Henry
Here is a man who has impressed many and vaunted himself over millions. He has perfected the art of bamboozlement as few have. Herein you will find the true nature and essence of the Blackaby doctrine, learned and experienced firsthand by Victor and his wife, Marilyn, preceding and following a central event in their spiritual journey, the baptism in the Spirit of God.This occurred during the time they attended Henry’s Bible school in the 70’s, and led to their being asked to leave, which was the Lord’s way of beginning their separation from the works of men and paths of the destroyer. Isn’t it time for many to know the truth of what Henry Blackaby teaches and be made free of the unbearable burden he lays ever so virtuously on the consciences of so many, including his own family?

Read False Teacher – Henry Blackaby
Blackwood, Rick
A prominent falsehood taught by counterfeit Christians is that Satan plots against mankind as a loose cannon whom God must contend with and counteract. This teaching creates a convenient scapegoat, while shifting the focus off of man where it squarely belongs.

Read False Teacher – Rick Blackwood
Blue, Debbie
Men, in their unregenerate state, don’t recognize their own depravity or God’s righteousness. Indeed, they substitute the former for the latter, making God in their own image and teaching others this perversion on their authority as “reverends.” Taking such a title says it all; who is to be revered, God or man?

Read False Teacher – Debbie Blue
Boota, Maison, Wiggs, Servant
Ministers of Christ never come asking for money, even implicitly or by indirect means. The children of this world who appear as ministers of Christ invariably do, because they depend on man and not on God. They cloak their covetousness behind the needs of others, whom they advertise and promote as the recipients of their “godly” attention and your money. In this narrative, see how one spider catches three others in its money web, for evil, and how the Lord catches all of them for the fire, for good.

Read False Teachers – Razia Boota, Perry Maison, Evan Wiggs, and David Servant
Boota, Razia
Ministers of Christ never come asking for money, even implicitly or by indirect means. The children of this world who appear as ministers of Christ invariably do, because they depend on man and not on God. They cloak their covetousness behind the needs of others, whom they advertise and promote as the recipients of their “godly” attention and your money. In this narrative, see how one spider catches three others in its money web, for evil, and how the Lord catches all of them for the fire, for good.

Read False Teachers – Razia Boota, Perry Maison, Evan Wiggs, and David Servant
Bosch, Anton
Anton Bosch says you should not correct a fool. But what about him? If he displays all the earmarks of a fool, is not his advice foolish? Should not his folly be answered, according to the Word of God, so that he might not be wise in his own eyes? It is true that a fool cannot answer another fool in such a manner, but those in Christ can. God has given us wisdom to answer fools, which Victor does here with Anton and we share for the edification of all.

Read False Teacher – Anton Bosch
Boshoff, Jan
To be anything in this world, whether a plumber or a prophet, you need to know what the occupation consists of and requires. If a plumber showed up at your place without any tools, insisting he could install your new fixtures, you wouldn't let him in. But false prophets like Jan Boshoff show up every day without the tools or wherewith to do the job, and people readily believe and receive them. That's because they bring counterfeit tools (like Mary Baxter's false vision of Hell), which deceive and destroy, rather than deliver.

Read False Teacher – Jan Boshoff
Botkin, Daniel
We answer a Messianic preacher and publisher of The Gates of Eden newsletter, Daniel Botkin, regarding his teaching of the blasphemous doctrine of “eternal hell,” and show how this error is propagated by self-righteousness, fear, and, in his case, willful ignorance of the Word of God. Botkin appeals to the authority of Moishe Rosen, founder of “Jews for Jesus,” who also is addressed in his foolish argument.

Read False Teachers – Daniel Botkin & Moishe Rosen
Box, Paul
You can leave behind your denominations, but if you retain their trappings, you’re still trapped. And you can search the Scriptures all day long, thinking to rightly divide them, but if you don’t come and listen to Him Whom the Scriptures are about, as He lives today, you will be sadly mistaken.

Read False Teacher – Paul Box
Boyd, Greg
The wisdom of this world is naturally attractive to man, but it’s most deceitful when presented as from God. The serpent did this in the beginning in the Garden and his approach still works today, presenting tempting morsels as revelations of God. Thank God for Jesus Christ and the access He’s given us to the Tree of Life! “O Timothy! Guard that which was committed to your trust, turning away from the profane and empty babblings and opposing views of what is falsely called ‘knowledge’” (1 Timothy 6:20 EMTV).

Read False Teacher – Greg Boyd
Branham, William
William Branham preached that he was the herald prophesied of by Malachi that would appear before the coming of the Lord. One problem with this notion is that he was almost two thousand years late, as Jesus had already said that John the Baptist fulfilled those words. Another problem is that nothing happened with Branham, unlike with John who was actually followed by the appearing of the Messiah.But such trifles do not stop the deceived from believing deceivers. Convinced by the allegedly miraculous powers and occurrences in Branham's life, his followers make him the touchstone for their salvation. Such idolatry has nothing to do with the salvation of the Lord, however. We correspond with two prominent Branhamites who contend for his name while we contend for the faith of Christ. In the course of this conversation many errors and false ways are exposed that are not only applicable to Branham, but to many religious.

Read William Branham – Deceived by Signs and Lying Wonders
Bretherick, Graham
Not only do Satan’s servants bring destruction to others, they suffer it themselves as the victims of their own deception. While Christ gives a deposit of pure gold, Satan gives a “UOI” (not an IOU), keeping his subjects under the yoke and bondage of serving themselves in His kingdom of darkness. Light solves that problem, when it is shone by God in Christ, and walked in by men. That is the Kingdom of God on earth.

Read Satan’s Fallen Soldiers
Brim, Billye
Billye Brim, with her Billye Brim Ministries at, is another false teacher who comes in her own name, presuming to represent the Lord Jesus Christ. She does not.

Read False Teacher – Billye Brim
Brown, Tom
How false preachers give themselves away at every turn yet appear to men as angels of light! Tom Brown styles himself as a minister of Christ, casting out devils by the finger of God. But he doesn’t have time to hear the Truth, much less answer It. So he replies to us. And we say, how could he answer Truth, being a son of darkness and devoid of substance? Come see his fruits.

Read Tom Brown – The Ways of a Self-Promoting Hireling
Browne, Rodney H.
“But evil men and seducers will go forward to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13 MKJV). All manias end with a blow-off phase where all sense is abandoned, because people are given over to their lusts entirely. So we know that we are nearing the end of evil men and seducers when they laugh like devils and call that the worship of God.

Read The Bottom of the Barrel
Buddhism, Examined from a Godly Biblical Perspective
There are so many people who believe the lie that Christ is but one of many ways to God. They believe that the major religions of the world are in agreement and harmony with Christ and the Bible. There is nothing farther from the truth. Herein is addressed Buddhism in particular, with reference to the philosophical assertions of Deepak Chopra and Robert Thurman.

Read Buddhism Examined from a Godly and Biblical Perspective
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